- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for the KYY update.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Nichum Aveilim: The Rav-Noy family is sitting shivah until Wednesday morning for the passing of Rabbi Ariel Rav-Noy o"bm at 1441 S Doheny Dr. Phone: (424) 302-0496 Email: [email protected]. Click here for shivah times. Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim. Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehu besochom!
Shul Bulletin
Announcements - Beshalach
Shabbos Schedule - Beshalach
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:03 pm
- MINCHA: 4:45 PM
- Followed by the recitation of the final chapter of the Maamar “Bossi Legani”
- Folowed by studying a perek of Tanya
- Kabolas Shabbos: 5:25 pm
- Short Farbrengen (for Men) with RABBI YOSSI LEW: 5:50 pm
- Chassidus, Starbucks and babysitting: 8:40-9:30 sharp @ 118 S Orange Dr.
- Chassidus for Early Minyan with Rabbi Zalman Friedman: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:28 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yakov Yehuda: 10:15 am
- Derosho by Guest Speaker RABBI YOSSI LEW: 10:45 am
- Farbrengen for Men & Women with RABBI YOSSI LEW: 1:00 pm (not washing kiddsuh)
- Mesibas Shabbos For Girls: 3:30 pm
- Mincha: 5:00 pm
- Shabbos Ends: 6:06 pm
- Melave Malka for Men & Women ($10 Donation): 8:30 pm
Kiddush Sponsors - Beshalach
- The Bastomski Family for the yahrtzeit of their sister Nechomo Basya bas Avrohom Yitzchok ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Sender Munitz in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together. Also in honor of Rabbi Sender Munitz’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Beshalach
- Mr. & Mrs. Yakov Avila in honor of Mr. Yakov Avila’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Women's Shabbos Shiur - Beshalach
4:30 pm - At the home of Mrs. Ruchama Thaler
418 N Martel Ave.
Speaker: Mrs. Chana Rachel Schusterman
Mazal Tov To - Beshalach
- Mr. & Mrs. Efraim Lezak on the birth of their grandson (to Dovid & Chava Blasberg).
Upcoming Birthdays
- Rabbi Yossi Solomon - 11 Shevat
- Rabbi Eyal Rav-Noy - 11 Shevat
- Yisroel Noach Bastomski - 11 Shevat
- Mendel Katz - 12 Shevat
- Avremel Schochet - 12 Shevat
- Mr. Yacov Avila - 12 Shevat
- Mr. Shea Bastomski - 13 Shevat
- Mr. Pesach Kornreich - 14 Shevat
- Rabbi Sender Munitz - 14 Shevat
- Mr. Alon Zak - 16 Shevat
- Rabbi Lazer Handlesman - 16 Shevat
- Eli Feigelstock - 16 Shevat
- Rabbi Nochum Pinson - 16 Shevat
- Rabbi Yankee Raichik - 17 Shevat
- Baruch Mordechai Muchnik - 17 Shevat
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Levin - 11 Shevat
- Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Dubinsky - 12 Shevat
- Rabbi & Mrs. Sender Munitz - 14 Shevat
- Mr. & Mrs. Reuvein Caplan - 15 Shevat
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Reb Yehoshua Heshel ben Reb Aharon Eliezer (Mrs. Devorah Leah Mishulovin’s father) - 11 Shevat
- Menucha Vita bas Reb Aharon (Rabbi Nochum Pinson’s mother) - 11 Shevat
- Reb Shaltiel Ze'ev ben Reb Mordechai (Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s grandfather) - 12 Shevat
- Reb Avrohom ben Reb Shmuel (Mrs. Frances Goodman’s father) - 14 Shevat
- Reb David ben Reb Aharon Yehuda Halevi H'YD (Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s brother) - 14 Shevat
- Nechomo Basya bas Avrohom Yitzchok Sandlow /Bastomski - 16 Shevat
- Reb Yehudah ban Reb Tzvi Hirsh (Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneerson’s grandfather) - 17 Shevat
Devar Torah - Beshalach
Eliciting Hashem's Response to the Cry Of Our Times
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
In the 6th chapter of the Rebbe’s first maamar of Basi L’Gani 5711-1951 the Rebbe relates stories of the Rabbeim and their ahavas Yisroel. Although told in brief they are there to remind us to act in a similar way and hearing the stories makes it easier for us, as we follow in their footsteps.
This year is also the fifth year of this 20-year cycle of reviewing the maamar from the Previous Rebbe from 5710-1950. Last week we mentioned that the special focus of this year is on the 5th chapter, which discusses shtus d’kedusha.
The story brought in the maamar about the Alter Rebbe is about how the Alter Rebbe went to save a young mother on the edge of town who was cold and starving by chopping wood and cooking for her and her newborn child. When did he go? He went on Yom Kippur in the middle of davening. One might say that he doesn’t hear the extraordinary in this because this is exactly what the Torah demands; pikuach nefesh, saving a life which pushes away the prohibitions of Yom Kippur; so of course he went on Yom Kippur! One might ask that he could have easily sent someone else so why did he go himself have and interrupt such a high level of davening on the holiest day of the year? We know that for situations such as these, there is a mitzvah b’gadol, there is a mitzvah for him personally to go. You need to show that first it can be done and also a simple person may not necessarily know what he can and cannot do etc.
