- Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- WEDNESDAY: Farbrengen for men in shul in honor of 12 Tammuz. 9:00 pm. With Rabbi Mendel Schapiro.
Shul Bulletin
Announcements - Chukas
Shabbos Schedule - Chukas
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:50 pm
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:21 am
- Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- NO Kol Yakov Yehuda during the summer :(((
- Rabbi Raichik's Pirkei Avos Shiur: 6:50 pm
- Mincha: 7:50 pm Followed by Pirkei Avos - Perek 5
- Shabbos Ends: 8:53 pm
Kiddush Sponsors - Chukas
- Dr. & Mrs. Ze'ev Rav-Noy in honor of the 12th anniversary of Dr. Rav-Noy’s miracle in Gaza - 10 Tammuz 5765. May Hashem continue to shower them and the entire community with kol tuv sela.
- Mr. & Mrs. Isser Goldstein for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Isser Goldstein’s mother Chava Rivkah bas Reb Avraham ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Chukas
- Yossi Burston & Shmuly Mayberg in honor of their birthdays on 12 Tammuz. May they have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Zalman Raksin for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Zalman Raksin’s mother Baila bas Reb Yitzchok ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
Women's Shabbos Shiur & Farbrengen - Chukas
6:30 pm at the home of Mrs. Varda Rav-Noy
428 N Martel Ave.
Speaker: Rabbi Levi Kramer
Mazal Tov To - Chukas
Upcoming Birthdays
- Rabbi Dovid Thaler - 7 Tammuz
- Rabbi Eliyahu Newman - 8 Tammuz
- Dovber Cherman - 10 Tammuz
- Yosef Chaim Kaufman - 11 Tammuz
- Rabbi Tuvia Helfen - 12 Tammuz
- Yosef Yitzchak Novack - 12 Tammuz
- Rabbi Nachman Kreiman - 13 Tammuz
- Sholom Dovber Raeburn - 13 Tammuz
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Mr. & Mrs. Eli Goldman - 7 Tammuz
- Mr. & Mrs. Eliezer Yaakov Kahan - 10 Tammuz
- Rabbi & Mrs. Gershon Schusterman - 12 Tammuz
- Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Habibian - 13 Tammuz
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Chava Rivkah bas Reb Avraham (Mr. Isser Goldstein’s mother) - 7 Tammuz
- Reb Yitzchok ben Reb Mordechai Tzvi (Rabbi Zalman Raksin’s grandfather) - 8 Tammuz
- Raizel bas Reb Yakov Hakohen (Rabbi Zalman Raksin’s grandmother) - 8 Tammuz
- Esther bas Reb Mordechai (Mrs. Kelly Benarroch’s mother) - 8 Tammuz
- Reb Moshe ben Reb Sholom (Mr. David Peretz’s father) - 8 Tammuz
- Baila bas Reb Yitzchok (Rabbi Zalman Raksin’s mother) - 9 Tammuz
- Rachel bas Reb Aharon (Ms. Ofra Shipman’s mother) - 10 Tammuz
Devar Torah - Chukas
Gimmel Tammuz came and went.
What was gained?
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
Gimmel Tammuz fell out on Tuesday of this last week. There were thousands waiting up to 2 ½ hours to spend 2 minutes by the Rebbe’s Ohel. The connection is strong. What is the connection between Gimmel Tammuz and week’s parsha of Chukas? The Alter Rebbe brings in Igeres HaKodesh (28) a Gemara (Moed Katan 28.) that says that Miriam’s passing is recorded in the Torah next to the parsha of the Parah Adumah to teach that just as the Parah Adumah atones for sin so too the passing of Tzaddikim atones.
The Rebbe asks the following questions about the parah Adumah. 1. Why was it the only korban brought outside the Beis HaMikdash? 2. Why do those involved in preparing or offering the korban become impure? 3. Why is the Parah Adumah called on Moshe Rabbenu’s name and why do all future Parah Adumahs require the addition of some of the ash from the original Parah of Moshe? 4. Why does the Torah require that the ash be guarded (l’mishmeres)?
The Rebbe answered these questions by bringing a Medrash. When Hashem taught Moshe the laws of the impurity of death (tumas meis) Moshe Rabbenu turned colors, thinking how will the Jewish people ever become purified from such a severe impurity. Hashem answered with the words: “Zos chukas ha Torah, This is the statute of the Torah”. Why was Moshe Rabbenu so bothered by this impurity and not any of the other forms of impurity? It’s because the impurity of death is the most severe (avi avos hatumah). This impurity represents spiritual death. It’s a state where the person’s lifeline has been cut off. As the pasuk reads “Those of you that are attached to Hashem your G-d are all alive today” We can lack in many areas and even impure in some. As long as we are connected we can be revivied, just like a leaf attached to a parched tree can be revived with some water. What can be done when there is no connection? How is there even a possibility for cleansing such an impurity? This is what troubled Moshe Rabbenu.
