This week’s parsha of Nitzavim is always read on the Shabbos before Rosh Hashana. The Alter Rebbe received through the Maggid from the Baal Shem Tov the following teaching. Bnei Yisroel have the power to bless eleven months of the year on the Shabbos Mevarchim of each month. This is for each chodesh but not for Rosh Hashana. Hashem blesses this month, and with that bracha Bnei Yisroel have the ability to bless the remaining eleven months.
What is the bracha that Hashem gives for Rosh Hashana? The bracha is founs in the first words of this week’s parsha; “Atem Nitzavim Hayom- You are standing firm today”; The pasuk continues; “Kulchem- all of you together”. “this day” refers to Rosh Hashana, meaning that you are standing firm, meritorious, all together on the Day of Judgement.
The Alter Rebbe says in Likutei Torah that we are all together because we are crowning Hashem as King. As the pasuk says; “Veyehi b’Yeshurun Melech- That Bnei Yisroel has a King in it’s midst”. The pasuk continues; “Yachad Shivtei Yisroel- when you are all together as one”.
Since there are so many differences amongst Bnei Yisroel, how is it possible that we are all together as one? This is because Moshe Rabbeinu brought us into a covenant that each Jew is an “arev” a guarantor for his fellow Jew.
At first glance the ability for one to be a guarantor for another has clear limitations. An example is a guarantor on a loan. A guarantor would need to have the sufficient wealth to guarantee the loan of someone of lesser means. The opposite, the guarantee of a person of lesser means than the one taking the loan would not qualify. So too, how are we able to say that every Jew no matter if he is simple or wise can be a guarantor for every other Jew?
There is a halacha that states that an individual who said kiddush may recite it again for someone who has not yet heard. This is true even though he has already fulfilled his obligation of kiddush. The reason is because he has a separate responsibility for his follow Jew to help him fulfill his obligation as well. This obligation is the same and effective regardless of whether he is simple or a leader.
The Alter Rebbe says additionally that just as a foot, although not a head, has a unique quality that serves a purpose. It provides mobility to the head. So too every Jew regardless of his station in life has some unique virtue that serves to complete the Jewish people. This is another meaning of the word “arev”, that all of Bnei Yisroel are “mixed” together, and thereby complete one another.
This is the connection to Rosh Hashana, the Day of Judgement when we crown Hashem as King. If we are separated from each other, then there is no security of success. But, if we are together as one, and as a whole we are good, then we are certain that we will be zoche b’din, we will be found meritorious and be able to crown Hashem as King. And through uniting we will merit a Ksiva v’Chasima Tovah l”Shana Tovah u’Mesuka.