Notwithstanding these considerations we see the greatness of the Alter Rebbe from a different angle. It is well known that during davening the Alter Rebbe was completely removed from the physical world. He was found rolling on the floor calling out to Hashem. I don’t want your Gan Eden! I don’t want your Olam Haba! I want only you! As the Alter Rebbe sat in shul with his tallis over his head in the middle of davening on Yom Kippur on the highest level of cleaving to Hashem completely removed from the world, in that state, he heard the cry of a simple Jew with simple needs on the other end of town?! This paradoxical state of being so removed yet so sensitive to others and be able to hear the cry, shows us some of the extraordinary greatness of the Alter Rebbe. The fact that this enabled the Alter Rebbe to take the action he did is shtus d’kedusha, beyond the normal.
What practical lesson can this teach each one of us in our daily lives? How can we possibly reflect this lofty conduct in our daily affairs? The cry of another person my not be so obvious from our vantage point. We may be preoccupied with other concerns. The person we need to help may not be crying outwardly. They may be symbolically on the other end of town beyond earshot, not advertising their difficulties. It might be a quiet change in their behavior, or a look in their eyes that tell that they are crying out. When we hear the cry of another person, we do not look the other way. Sometimes we have a laundry list of excuses we make to feel ok looking the other way, such as: It’s not my business. Someone else will handle it. I’m a busy person. I’m busy right now with a lofty level of davening or learning, etc.
When we hear about a problem from someone else it’s a lesson to get involved. Think it over; does he need money? Is there a call I can make or a connection I have that can help? Most often there is something that we can do that is helpful. But we still need to take it another step. Follow up. What happened, did it work out? Is there still something left of the table that needs to done?
By staying connected and following in the ways of the Rabbeim in general and by learning Chassidus and being deeply involved in avodas Hashem we gain the insight required to hear they cry of another both open and hidden. By hearing the cries of others and acting upon them may we be zoche that Hashem hear our cries of Ad Mosai, even when we may not be able to say it loudly or clearly enough, and end this final galus with the complete revelation of Moshiach Now.
A Good Shabbos
Bd"e Rabbi Ariel Rav-Noy ob"m
It is with great sadness that we inform the community
of the tragic and untimely passing of
Rabbi Ariel Rav-Noy
(Ariel ob"m ben יבלחט"א Shaltiel Ze'ev)
He is survived by his wife, Miriam and 7 children.
He is also survived his parents Dr. Ze'ev and Varda Rav-Noy
and siblings Racheli Muchnik Oxnard, CA;
Avi, Michy and Eyal Rav-Noy, all of Los Angeles.
Thursday, 9 Shevat/January 29, 11:30 am
at the Chabad Persian Youth Center
9022 W Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035
at the Mount Olive
7231 E. Slauson Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90040
Address: 1441 S Doheny Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90035
Phone: (424) 302-0496
Email: [email protected]
- Thursday: Mincha 5 pm. No visits after 8 pm.
- Friday : Shacharis 8 am. No visits after 11 am. Mincha 3 pm.
Motzei Shabbos: Maariv 6:30 pm. No visits after 9:30 pm.
Sunday - Tuesday: Shacharis 8 am. No visits 12 to 5 pm. Mincha 5 pm. No visits after 9 pm.
- Wednesday: Shacharis 8 am.
Please be aware of small children and let the family have time
May we share only besoros tovos.
Announcements - Bo
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for the KYY update.
- Important message from Rabbi M Duchman:
Please register your sons and dauthers to our upcoming shabaton ASAP!! We don't want to leave anybody behind--- Don't delay please---thank you. www.kolyakovyehuda.com - Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Community wide farbrengen in honor of Yud-Shevat. Click here for more info.
- Next Shabbosm our shul wil be hosting a RABBI YOSSI LEW, there will be many programs over shabbos and motzei shabbos. STAY TUNED.
Shabbos Schedule - Bo
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:56
- Late Minayan for Kabolas Shabbos: 6:20 pm
- Chassidus, Starbucks and babysitting: 8:40-9:30 sharp @ 118 S Orange Dr.
- Chassidus for Early Minyan with Rabbi Zalman Friedman: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:30 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yakov Yehuda: 10:15 am
- Mesibas Shabbos For Girls: 3:30 pm
- Mincha: 4:55 pm
- Shabbos Ends: 5:59 pm
Kiddush Sponsors - Bo
- Mr. & Mrs. Amil Amilov for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Nechama Amilov’s father Reb Sadya ben Reb Yigal ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Fischel Grossman in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together. Also for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Neshe Grossman’s father Reb Yosef Moshe ben Reb Elchonon Dovber ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- The Raichik Family for the yahrtzeit of Harav Menachem Shmuel Dovid ben Reb Shimon Halevi Raichik ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Raigorodsky in honor of Mr. Shaul Raigorodsky’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Bo
- Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Reichman in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
- Josh Rosen for all the kindness Hashem has shown his family. May Hashem continue to shower them and the entire community with kol tuv sela.
