- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for the KYY update.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud pledges and outstanding membership before Yom Tov. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Bikur Cholim: Mr. Oscar Piperno is in Sharon Convalescent Hospital - 8167 W 3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90048. Please consider visiting or contacting him before or after Shabbos.
Shul Bulletin
Announcements - Lech Lecha
Shabbos Schedule - Lech Lecha
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:42
- Chassidus, Starbucks and babysitting: 8:40-9:30 sharp @ 118 S. Orange Dr.
- Chassidus for Early Minyan with Rabbi Zalman Friedman: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:54 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yakov Yehuda: 10:15 am
- Mesibas Shabbos For Girls: 4:30 pm
- Mincha: 5:40 pm
- Shabbos Ends: 6:45 pm
- Motzei Shabbos - Turn Clocks Back One Hour
Sholom Zochor & Bris
Tzemach and Dvory Rosenfeld
Invite the community to a Sholom Zochor
at 321 N Highland Ave.
The bris will iy"h take place on Shabbos afternoon
12:30 pm at 321 N Highland Ave.
Kiddush Sponsors - Lech Lecha
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shloime Arnold in honor of Rabbi Shloime Arnold’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Bastomski in honor of Rabbi Yisroel Bastomski’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Naftoli Estulin for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Fayge Estulin’s mother Chana Rivkah bas Reb Aron ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Mr. & Mrs. Sholom Fine in honor of the ufruf of their son Dov. May he be Zoche to build a binyan aday ad.
- Mr. & Mrs. David Kaufman in honor of Mr. David Kaufman’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. & Mrs. Berl Sroka in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
Also for the yahrtzeits of Mr. Berl Sroka's Grandparents Reb Aron ben Reb Moshe Dovid ob"m and Zlata bas Reb Yitzchok Dovid ob"m.
Also for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Mindy Sroka’s father Reb Yosef ben Reb Noson Halevi ob"m. May the neshomos have an aliya. - Mr. Joel Yachzel for the yahrtzeit of his mother Tzerel bas Reb Ben Tzion ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Lech Lecha
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Sufrin in honor of Rabbi Shmuel Sufrin’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Women's Shabbos Shiur - Lech Lecha
5:00 pm - At the home of Mrs. Yocheved Lezak
423 N Fuller Ave.
Speaker: Rabbi Levi Kramer
Mazal Tov To - Lech Lecha
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yankee Raichik on the engagement of their son Levi to Chanee Greenberg.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Tzemach Rosenfeld on the birth of their son.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Mendel Berkowitz - 9 Cheshvan
- Mr. Maayan Kerbel - 9 Cheshvan
- Rabbi Aharon Shapiro - 10 Cheshvan
- Shmuel Elimelech Cohen - 10 Cheshvan
- Mr. Shmuel Sufrin - 11 Cheshvan
- Mr. David Kaufman - 11 Cheshvan
- Menachem Mendel Munitz - 12 Cheshvan
- Ephraim Pinchas Lerner - 12 Cheshvan
- Rabbi Yisroel Bastomski - 13 Cheshvan
- Menachem Mendel Gansburg - 14 Cheshvan
- Shlomo Yaakov Stark - 14 Cheshvan
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Mr. & Mrs. Frank Revere - 11 Cheshvan
- Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Koch - 12 Cheshvan
- Mr. & Mrs. Berl Sroka - 12 Cheshvan
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Shaina Baila bas Reb Moshe (Mr. Mottel Polityko’s grandmother) - 11 Cheshvan
- Chana Rivkah bas Reb Aron (Mrs. Fayge Estulin’s mother) - 11 Cheshvan
- Reb Yerachmiel Menachem ben Reb Chaim Yakov Yisrael (Rabbi Note Berger’s grandfather) - 12 Cheshvan
- Reb Yitzchok ben Reb Yisroel (Mr. Milton Goodman’s brother) - 13 Cheshvan
- Reb Yosef ben Reb Noson Halevi (Mrs. Mindy Sroka’s father) - 13 Cheshvan
- Tzerel bas Reb Ben Tzion (Mr. Joel Yachzel’s mother) - 14 Cheshvan
Devar Torah - Lech Lecha
The True Inheritors of Avraham
Don’t Check Polls and Don’t Look Back
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
In this week’s parsha of Lech-Lecha the Torah describes the war of the 4 Kings against the 5 Kings. When Lot was taken captive by the stronger more formidable successful group of 4 Kings, Og the King of Bashan came to inform Avraham.