Hashem’s answer was; “Zos chukas HaTorah”; it’s not based on a logical calculation, it’s a statute. Go outside, leave the Beis HaMikdash and get involved in the challenges and limitations of the outside world, even those aspects that are opposed to kedusha. This is a message to everyone of us to get involved in the needs of others and to give of ourselves, of our time and yes even some of our spiritual stature and purpose to benefit others. Because of his involvement with the Parah Adumah Elazar HaKohen was unavailable for service in the Beis HaMikdash for the entire day and then into the night while he went through purification. This is the chok, the decree of the Torah. We do this because Hashem instructed us to go into the difficulties of others outside the realm of holiness without an end gain for ourselves, even a spiritual benefit.
The one who helps us and gives us this power to be successful is Moshe Rabbenu who said “Anachnu Mah, who are we?”, (meaning that it is not by our strength or power, rather by our connection with Hashem that we succeed). Our connection to Moshe Rabbenu and the Moshe Rabbenu of our generation, the Rebbe, touches the self sacrifice within us that is beyond the intellect and any of it’s calculations. We have seen this charachteristic on display endlessly by the Rebbe who gave so generously of his time and energy to others. This is why the Parah Adumah, Zos chukas HaTorah, is called on Moshe Rabbenu’s name and all subsequent one’s have some of the ash of the original, connecting us throughout to Moshe Rabbenu.
On the other hand we cannot suffice with self sacrifice alone. A person can not make his entire Judaism stand on Mivtzoyim alone. We need the additional reminder to guard the ash of the Parah Adumah, to protect and to preserve our connection and to maintain our purity as well. With the strength we get through our connection to the Rebbe, we are guaranteed success in our efforts to purify our surroundings even the parts that have contracted the impurity of death, by sprinkling others with the living waters of the wellspring of Chassidus with sincerity. Through our connection, involvement and efforts may we immediately merit the 10th Parah Adumah, the Parah of the Melech HaMoshiach, now!
A Good Shabbos
construction update
The Shul construction project began as scheduled this past Monday. During construction there will be some changes to “normal” Shul routines will be required. We are trying to minimize inconvenience, but for safety and sanity some inconvenience is unavoidable. Constructive recommendations are appreciated. During the week, shul entrance from the alley will not be available.
This week, construction activities will at times be quite noisy. Therefore only the 6:30 and 7:00 minyanim among the many daytime minyanim will be in the shul. Allother minyanim will be in kollel.
There is a girls camp in the youth wing during the week. It starts at 9. We request that shul goers avoid going into the youth wing. The portable restrooms in the back will be available.
Announcements - Korach
- Click here for the KYY END OF YEAR REPORT
- Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- TEHILIM: Please say tehilim for Boruch Aharon ben Dina Nassy.
- It is customary for all men to get an aliya this Shabbos. Minyanim for Kriah will begin at 9:00 am. The Gaboim ask that everyone please come to shul before davening to get an aliya.
Shabbos Schedule - Korach
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:49 pm
- It is customary for all men to get an aliya this Shabbos. Minyanim for Kriah will begin at 9:00 am. The Gaboim ask that everyone please come to shul before davening to get an aliya.
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:19 am
- Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- NO Kol Yakov Yehuda during the summer :(((
- Rabbi Raichik's Pirkei Avos Shiur: 6:50 pm
- Mincha: 7:50 pm Followed by Pirkei Avos - Perek 4
- Shabbos Ends: 8:52 pm
Kiddush Sponsors - Korach
- Dr. & Mrs. Ze'ev Rav-Noy in honor of Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. Yoseph Nachum & Mrs. Rachelle Fayga Cherman in honor of the birth of their daughter Sara Elka. May they have much nachas from her and may she grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.
- Anonymous in honor of Chaya Mushka bas Chana’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Korach
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Fogelman for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shmuel Fogelman’s father Harav Yehuda Tzvi ben Reb Moshe Yakov ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Reichman for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Mitch Reichman’s father Reb Meir ben Reb Moshe Efraim ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
Women's Shabbos Shiur & Farbrengen - Korach
6:30 pm at the home of Mrs. Chani Pinson
453 N Martel Ave.
Speaker: Mrs. Chani Pinson
Mazal Tov To - Korach
- All the children in our community graduating from Cheder Menachem, YOEC, the Smicha Program, Bais Chaya Mushka, Bais Rebbe and Ohel Chana. May they continue to have success in their learning and give much Nachas to their parents.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shaye Eichenblatt on the marriage of their son Yisroel to Shayna Gaerman.