Women's Shabbos Shiur - Bo
4:15 pm - At the home of Mrs. Sima Zeifman
421 N Poinsettia Pl.
Speaker: Rabbi Zalman Munitz
Mazal Tov To - Bo
Upcoming Birthdays
- Aryeh Yehuda Avila - 4 Shevat
- Yosef Meir Feiner - 4 Shevat
- Rabbi Reuven Wolf - 4 Shevat
- Rabbi Yisroel Hecht - 5 Shevat
- Mr. Yosef Yitzchok Mishulovin - 6 Shevat
- Rabbi Moshe Plotkin - 6 Shevat
- Eliyahu Arye Leib Kravitz - 7 Shevat
- Rabbi Moshe Leider - 7 Shevat
- Moshe Nochum Plotkin - 7 Shevat
- Rabbi Sholem Perl - 7 Shevat
- Zalmy Dubinsky - 8 Shevat
- Menachem Mendel Wolowik - 8 Shevat
- Mr. Aryeh Leib Ehrlich - 9 Shevat
- Rabbi Shmuli Chazanow - 10 Shevat
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Bart - 7 Shevat
- Rabbi & Mrs. Nootie Gross - 7 Shevat
- Mr. & Mrs. Reuven Solomon - 9 Shevat
- Rabbi & Mrs. Fischel Grossman - 10 Shevat
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Sara bas Reb Chananya (Mrs. Sima Bart’s mother) - 5 Shevat
- Mindel bas Reb Elyahu (Mrs. Miriam Feiner’s mother) - 5 Shevat
- Fayge Gittel bas Reb Gershon (Mr. Yisroel Koch’s mother) - 7 Shevat
- Devorah Miriam bas Reb Dovid Aron Allison - 7 Shevat
- Reb Sadya ben Reb Yigal (Mrs. Nechama Amilov’s father) - 7 Shevat
- Harav Menachem Shmuel Dovid ben Reb Shimon Halevi Raichik - 8 Shevat
- Reb Yosef Moshe ben Reb Elchonon Dovber (Mrs. Neshe Grossman’s father) - 8 Shevat
Devar Torah - Bo
The Wisdom of Foolishness
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
This is the Shabbos before Yud Shevat. Before the Yud Shevat of 5710-1950 the Previous Rebbe gave out the Mamar titled “Basi L’Gani” to learn on that Shabbos. Shabbos morning the Previous Rebbe was nistalek. The Rebbe accepted this Mamar as the Previous Rebbe’s Will and Testament for our generation. Every year the Rebbe would focus on one specific chapter of the Mamar. This year the focus is on chapter five. The Mamar stresses that the Shechina, the Divine presence was originally here in this world. Because of sins that presence disappeared. Through the work of Tzaddikim beginning with Avraham Avinu and completed by Moshe Rabbenu in the 7th generation the Shechina returned to be revealed in this world with even greater strength. This presence was revealed in the Mishkon. This is the meaning of the pasuk Basi L’Gani in which Hashem said; I returned to my garden, my original place.
The Mamar also explains the concept of shtus, foolishness. The word shtus means to deviate from the logical or normal path. Usually the word shtus is used to describe the type of foolishness that leads to sin. Nonetheless there is also holy shtus, shtus d’kedusha. This shtus is a deviation from the norm in that we go above and beyond the intellect in the service of Hashem.
Why is it necessary to live and serve Hashem above the intellect? The Mamar explains this by describing the original purpose, Hashem’s reason for creation. The purpose of everything is so that we should make from this life and everything we come in contact, a dwelling place and a home for Hashem. We cannot accomplish this by normal and logical means alone. The whole idea itself is a shtus, a deviation beyond what fits into the normal and logical function of this world. It does not make sense that Hashem’s infinite presence should be revealed and dwell within this finite physical world. Therefore we need shtus d’kedusha in order to convert the world into a dwelling place for Hashem, which is the subject of this years’ chapter of the Mamar.
The Mamar brings the story of Rav Shmuel b’Rav Yitzchok as an excellent example
for shtus d’kedusha. Rav Shmuel b’Rav Yitzchok would juggle 3 hadasim at weddings. Reb Zera said that his behavior was embarrassing for a Talmid Chacham. When Rav Shmuel b’Rav Yitzchok passed away a pillar of fire appeared, a revelation of Hashem beyond all worlds that separated between his bier and the entire world (and all worlds). This revelation was accomplished through his physical service in this world on the level of shtus d’kedusha.
What does all of this mean today in 5775-2015? In order to complete the purpose of creation for which we are here, to bring the revelation of Hashem to this world, it’s not enough to serve Hashem with what we think is logical or comfortable. We need to serve Hashem in a way that is beyond our logic and beyond our comfort zones. Take for example the mitzvah of ahavas Yisroel. It’s not enough to practice ahavas Yisroel with those that we are comfortable and those that we already know or understand, or at a time that is best for us. We also have the ability and the strength to do it even when it’s uncomfortable, inconvenient and goes against our nature.
This week is the 16th Yartzeit of my father HaRav Menachem Shmuel Dovid HaLevi O.B.M. In my father’s home there were certain people who were regulars that had no other place to be. No one else wanted to take them in. They would find their place for Shabbos at my father’s table in our home. Sometimes it was very uncomfortable when they acted without respect and without appreciation or quite the opposite. At times they caused the family pain and difficulties. Nevertheless my father with his ahavas Yisroel would say that they too are Jews and as such we need to help them, even if it was difficult. Once someone made such a raucous that the family reached the breaking point. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. They finally said that this time either the man left and they stayed or the other way around. This fellow was a regular. The man ended up leaving. After seudas Shabbos my father went out and found him and invited him back. He sat with him and served him the seudas. (We also had normal guests).
Only with this approach of shtus d’kedusha will we reach to final straw that breaks the camel’s back, the final barriers of galus and allows back the Divine presence with the revelation of Moshiach and the building of the third Beis HaMikdash Now!
A Good Shabbos
Announcements - Va’era
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for the KYY update.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
Shabbos Schedule - Va’era
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:49
- Late Minayan for Kabolas Shabbos: 6:20 pm
- Shabbos Mevorchim Tehillim: 8:15 am
- Followed by a Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik
- Thillim Club: 9:15 am
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:30 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Shacharis: 10:15 am
- Kol Yakov Yehuda: 10:30 am
- Mesibas Shabbos For Girls (in KYY) 3:30 pm
- Mincha: 4:50 pm
- Shabbos Ends: 5:52 pm
- Molad for Chodesh Shevat: Tuesday, 29 Teves/January 20, 11:15 (and 1 chelek) am.