Og had a plan. He knew that Avraham was a man of his word and had agreed to protect Lot. He was hoping that Avraham would throw caution to the wind against overwhelming odds and go fight the war against the 4 kings. In Og’s mind he didn’t have a chance. Then, after Avraham would fall in war he would take Sarah as his wife.
The Midrash says that night was Pesach and Avraham was busy baking matzos when Og arrived. The Rebbe asks why the Midrash mentions this point; there must be an underlying intention or message.
The Rebbe explains that Og was filled with doubt if his plan would succeed. While its true that Avraham had agreed to protect Lot, everyone knew, especially Avraham that his 318 men (or just Eliezer according to a second explanation) faced impossible odds. Would Avraham take on a completely unnatural and metaphysical conflict with no logic to save Lot? He was unsure. Then he saw the matzo. He saw the pure emunah of Avraham and then he knew that his plan would work. Avraham would go to war, get killed and he would have Sarah as a wife. Og got the surprise of his life when Avraham returned victorious.
The lesson to all of us, inheritors of Avraham and his way, is obvious. There’s an Og out there with different names. Call him the UN the EU or even the US. The world is screaming at us that we cannot build and live peacefully in our own land. There is a big temptation to recoil in fear from what could happen to us if we don’t listen to and follow conventional wisdom. Our odds aren’t so great from an empirical perspective. It’s not easy to stand up against the whole world to fulfill our agreement to live the life of the Torah and mitzvos open and proudly and settle Eretz Yisroel. But we are the children of Avraham and it’s with his example of rock solid emunah that we go forward proudly and openly keeping the Torah and mitzvos and settling the land knowing that we have the strength to overcome despite any and all odds.
We know and we have seen over and over that compromise has never helped; it has only complicated matters and ended in even greater dangers. With emunah we can fight and win, the same today as in the times of Avraham.
The Rebbe said that Moshiach is coming and we need to prepare the world. Some look around in fear at the UN the EU and even the US and start using polls and odds in our approach coopting the doubting mindset of the giant Og. We need to go out together with Eliezer, Kel-li-ezer, Hashem is my help, together with the Aibishter’s help and be victorious regardless of any other consideration. With Hashem and Toras Emes we will break through all of the doubts and all of the worries. Practically speaking by strengthening the chinuch of our children and the values in our homes, by dressing modestly and having a shiur Torah and davening we have the strength to break through all of the fears without any calculations and prepare the world for the revelation of Moshiach, Now!
Announcements - Noach
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for the KYY update.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud pledges and outstanding membership before Yom Tov. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Nichum Aveilim: It is with great sadness that we inform the community of the passing of (3 months old) Chaya Zissel Braun who was the victim of a terror attack in Jerusalem. Beloved daughter of Shmueli and Chanie Braun. Beloved grandaughter of Moshe and Esther Braun of Los Angeles.
CONDOLENCES: Phone in israel is 323-329-9494. Email for Shmuly Braun: [email protected]. Moshe and Esther Braun (They are in Israel) EMAIL: [email protected] CELL: 011-972-54-8404597. Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Betoch Shaar Aveilei Tzion VeYerushalaim. Vehokitzu veranenu shochnei ofor....vehe besocham.
Shabbos Schedule - Noach
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:50
- Chassidus, Starbucks and babysitting: 8:45-9:30 sharp @ 118 S. Orange Dr.
- Chassidus for Early Minyan with Rabbi Zalman Friedman: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:51 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yakov Yehuda: 10:15 am
- Mesibas Shabbos For Girls: 4:30 pm
- Mincha: 5:50 pm
- Shabbos Ends: 6:53 pm
Kiddush Sponsors - Noach
- Mr. & Mrs. Zalman Roth in honor of the sheva berochos of their daughter and son in law Ita & Moshe Simons. May he be Zoche to build a binyan aday ad.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Braude in honor of Rabbi Boruch Braude’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Fishman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Miriam Fishman’s father Reb Tuvya Velvel ben Reb Meir ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Katz in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shmulik Schneerson in honor of Rabbi Shmulik Schneerson’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also in honor of the upshernish of their son. May they have much nachas from him and may he grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Noach
- Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Anatian in honor of Mr. Moshe Anatian’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Goldman in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Dovi Gorelik in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Zali Munitz in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Pinson in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together. Also in honor of their son Shua’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuli Raitman in honor of Rabbi Shmuli Raitman’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Rubinstein in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together. Also in honor of their son Moishele’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Vcherashansky in honor of Rabbi Yossi Vcherashansky’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Women's Shabbos Shiur - Noach
5:00 pm - At the home of Mrs. Etty Bastomski
418 N Fuller Ave.
Speaker: Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz
Mazal Tov To - Noach
- Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Novak on the engagement of their son Mendel to Sara Weiss.