- Mr & Mrs. Moshe Davidoff on the marriage of their son Sadya to Shimona Leah Rapoport.
- Mrs. Mira Labkowsky on the marriage of her son Sendy to Mali New.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Zalmen Schmukler on the weddings of their grandchildren Mendel Paltiel to Sarale Cohen, and Mushka Paltiel to Avremel Minsky.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Levi Weiss - 30 Sivan
- Shmuel Berkowitz - 1 Tammuz
- Schnuer Zalmen Raeburn - 2 Tammuz
- Rabbi Yaakov BenZaquen - 4 Tammuz
- Dr. Ze'ev Rav-Noy - 4 Tammuz
- Mr. Rami Tamir - 5 Tammuz
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Rabbi & Mrs. Berel Schusterman - 30 Sivan
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Bukiet - 1 Tammuz
- Mr. & Mrs. Gary Apfel - 2 Tammuz
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shalom Elharrar - 3 Tammuz
- Mr. & Mrs. Yankel Ginsburg - 3 Tammuz
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Fogelman - 5 Tammuz
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yehudah Lerman - 6 Tammuz
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Harav Yehuda Tzvi ben Reb Moshe Yakov (Rabbi Shmuel Fogelman’s father) - 1 Tammuz
- Reb Yosef Hirsh ben Reb Leib (Rabbi Eli Vcherashansky’s father) - 2 Tammuz
- Reb Eli ben Reb Moshe (Mrs. Robin Hambourger’s father) - 3 Tammuz
- Reb Meir ben Reb Moshe Efraim (Mr. Mitch Reichman’s father) - 4 Tammuz
- Reb Avrohom ben Reb Moshe (Mrs. Kelly Benarroch’s brother) - 4 Tammuz
- Masi Mindel bas Reb Levi Yitzchok Halevi (Mrs. Debbie Fine’s mother) - 5 Tammuz
- Reb Itzchav Tzvi ben Reb Chaim Simcha (Mrs. Chaya Kornreich’s father) - 6 Tammuz
Devar Torah - Korach
Knowing Who We Are and Preparing for Gimmel Tammuz
Begins at Home… But does not end there
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
When preparing for Gimmel Tammuz, one may pick up one of the books that were written about the Rebbe and he or she may feel that this is the way that they should prepare themselves for Gimmel Tammuz.
We will read that “The Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History: Read it and you will become a better person. From reading this book, one can better understand how Rabbi Schneerson had a positive impact on hundreds of thousands – and his life’s work continues to live on today through the organization, Chabad-Lubavitch he built which remains the largest Jewish organization in the world.”
The world needs to know about the Rebbe. The Rebbe is everyone’s Rebbe and they are better off in every way by reading about him, and its very good and important to read these books. However, as Lubavitcher Chassidim, Anash, we have our way of preparing ourselves for Gimmel Tammuz. We look into the Sichos Maamarim and letters of the Rebbe and share with our families the stories that have been passed to us through our Rabbeim and Chassidim.
Once, a yunger man told me that he went through the system but he doesn’t know the history of the Rabbeim. He then said he understands those that read the books because they want to know more about the Rebbe. I thought to myself, how can that be? Obviously, he hasn’t read the Memoirs of the Previous Rebbe, the Sefer HaToldos and Likutei Dibburim. Therefore, he doesn’t know the history of the Rabbeim! When a bachur gets to yeshiva, we teach him the Torah, but there’s no system to teach who we are as Chassidim. It’s expected that that the father and mother or the elementary school taught all of that before he came to yeshiva.
When my father sent my brother Yossie and I to Montreal, it was a half a year after our Bar Mitzvah. There was then a young man, Rabbi Pinchas Korf - who is now the Mashpia in Oholai Torah, who would fabreng with our group every Thursday night. He didn’t bring mashka, he brought the sefer HaTomim and read us stories of Chassidim. A year or two later there was an older bachor would come to our room before we went to sleep and read us the long letter of the Previous Rebbe about Chassidim that was still in typed manuscript and had not yet come out in print. That’s how I got to know our history. It gave me a geshmak, great pleasure to hear these stories and it inspired me to go on to read the stories in Sefer HaToldos etc. These days since these books are all printed in English, we don’t need anyone to read to us, and we can ourselves read and get to know that Rabbeim and earlier chassidim.