- Rosh Chodesh Shevat: Wednesday, January 21.
Kiddush Sponsors - Va’era
- Dr. & Mrs. Ze'ev Rav-Noy for the yahrtzeit of Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s father Reb Yehudah Mordechai ben Reb Baruch ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- The Elharrar & Goldman families for the yahrtzeit of Reb Yaakov Chayim ben Reb Mordechay ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Fishman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Miriam Fishman’s mother Basya Rochel bas Reb Shmuel Hirsh ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Nathanson for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Reuven Nathanson’s mother Malka Chana bas Reb Yosef ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Gershon Schusterman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Chana Rachel Schusterman’s mother Chava bas Reb Yakov Yisroel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Mr. & Mrs. Allan Stark for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Nana Rushka Stark’s parents Reb Shmuel ben Reb Avrohom and Masha bas Reb Shlomo ob"m. May the neshomos have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yonah Mordechai Weiss for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yonah Mordechai Weiss’s mother Miriam bas Reb Alter Mordechai ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Va’era
- Mr. Yonatan Avila in honor of his birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Goldman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Dina Tova Goldman’s mother Bracha Chaya bas Reb Refoel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Zali Munitz in honor of the birthday of their triplets Dina, Rivkah and Yitzchak Yosef. May they have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Reichman in honor of Mr. Mitch Reichman’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Women's Shabbos Shiur - Va’era
4:20 pm - At the home of Mrs. Chani Hecht
419 N Poinsettia Pl.
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht
Mazal Tov To - Va’era
- Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Duchman on the birth of their grandson (to Avi & Lilly Gniwisch). [The Shalom Zachor of our new ainikel will iyh be after seudos shabbos @ our mechutens house @ 6310 Westbury Ave. Please join us - if by chance u are in Montreal this Shabbos].
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yankee Raichik on the upcoming marriage of their son Levi to Chanee Greenberg.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Sruly Yusevitch on the birth of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Avrohom Plotkin.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Rabbi Simcha Bart - 26 Teves
- Rabbi Dov Fine - 26 Teves
- Dovid Leib Bastomski - 26 Teves
- Ryan Leaderman - 27 Teves
- Yitzchak Yosef Munitz - 27 Teves
- Rabbi Yoni Sarue - 27 Teves
- Yonatan Avila - 28 Teves
- Mr. David Peretz - 28 Teves
- Mr. Harvey Benton - 28 Teves
- Mr. Mitch Reichman - 28 Teves
- Elisha Lerman - 28 Teves
- Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi - 2 Shevat
- Menachem Mendel Morris - 2 Shevat
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Mr. & Mrs. Boruch Greenbaum - 1 Shevat
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Bracha Chaya bas Reb Refoel (Mrs. Dina Tova Goldman’s mother) - 26 Teves
- Reb Yaakov Chayim ben Reb Mordechay (Mrs. Milka Elharrar’s father) - 26 Teves
- Chava bas Reb Yakov Yisroel (Mrs. Chana Rachel Schusterman’s mother) - 26 Teves
- Harav Chaim Meir ben Reb Avrohom Shmuel (Rabbi Yosef Bukiet’s father) - 27 Teves
- Reb Shmuel ben Reb Moshe (Mrs. Marsha Alperin’s father) - 28 Teves
- Reb Avrohom ben Reb Nachum (Dr. Sholom Fine’s father) - 28 Teves
- Pari bas Reb Shlomo (Rabbi Asher Habibian’s mother) - 28 Teves
- Reb Yehudah Mordechai ben Reb Baruch (Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s father) - 29 Teves
- Malka Chana bas Reb Yosef (Rabbi Reuven Nathanson’s mother) - 29 Teves
- Reb Shmuel ben Reb Avrohom (Mrs. Nana Rushka Stark’s father) - 29 Teves
- Miriam bas Reb Alter Mordechai (Rabbi Yonah Mordechai Weiss’s mother) - 1 Shevat
- Chana bas Reb Moshe (Mr. Jon Hambourger’s mother) - 1 Shevat
- Shayndel bas Reb Yitzchok (Mrs. Henny Wolowik’s mother) - 3 Shevat
- Rochel bas Reb Dovber (Dr. Binyomin Kaplan’s mother) - 3 Shevat
Devar Torah - Va’era
It’s Time to Get Out the Swimming Pool!
(the waters of the Nile/denial)
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
In this week’s parsha of Va’eira the Torah begins the description of the plagues and the exodus from Mitzrayim. We have been reviewing the exodus for over three and a half thousand years. We mention yetzias Mitzrayim twice a day every day and celebrate the Yom Tov of Pesach every year, which commemorates yezias Mitzrayim. What do we gain from all of this repetition?
The Rebbe explains that the word Mitzrayim is from the root metzar, which means a narrow place or a constriction. It can also mean distress or anguish. Some people live within the difficulties of physical hardships while others suffer from spiritual anguish or distress. Some may be constrained in that they may not even know what it means to be a Jew or the purpose of the Torah and mitzvos. There is also a Mitzrayim for those of us who keep the Torah but are just going through the motions without motivation and without any life. If our mood is up then we do everything, if not we miss a mincha here and a shiur there. So, how do we break out of our personal Mitzrayim? How do we break through the vicious cycle of following our moods?