- Rabbi & Dr. Nachum Pinson on the birth of their grandson.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yankee Raichik on the birth of their granddaughter Chaya Mushka Shemtov (to Benzion & Simi Shemtov).
- Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Rappaport on the birth of their grandson (to Ezzy and Malka Rappaport).
- Mr. & Mrs. Zalmen Roth on the marriage of their daughter Ita to Moshe Simons.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shmulik Schneerson on the upshernish of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Schneerson.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Rabbi Boruch Braude - 1 Cheshvan
- Rabbi Yossi Vcherashansky - 1 Cheshvan
- Moishele Rubinstein - 2 Cheshvan
- Mr. Moshe Anatian - 2 Cheshvan
- Mr. Ben Tzion Novack - 3 Cheshvan
- Rabbi Shmulik Schneerson - 4 Cheshvan
- Rabbi Elozor Fisch - 5 Cheshvan
- Avrohom Yechezkel Wiener - 6 Cheshvan
- Zev Aharon Allison - 6 Cheshvan
- Rabbi Shloime Arnold - 7 Cheshvan
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Katz - 1 Cheshvan
- Rabbbi & Mrs. Yossi Pinson - 2 Cheshvan
Devar Torah - Noach
Building and Maintaining our Teiva in 5775-2014
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
First, I want to send our condolences to the Braun family who lost their 3-month-old baby Chaya Zissel in a terror incident in Yerushalayim. May Hashem give the family the courage to overcome this tragedy and may they only know simchas in the future.
This tragedy reminds all of us that there is an enemy out there that is determined to carry out its evil plans. We need to be strong, determined and patient, continuing with even greater strength than before in carrying out our important mission in this world that will lead to the geula shleima.
Unfortunately, all too often we see weakness coming from our side in the form of compromises and looking the other way when a strong response is necessary. True, the terrorists get their houses demolished and they sit in jail for a while. As we see however this is far too weak of a response. Soon enough they are getting international aid to rebuild and are out again on a prisoner swap and are once again murdering and maiming Jewish people. It’s not working, we cannot look the other way and just ignore it any longer, we must speak out and take action. We need to build everywhere we can in Eretz Yisroel to show the world that we are here to stay and it belongs to us. We show this through action not just through speeches or public resolutions.
We can learn an essential lesson in forbearance and hope from Noach. We learn this week that Noach did not let his environment affect his resolve to follow Hashem’s plans. He kept strong and didn’t give up hope during the long 120 year project of building the teiva. Noach didn’t call a press conference that he’s going to build a teiva and then debate his ideas in the UN. He resolved that he just needs to act, and because of this are we here today.
Each one of us can take a vital lesson in our personal lives. With strength, hope and perseverance in all matters of Torah and mitzvos we will be successful in reaching the goal. We need to stay clear and on course, speak clearly and directly and act decisively about who we are and what we represent to our own children and to the world at large.
It’s not enough that we had fabrengens and spoke and made good resolutions over Yom Tov. We need to bring it into action and fulfill those resolutions whether in Torah, avodah or gamilus chasadim.
Through our courage and perseverance for Shleimus HaTorah, Sheilmus HaAm and Shleimus HaAretz we will be zoche to the geula ha’amiti v’haShleima, v’yakitzu v’yirananu shochnei afar.
A Good Shabbos
Announcements - 2nd Days Of Sukkos
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for the KYY update.
- Click here for KYY hakofos info
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here for parking info. The city has relaxed some of its rules due to the yomim tovim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud pledges and outstanding membership before Yom Tov. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Preparations for our world famous Congregation Levi Yitzchak Hakafos is in full swing. As usual, the shul counts on YOU!! Click here for more info.
Schedule - 2nd Days Of Sukkos
Please read carefully this is our NEW & IMPROVED schedule.
For all halachos and minhagim please see the Chabad Chodesh.
Hoshanah Rabba
- Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin
Shemini Atzeres
- Light Yom Tov candles: 6:00 pm
- Marriv: 7:00 pm
- The shul will be open for those who would like to do hakofos with their children.
- Kiddush for men in the sukkah following maariv.
- Seudas yom tov for women upstairs in Moshe Gantz Hall: 7:15 pm
- Atta Horeisa: 8:15 pm
- Seudas yom tov and farbrengen for men in the sukkah following Hakofos.
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:49 am
- Shacharis: 10:15 am
- Yizkor: 12:00 pm
- During Mussaf we start saying Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem
- Mincha: 6:00 pm
- Click here for a list of shuls for Tahalucha
Simchas Torah
- Light Yom Tov candles from a pre-existing flame after 7:03 pm
- Children's Hakofos: Maariv 7:00 pm, followed by children's seudas yom tov and then Hakofos.
- Kiddush and farbrengen for MEN & WOMEN UPSTAIRS in in Moshe Gantz Hall starting at 8:30 pm
- Atta Horeisa & Hakofos: 9:15 pm - UPSTAIRS in Moshe Gantz Hall. Please leave all strollers in Kolel.
- Seudas yom tov and farbrengen for men DOWNSTAIRS in shul following Hakofos.
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:49 am
- Early Sharachris: 9:00 am
- Shacharis: 10:30 am
- Kiddush: 11:30-12:30 (for men in the sukka, for women in the tent)
- KYY Hakofos in Kolel: lerech 12:00 pm. Click here for more info.
- Main Minyan Atta Horeisa: 12:30 pm
- Seudas yom tov and farbrengen after davining - for men in the sukkah, for women in the Kolel.
Isru Chag - Shabbos Bereishis - Shabbos Mevarchim Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan
- Light Shabbos candles from a pre-existing flame 5:58 pm
- Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim: 8:15 am
- Followed by a Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik
- Thillim Club: 9:15 am
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:49 am
- Shacharis: 10:15 am
- Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:30 am
- Seudas Shabbos and farbrengen after davening - for men in the shul, for women in the Kollel.
- Mincha/Farbrengen: 5:30 pm
- Shabbos Ends: 7:01 pm
- Molad Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan: Thursday, Tishrei 29/October 23, 9:02 pm and 16 Chalakim
- Rosh Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan: Friday-Shabbos, October 24-25.
Sholom Zochor
Laizer and Luba Labkowsky
Invite the community to a Sholom Zochor
at 151 S Detroit St.
Kiddush Sponsors - Bereishis
This weeks kiddush and seudas sahbbos is sponsored by the shul in honor of our entire community.
May we all be blessed with a year filled with only simchos and the geula shalima NOW!!!
Mazal Tov To - 2nd Days Of Sukkos
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shaya Eichenblatt on the birth of thier grandson (to Yosef & Sorale Eichenblatt)
- Rabbi & Mrs. Laizer Labkowsky on the birth of their son. Mazal tov to the entire Labkowsky family.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Mr. Yakov Jacobson - 22 Tishrei
- Chaim Plotkin - 23 Tishrei
- Shua Pinson - 24 Tishrei
- Mr. Yoni Pelman - 24 Tishrei
- Yossi Weiss - 24 Tishrei
- Rabbi Shmuli Raitman - 25 Tishrei
- Sruly Glabman - 26 Tishrei
- Mr. Yehosuah Goldman - 27 Tishrei
- Sholom Dovber Thaler - 28 Tishrei
- Mr. Asher Katz - 28 Tishrei
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Mr. & Mrs. Jon Engelson - 24 Tishrei
- Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Pinson - 25 Tishrei
- Mr. & Mrs. Jon Hambourger - 26 Tishrei
- Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Niasoff - 26 Tishrei
- Rabbi & Mrs. Laizer Labkowsky - 26 Tishrei
- Rabbi & Mrs. Dovi Gorelik - 28 Tishrei
- Rabbi & Mrs. Zali Munitz - 29 Tishrei
- Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Goldman - 29 Tishrei
- Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Rubinstein - 30 Tishrei
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Reb Eliyahu Arye Leib ben Reb Yosef (Rabbi Nootie Gross’s father) - 22 Tishrei
- Reb Tuvya Velvel ben Reb Meir (Mrs. Miriam Fishman’s father) - 27 Tishrei
- Miriam Hinda bas Reb Hershel (Mr. Richard Rosenbloom’s mother) - 28 Tishrei
Announcements - 1st days of Sukkos
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for the KYY Sukah hop flyer.