The Rebbe explains that the cause for our constraints comes from being cold. This is the message of the first plague, the turning of water into blood. Water is a cold liquid. There may be a hot spring here or there but in general, water is cold. Blood is warm. A person who has a heart that pumps blood through his body is alive and warm. That’s the difference in the way we live as well. Are we keeping Torah and mitzvos but coldly cutting corners, are we frum in that we are doing but not really living what we do? We need a transfusion. We need to get out of Mitzrayim by injecting blood, life into everything and transform this coldness. Where does this life come from? We get life from the Torah that we learn, especially Chassidus, the neshama of the Torah. The inspiration of a Chassidishe vort, a Sicha or a Mamar gives us the strength and the desire to do a mitzvah with vitality. Whether it’s the next Shabbos or Tefillin we are always looking forward toward the next opportunity to do a Mitzvah.
The second plague was frogs. The frogs came out of the cold wet water and jumped to the hot dry ovens of Mitzrayim and cooled them down. The Rebbe says that this is a lesson us; that at times we also need to be cool. We need to be cool in order to cool off our desires for worldly pleasures. We need to be cold toward the attractions and the flash of the physical world, the cars, the restaurants and all the electronic gadgets. Instead we focus our warmth in kedusha.
When we look at the world today and see what is happening in Europe we see that it is cold passivity that has brought them to where find themselves surrounded by terror. They looked the other way and didn’t face the dangers when they we smaller and not their own backyards. They avoided the truth by saying that what’s in the Mid-East will stay in the Mid-East. Israel, Iran, Iraq and Syria were viewed as conflicts that were unrelated to the civility of Europe. It’s the same world and now they are engulfed with the same problems. They were cold and indifferent. This is true today in the United States with the present Administration. If the world would have stayed awake after 9/11 it could have been different. They needed to have blood, the energy and focus to address and stay involved and awake until they neutralized the danger. So too in Israel, people still stubbornly cling on to the failed idea that something good will come from appeasement. If we would only fix the Palestinian problem then all the terrorism in the world would suddenly vanish; thank you Jimmy Carter.
All of this teaches us an important and timely message. We need to wake up and to warm up to the reality that the Torah of Hashem is emes every area of our lives. Most politicians are phony in what they say because their primary concern is to assure their personal careers and legacies, and are therefore sheker. We don’t look to politicians for truth or depend upon them to follow through because we’ll be disappointed. The lesson is to realize the importance of not compromising and what happens when we bend to the world. After Shabbos some run with such a ‘koch’ to their twitter feeds, their face book accounts and their web sites to find out what they’ve missed out on for the last 24 hours. We need to cool off to these things. If we are concerned about the condition in the world that live in and the safety of the Jewish people in Eretz Yisroel, Europe and America etc., then why not say an extra kapitol Tehillim, give extra Tzedaka and go out and put Tefillin on people and all the other mivtzoyim. The Rebbe says that this shields and protects us. Also, we must put warmth and vitality into educating our children and learning and teaching others. All of this will break the final darkness of galus and cause the revelation of the light of Moshiach.
Announcements - Shmois
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for the KYY update.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- On behalf of the shul we wish Mr. Chaim Lerner a big mazal tov on his seventieth birthday. May he have arichus yomim veshonim tovos metoch brius hanechona ve’harchovo begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- On behalf of the shul we wish Mr. & Mrs. Milton Goodman a big mazal tov on their seventieth anniversary. May they have arichus yomim veshonim tovos metoch brius hanechona ve’harchovo begashmiyus ubruchniyus. May he also have a quick recovery from his recent surgery.
- SUNDAY: Siyum & Hachnosas Sefer Torah for Rabbi Labkosky. Click here for more info.
- MONDAY: Grand Siyum Harambam - Monday, 21 Teves/Jan 12, 8-9:30 pm at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Click here for more info.
Shabbos Schedule - Shmois
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:43
- Late Minayan for Kabolas Shabbos: 6:20 pm
- Chassidus, Starbucks and babysitting: 8:40-9:30 sharp @ the Morris home 116 S. Orange Dr.
- Chassidus for Early Minyan with Rabbi Zalman Friedman: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:29 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yakov Yehuda: 10:15 am
- Mesibas Shabbos For Girls: 3:30 pm
- Mincha: 4:40 pm
- Shabbos Ends: 5:46 pm
Kiddush Sponsors - Shmois
- Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Bart for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Simcha Bart’s father Reb Mordechai ben Reb Yechezkel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- The Bastomski Family for the yahrtzeit of their brother Chaim Zeev ben Avrohom Yitzchok ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Chaim Burston for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Chana Baila Burston’s father Reb Dov ben Reb Pesach ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Haratz for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Elisa Haratz’s father Reb Mordechai ben Reb Yaakov ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Hecht for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yisroel Hecht’s parents Reb Avraham Dov ben Reb Yehoshua and Lieba bas Reb Boruch ob"m. May the neshomos have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Binyomin Kaplan in honor of Mrs. Gittel Kaplan’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. Elozor Plotke in honor of Mr. Elozor Plotke’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Shagalov, for the yahrtzeitsof Rabbi Yosef Shagalov’s grandparents Reb Yitzchok Elchonon ben Reb Yehuda Leib hy"d and Mariashe bas Reb Ben-Tzion ob"m. May the neshomos have an aliya.
- Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel Stroll for the siyum hakadish of Mr. Shmuel Stroll's uncle Reb Asher ben Reb Tzvi Hirsh ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Wolowik in honor of Mrs. Henny Wolowik’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also in honor of their children Rivka, Shayndel and Yitzchok’s birthdays. May they have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Shmois
- Rabbi & Mrs. Zev Geisinsky in honor of Zev Geisinsky’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Zali Munitz in honor of ’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also in honor of Mrs. Gittie Munitz’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Women's Shabbos Shiur - Shmois
4:15 pm - At the home of Mrs. Etty Bastomski
418 N Fuller Ave.
Speaker: Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz
Mazal Tov To - Shmois
Upcoming Birthdays
- Dr. Moshe Benarroch - 19 Teves
- Rabbi Zali Munitz - 21 Teves
- Sholom Dovber Friedman - 22 Teves
- Yitzchok Wolowik - 23 Teves
- Mr. Simcha Pollard - 23 Teves
- Mr. Elozor Plotke - 24 Teves
- Shneur Zalman Shem Tov - 24 Teves
- Eliyahu Binyomin Engelson - 25 Teves
- Rabbi Yehudah Lerman - 25 Teves
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Chaim Zeev ben Avrohom Yitzchok Bastomski - 19 Teves
- Reb Dov ben Reb Pesach (Mrs. Chana Baila Burston’s father) - 19 Teves
- Mariashe bas Reb Ben-Tzion (Rabbi Yosef Shagalov’s grandmother) - 20 Teves
- Lieba bas Reb Boruch (Rabbi Yisroel Hecht’s mother) - 21 Teves
- Basya Rochel bas Reb Shmuel Hirsh (Mrs. Miriam Fishman’s mother) - 22 Teves
- Reb Avraham Dov ben Reb Yehoshua (Rabbi Yisroel Hecht’s father) - 24 Teves
- Tova bas Reb Avner (Mr. David Sharabi’s mother) - 24 Teves
- Reb Mordechai ben Reb??? (Rabbi Simcha Bart’s father) - 25 Teves
- Reb Mordechai ben Reb Yaakov (Mrs. Elisa Haratz’s father) - 25 Teves
- Masha bas Reb Shlomo (Mrs. Nana Rushka Stark’s mother) - 25 Teves
- Reb Yitzchok Elchonon ben Reb Yehuda Leib (Rabbi Yosef Shagalov’s grandfather) - 25 Teves
Devar Torah - Shmois
Rather than Allowing Ourselves to Stand still as victims
we can inspire each other to Move Forward!
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
Parshas Shemos begins to describe the suffering and servitude of our forefathers in Mitzrayim. From the Torah’s description the amount of slavery suffering stagnation and hopelessness they endured seems endless. We cannot imagine how trapped they felt by these circumstances and how small unimportant and powerless they may have felt against the giant machine of ancient Egypt. In today’s terms many would say that they were victims, and therefore they had every right to throw their hands in the air, surrender and blame others for all of their troubles. But we see that they did not do that. Instead they cried out to Hashem, Ad Mosai! We learn that because of this Hashem heard their cries and sent Moshe Rabbenu to redeem them. This story and its essential message to us throughout time is why we celebrate Pesach and something that we remember and repeat twice a day every day. Remembering the Exodus reminds us today that we can call out to Hashem notwithstanding the suffering pain and stagnation that we may feel. He gives us the power to get out, to move on and get to a better place permanently.
This lesson is very applicable today. There are some who say that because they are victims of circumstances they have a right to give up and blame others. They claim that they cannot be responsible to either change direction or make progress in the future. They may say that their ancestors were slaves so it’s not their fault even though they were given their civil rights decades ago and are freer today than ever before! They may say they are not responsible for killing because their Prophet was insulted or they justify terrorism by blaming Israel for their rage.
My parents OB”M were victims of WWII. My father was the sole survivor out of a family of ten. My mother lost hundreds of her immediate plus extended family. As a child she would see her grandfather go to Shul on Yom Kippur surrounded by 60 of his grandchildren, many whom were Kohanim, who perished in the war. My mother lived in fear for her life as the SS would search the barn where she stayed with her mother and sisters. They were real victims but they never used it as an excuse for inaction. Instead they joined the generation after the Holocaust to rebuild Jewish life in America. They did this, just as many of the Russian Chassidim who escaped the tyranny and the Soviet prisons to go on to built Kfar Chabad in Israel, as well as many others. They didn’t have the time to blame others or make excuses. We have a lot to learn from their strength, forbearance and their outlook. They didn’t allow past sufferings to blur their vision for a bright and renewed future. They did not view themselves as victims nor did anyone see them that way. Quite the opposite, they were seen for what they truly were: indispensible pillars in their respective communities and true Chassidim of the Rebbe. It is critical that we learn from them so that we too go on to fulfill our shlichus today. We need to let go of any feeling of victimhood and instead focus on what we can get done today in our personal lives as well as our communities and the world at large.
When we meet a Jew without any Jewish education who may not even know that he is Jewish we do not just look at him as a victim of galus. If we look at him as a victim we will just feel sorry and not do anything for him and blame the galus. Instead we rekindle their neshama with the confidence that they can break out of their Mitzrayim and live the life of Torah and mitzvos. In all circumstance the Rebbe has taught us that instead of looking backward to constantly go forward toward the future with a vision of the redemption.