- Click here for KYY hakofos info
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here for parking info. The city has relaxed some of its rules due to the yomim tovim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud pledges and outstanding membership before Yom Tov. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Young Chevra of Sothern California are proud to present the Grand Community Simchas Beis Hashoaiva, Sunday Tishrei 18/September 12. Click here for more info.
- Congregation Levi Yitzchok invites the entire community to a grand Simchas Bais Hashoaiva - Monday, Tishrei 19/September 13, 7:15 pm at the corner of Beverly and La Brea. Click here for more info.
- Thank you to Mr. Betzalel Fleischman and Mr. Meilech Weiss for the help in putting up the sukkah for the shul.
- Preparations for our world famous Congregation Levi Yitzchak Hakafos is in full swing. As usual, the shul counts on YOU!! Click here for more info.
- Simchas Beis Hashoaiva Farbrengens every night of Sukkos - Starting time approximately 9:30 PM:
1ST Night : Elharrar: 157 N. Fuller
2nd Night: Schneerson: Sukkah 364 N. Fuller
3rd Night : Raichik:/Gurary: 6724 Beverly Blvd
4th Night : Soroka: 235 S. Mansfield
5th Night: Weiss: 411 N. Martel
6th Night : Fogelman: 126 S. Poinsettia
7th Night: To Be Announced. - Super Scach sale!!! $1.80 per pice only a few left!!!. Must pick up at 834 N Formosa Ave. Call 323-363-1958.
Schedule - 1st Days of Sukkos
For all the laws and customs please see the Chabad Chodesh
Erev Sukkos
Wednesday, 14 Tishrei/October 8
- Light Yom Tov Candles: 6:09 pm
- Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin
First Day Sukkos
Thursday, 15 Tishrei/October 9
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:46 am
- Shacharis: 10:15 am
- Minchah: 6:10 pm
- Light Yom Tov candles from a pre-existing flame after 7:10 pm
Second Day Sukkos
Friday, 16 Tishrei/October 10
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:47 am
- Shacharis: 10:15 am
- Minchah: 6:10 pm
- Light Shabbos candles from a pre-existing flame at 6:07 pm
Shabbos Chol Hamoed
17 Tishrei/October 11
- Shiur Chassidus with Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:47 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Mincha: 6:10 pm
- Shabbos Ends: 7:10 pm
Note: The 6:30 minyan will start at 6:15 every morning during Chol Hamoed
Chaiton Bris
The Chaiton Bris
will iy"h take place on Thursday - 1st day of sukkos, 1 pm (after davening)
at 314 N Alta Vista Blvd.
Mazal tov to the grandparents
Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Duchman
Rabbi & Mrs. Chaiton
Sholom Zochor
Shmuly & Shterny Gurary
Invite the community to a Sholom Zochor
at the Raichik sukkah 6724 Beverly Blvd. (entrance by garage).
Gurary Bris
The Gurary Bris
will iy"h take place on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos
after the main minyan shacharis (around 12:45 pm)
at 182 N Mansfield Ave.
Followed by a washing kiddush/seduas shabbos in shul
(men in sukkah - women in kolel)
Women's Shabbos Shiur - Shabbos Chol Hamoed
5:00 pm - At Maayon Yisroel
140 N La Brea Ave.
Speaker: Rabbi Reuven Wolf
Mazal Tov To - 1st Days of Sukkos
- Mr. & Mrs. Isser Goldstein on the birth of their granddaughter (to Dovid and Elisa Goldstein).