Rabbi Edelman the Head Shliach in Springfield Massachusetts just passed away while in his 90’s. Once, when he was a 19-year-old bachor in 770 he stayed up late on a Thursday night. The next morning after going to the mikva he went to the 770 Bais Midrash. While sitting there the Previous Rebbe’s secretary approached and asked him if he had gone to the mikva. When he answered in the affirmative he told him that the Rebbe wanted to see him upstairs. The Rebbe told him that he wanted him to go to Bridgeport Connecticut to start a yeshiva. It was 11:30 AM on a summer day. Rabbi Edelman asked the Rebbe if he should go before Shabbos. The Rebbe answered that he should. As soon as he arrived in Bridgeport, on that Shabbos, he started a Mesibos Shabbos program and from there he continued his shlichus in other cities (as was a common practice of the Previous Rebbe for bachurim at that time) until he finally settled in Springfield where he remained. Just like that, without any fanfare and without any investigations at the age of 19 he just went out and did his shlichus.
The lesson from this story is clear. We do not reckon with problems and limitations when we know that we have a shlichus. We don’t say that we are too young too unlearned too quiet too loud or too anything. We don’t say that it’s not the right time because the time is now and this is our opportunity. Lets make the most of what we have today and with a clear vision of the geula do all that we can to fulfill this greatest and final shlichus by fulfilling the Rebbe’s directives in all aspects each one of us according to our abilities. May we all cry out to Hashem in unison and in truth Ad Mosai?!, and then witness the immediate revelation of Moshiach Now.
We want Moshiach Now!
A Good Shabbos
Announcements - Vayechi
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for the KYY update.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Sunday: A morning of awareness & child advocacy. Click here for more info.
- Please say tehilim for Shelomo Yehunoson Halvi ben Miriam.
- SAVE THE DATE: Grand Siyum Harambam - Monday, 21 Teves/Jan 12, 8-9:30 pm at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Click here for more info.
Shabbos Schedule - Vayechi
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:37
- Late Minayan for Kabolas Shabbos: 6:15 pm
- Chassidus for Early Minyan with Rabbi Zalman Friedman: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:28 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yakov Yehuda: 10:15 am
- Mesibas Shabbos For Girls: 3:30 pm
- Mincha: 4:35 pm
- Shabbos Ends: 5:40 pm
Kiddush Sponsors - Vayechi
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shaya Berkowitz for the yahrtzeits of Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz’s father Reb Moshe Yaakov ben Reb Yeshaye and brother Reb Tanchum ben Reb Moshe Yaakov ob"m. May the neshomos have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shalom Elharrar in honor of Rabbi Shalom Elharrar’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shalom Elharrar's grandmother Sulika bas Reb Shlomo ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Mr. Betzalel Fleischman in honor his birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also for the yahrtzeit of his mother Perel bas Reb Nissan ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- The Gaboim of the Shul in honor of Shabbos Chazak. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela.
- Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Lerner for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Nettie Lerner’s mother Sora Golda bas Reb Yaacov ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Rebbitzen Shimon Raichik in honor of the Rov’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. & Mrs. Meilach Weiss in honor of Mr. Meilach Weiss’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Vayechi
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchok Arnold for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yitzchok Arnold’s father Reb Noson Notte ben Reb Yakov Yeshayohu Hakohen ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- The Gaboim of the Shul in honor of Shabbos Chazak. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela.
Women's Shabbos Shiur - Vayechi
4:21 pm - At the home of Mrs. Sima Zeifman
421 N Poinsettia Pl.
Speaker: Mrs. Miriam Gross
Mazal Tov To - Vayechi
- Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Frankel on the birth of their granddaughter (to Schneur and Liba Nejar). Also on the upsherinish of his grandson.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Sender Munitz on the marriage of his grandson Avremy Herszberg to Tova Tuvel.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Mr. Betzalel Fleischman - 12 Teves
- Rabbi Shalom Elharrar - 12 Teves
- Rabbi Shimon Raichik - 13 Teves
- Mr. Nachum Marks - 13 Teves
- Mr. Meilach Weiss - 14 Teves
- Mr. Zev Geisinsky - 15 Teves
- Mattisyahu Tzvi Stark - 16 Teves
- Moshe Lazer Wagshul - 16 Teves
- Chaim Binyomin Estulin - 16 Teves
- Shlomo Nathanson - 18 Teves
- Yitzchok Tzvi Gorelik - 18 Teves
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Mr. & Mrs. Asher Katz - 12 Teves
- Mr. & Mrs. Milton Goodman - 13 Teves
- Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Schochet - 16 Teves
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Perel bas Reb Nissan (Mr. Betzalel Fleischman’s mother) - 12 Teves
- Reb Noach ben Reb Zalman Leib (Rabbi Naftoli Estulin’s brother) - 14 Teves
- Reb Tanchum ben Reb Moshe Yaakov (Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz’s brother) - 14 Teves
- Reb Moshe Yaakov ben Reb Yeshaye (Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz’s father) - 14 Teves
- Reb Mordechai Meir ben Reb Chaim Elozar Hakohen (Mrs. Rivka Katz’s father) - 14 Teves
- Sulika bas Reb Shlomo (Rabbi Shalom Elharrar's grandmother) - 15 Teves
- Reb Noson Notte ben Reb Yakov Yeshayohu Hakohen (Rabbi Yitzchok Arnold’s father) - 17 Teves
- Sora Golda bas Reb Yaacov (Mrs. Nettie Lerner’s mother) - 17 Teves
Devar Torah - Vayechi
Transforming the World with True Climate Change
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
It’s been a cold month even here in Los Angeles. The month of Teves is the coldest of the year and a good time to take a lesson from the idea of global warming. Our job during this month is to convert the cold of this world into light and warmth. The end of Chanukah falls out on Rosh Chodesh Teves. Every Rosh Chodesh encompasses the spiritual service of that entire month. Therefore, our avodah in the month of Teves is to take the light and warmth of Chanukah with us throughout the month. Our job is to reveal the light of Hashem in this world with the light of the Torah and mitzvos. Where do we get this ability, in the darkest of times, not only to reveal Hashem’s light but also to transform the darkness into light?