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuly Gurary on the birth of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Rebbitzen Shimon Raichik.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Moishy Rav~Noy - 15 Tishrei
- Jason Pollard - 15 Tishrei
- Mr. Eli Goldman - 15 Tishrei
- Yona Simcha Cherman - 16 Tishrei
- Aryeh Tzvi Schneerson - 18 Tishrei
- Mr. Yossi Wachtel - 18 Tishrei
- Meir Shlomo Thaler - 18 Tishrei
- Yehuda Munitz - 20 Tishrei
- Rabbi Yonah Mordechai Weiss - 21 Tishrei
- Shlomo Binyomin Feldman - 21 Tishrei
- Zali Raichik - 22 Tishrei
- Mr. Yakov Jacobson - 22 Tishrei
- Chaim Plotkin - 23 Tishrei
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Mr. & Mrs. Yerachmiel Altman - 21 Tishrei
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Sara Leah bas Reb Yacov (Mrs. Chana Weiss’s mother) - 15 Tishrei
- Reb Ephraim Pinchas ben Reb Yona Halevi (Mrs. Nettie Lerner’s father) - 16 Tishrei
- Reb Yaacov Yitzchak ben Reb Avraham (Mr. Jon Hambourger’s father) - 21 Tishrei
- Rivka bas Reb Chaim Yehoshua (Rabbi Sender Munitz’s mother) - 21 Tishrei
- Reb Eliyahu Arye Leib ben Reb Yosef (Rabbi Nootie Gross’s father) - 22 Tishrei
Announcements - Yom Kippur
- Click here for the KYY update.
- A message from KYY... How many times have you wanted to buy Maftir Yonah, but it was beyond your means? Now is your chance in a community wide cooperative method. What better way than doing it at a kids minyan where the kids have “the direct line” to Hashem. Click here to participate.
- click here to register for the GRAND KYY chol hamoed sukah hop.
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Please arrange for your membership right away! Click here.
- Parking: The city has relaxed some of its rules due to the yomim tovim. Click here for more details.
- Kapparos special - in memory of Reb Berel Weiss ob"m. Friday, Erev Yom Kippur from 7:30-8:25 am at Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Yardchickens will be sold at the very affordable price of $10/chicken..
- Esrogim: Yossi Schneerson will be selling esrogim in shul - Thur: 7:30-10 pm. Motzei Yom Kipur: from 8:30 pm. Sun: 6-10 pm. Mon-Tue: from 7:15 pm.
Simcha Kagan will be selling esrogim at Mid-City Chabad - 369 N Fairfax Ave. Thur: 10am-10pm. Fri: 10am-1pm. Motzei Yom Kipur: 9pm-1am. Sun-Tue: 10am-12am. Wed: 10am-2pm.
Schedule - Yom Kippur
For all the laws and customs please see the Chabad Chodesh
Erev Yom Kippur
Friday, 9 Tishrei/September 3
- Minchah: 3:15 pm
The Shul upstairs will be open mincha time, so you can bring up whatever you will need for Yom Kippur. - Light Candles: 6:16 pm
Yom Kippur
Shabbos, 10 Tishrei/September 4
- Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Children’s program downstairs in shul at 10:30 am
- Yizkor: 12:15 pm
- Fast Ends: 7:20 pm
Mazal Tov To - Yom Kippur
- Rabbi & Mrs. Dovber Chaiton on the birth of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Duchman.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Hoch on the upsherinish of their son Eliyahu. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Goldman.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Sender Munitz on the engagement of their grandson Avremy Herszberg to Tova Tuvel.
- Rabbi & Rebbitzen Ezra Schochet on the engagement of their grandson Shlomie (ben Menachem) Schochet to Tova Goldshtein.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Thaler on the birth of their grandson (to Tzviki and Rivky Bronstein).
Upcoming Birthdays
- Shmuel Chaim Plotke - 10 Tishrei
- Mr. Ari Brown - 10 Tishrei
- Yosef Yitzchok Habibian - 12 Tishrei
- Mr. Shmuel Freeman - 13 Tishrei
- Rabbi Alon Asefovitz - 13 Tishrei
- Moishy Rav~Noy - 15 Tishrei
- Jason Pollard - 15 Tishrei
- Mr. Eli Goldman - 15 Tishrei
- Yona Simcha Cherman - 16 Tishrei
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Reb Shmuel Meir ben Reb Yisroel Dovid (Rabbi Velvel Tsikman’s father) - 11 Tishrei
- Chana Faiga bas Reb Moshe (Mrs. Ariella Bastomski’s mother) - 13 Tishrei
- Sara Leah bas Reb Yacov (Mrs. Chana Weiss’s mother) - 15 Tishrei
- Reb Ephraim Pinchas ben Reb Yona Halevi (Mrs. Nettie Lerner’s father) - 16 Tishrei