The Previous Rebbe related a story he heard in the name of the Tzemach Tzedek about the Baal Shem Tov. The Baal Shem Tov loved light. Therefore his Chassidim always made sure to light many candles whenever they expected him. On one occasion they had only a single candle and, despite their efforts, could not obtain any more. Knowing how much their Rebbe loved light they were bitterly disappointed by their inability to provide the illumination he desired. When the Baal Shem Tov entered the room, he told his Chassidim to go outside and collect the icicles that hung from the roof. He then instructed them to arrange the 'ice candles' about the room and light them. The ice burned like wax, flooding the room with light. The Tzemach Tzedek was then silent. With a note of yearning in his voice, he said: "For the Baal Shem Tov's Chassidim, ice burned and yielded light”. From this we learn that by having Chassidus and by being connected to the Rebbe, Chassidim have the power to convert darkness so much so that they can even use the cold and the darkness of this world to give off light.
That is fine and good for the great Chassidim of the Holy Baal Shem Tov. But what can we do, where is our power today, in the middle of the political social and cultural darkness and upheavals of 5775-2015? When we look around we ask who is winning? Are we converting the darkness and cold into light, or is the world making inroads into our homes, schools and communities? Take for example the topic of global warming or as it is now being termed more often, ‘climate change’. Even though the true cause of global warming is still legitimately debated there are those that pass on the idea of global warming as already proven. They assume that we, the human race are the sole cause of global warming and that only our intellect will solve it. We have a responsibility to guard the environment but we need to be more honest about the limits of what we can do and rely on the fact that it is Hashem who decrees whether there will be rain or drought, cold or warm, as we daven three times a day in the winter and ask for rain (except for Shabbos). We need to be careful to respect Hashem’s constant involvement in controlling best outcome for the world as we try to find answers to the world’s challenges in general and our lives in particular. The same holds true for what is happening in Eretz Yisroel, with marriage and with terrorism. Do we allow ourselves to be influenced by the theories or the opinion makers or do we bring the wisdom of the Torah to help bring about a positive outcome to the challenges of education, Eretz Yisroel, marriage and yes even climate change.
What does this mean to us in our personal lives? Are we too being affected by the cold or are we warming up and transforming the cold with the light and warmth of the Torah and mitzvos? In our finances do we think that everything is up to us? It’s only up to me to know what to do and that alone brings me wealth? How about our children? Do we give them the message that I make parnasa or that parnasa comes from Hashem in all that we do? Today our youth are being bombarded with messages around the clock from their iPhones their iPads from Twitter and from Facebook much more than the previous generation. Are those messages having an effect on their overall thinking? Are we creating an atmosphere filled with the warmth and light and providing the security of a healthy and growing Judaism that illuminates and converts the cold of today’s world instead of being affected by it’s messages?
On the other hand, do we tell a 23 year old that has the burden of paying his bills and raising his young family to just sit back and do nothing and rely on Hashem? That’s against the Torah. We need to present a balanced picture, it’s not an all or nothing situation. In our communities today we need to accept the fact that there aren’t enough shlichus opportunities and it’s not a one size fits all scenario. If the situation demands we need to support our youth and give them the necessary tools to make a keli, a proper vessel for an honorable parnasa. Then surely Hashem will give them the bracha and the hatzlacha to live a good Chassidishe life as a Lubavitcher Chosid b’nosar, with extra.
So how do we get the strength to go from strength to strength and reveal the light of the Torah and mitzvos and covert the darkness today in 5775-2015? First we need a Mashpia. This means that we first need to realize that being accountable is good for us. We need to take the time to report to our Mashpia and work it through. It makes everything easier and working together with a Mashpia brings a positive outcome. We cannot fall prey to the messages of today’s culture, which tells us to only be answerable to what we think and feel and only to our own needs and wants.
Next it is essential to have to the positive messaging that comes only from set times for learning Torah (Niglah and Chassidus) with a chavrusa. Today there are so many ways to learn with so many resources available that we can easily avail ourselves of, it’s never been easier. We need however to close the door and close the cell phone (if even for a while) and focus solely on the learning so that it will sink in. Next, the Rabbeim teach us that a fabrengen is one of the most effective tools in Chassidishe life and should be a regular part of our lives. When all of these things are active we have the strength to bring it home to our families and our communities to bring about a positive outcome for others and go from strength to strength.
At least once a month we need to sit down and write the Rebbe a letter and place it in Igros Kodesh or send it to the Ohel. It helps for me when I stand in front of the Rebbe’s picture. When I stand in front of his picture I learn my place. I thing about who the Rebbe is, and how he sets the model and the ideal for the best and most positive outcome. Then I look at myself and speak to the Rebbe with honesty about who I am and where I am with all of my faults. Then I tell the Rebbe: “I am your Chosid, you are my Rebbe, I belong with you. We are always together and we are always staying together.” Then it is alive, as this week’s parsha says: “Vayechi Yaakov”. When his children are alive and living in his ways, it’s because he is alive in them.
With this we have the strength not only to withstand the darkness and cold of today’s world and still remain frum but each of us in our own way has the ability and has the job of converting the cold and the darkness into a candle that illuminates the final vestiges of the darkness including the “rigla d’tarmudai- the last forces of darkness that rebel against Hashem and bring about true climate change by changing the climate of this world with the ultimate positive outcome with the light and warmth of the revelation of Moshiach Now!
A Good Shabbos