As Gimmel Tammuz approaches, we prepare by learning Sichos Maamarim, letters and stories. These days are a good time to speak with your family. You don’t need to sit all day in shul and fabreng, fabreng with your family also. Prepare in advance what you are going to say on Friday night and Shabbos day. Tell your family stories of Chassidim that will warm them up and inspire them. Then your children will know who they are, from the words of the Rabbeim themselves. With that chayus and inspiration we have the energy to go out into the world and complete the mission that the Rebbe has given us to bring Moshiach. The better that we connect and live with the Rabbeim and Chassidim, the more fitting shluchim we are to represent the Rebbe’s message in the best way.
May we all merit to see the Rebbe again with our physical eyes with the revelation of Moshiach Now!
Chabad Chodesh - Tammuz
The new issue of the "Chabad Chodesh"
is now available online by clicking here
Reminder: Empty out your lockers
Please empty out your lockers by 9 am tomorrow (Mon) morning, as they are starting construction
Thanks in advance
Mishulovin Bris
The Mishulovin Bris
Will iy"H take place on Monday, 25 Sivan/June 19
In Mesivta-YOEC - 7215 Waring Ave.
Shacharis - 8:30. Bris 9:45
May we only share simchas together.
Announcements - Shelach
- Click here for KYY update.
- Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- TEHILIM: Please say tehilim for Boruch Aharon ben Dina Nassy.
Shabbos Schedule - Shelach
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:48 pm
- Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim: 8:15 am
- Followed by Rabbi Raichik’s Shiur Chassidus
- Tehillim Club: 9:00 am
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:17 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Shacharis: 10:15 am
- FINAL WEEK - Kol Yakov Yehuda: 10:15
- Rabbi Raichik's Pirkei Avos Shiur: 6:45 pm
- Mincha: 7:45 pm Followed by Pirkei Avos - Perek 3
- Shabbos Ends: 8:51 pm
- Molad of Chodesh Tamuz: Shabbos, 30 Sivan/June 24, 9:16 am and 13 chalokim.
- Rosh Chodesh Tamuz: Shabbos & Sunday, June 24 & 25.
Kiddush Sponsors - Shelach
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Mishulovin for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yosef Mishulovin’s father Reb Chayim Eliyahu ben Reb Eliezer ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Dr. & Mrs. Sal Newman for all the miracles and kindness Hashem has shown their family. May Hashem continue to shower them and the entire community with kol tuv sela. Also in honor of their daughter Sara Feiga graduating nursing school. May she see success in all her endeavors and may Hashem continue to shower her and the entire community with kol tuv sela.
- Dr. & Mrs. Zeev Rav-Noy in honor of their son Avi’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosenbloom in honor of the birth of their granddaughter Shira Bina bas Aviva Ariel. May they have much nachas from her and may she grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Shelach
- Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Anatian in honor of their daughter Esther Chana’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Reb Lazer Handlesman in honor of Josh Rosen’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shalom Rubashkin in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
Women's Shabbos Shiur & Farbrengen - Shelach
6:30 pm at the home of Mrs. Tova Levine
361 N Vista St.
Speaker: Rabbi Yisorel Hecht
Mazal Tov To - Shelach
- Rabbi & Mrs. Zalman Schmukler on the marriage of their granddaughter Devorah Leah Kanter to Zalman Brod.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Yisroel Freeman - 24 Sivan
- Rabbi Yitzchok Tennenbaum - 24 Sivan
- Mr. Chaim Spiegel - 25 Sivan
- Mr. Avi Rav-Noy - 25 Sivan
- Avinoam Rav-Noy - 25 Sivan
- Rabbi Shmaya Altein - 26 Sivan
- Mr. Aaron Leib Brenner - 26 Sivan
- Saadia-Leib Davidoff - 27 Sivan
- Rabbi Nootie Gross - 28 Sivan
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shalom Rubashkin - 25 Sivan
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Reb Moshe ben Reb Shmuel (Mr. Jon Engelson’s father) - 24 Sivan
- Reb Chayim Eliyahu ben Reb Eliezer (Rabbi Yosef Mishulovin’s father) - 29 Sivan
Devar Torah - Shelach
Completing the World with Our Words
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
This week is the parsha of Shelach in which Moshe Rabbenu sent 12 spies to the land of Israel. He gave them instructions to see the land, understand it's features, what the people living there are like, if they are strong or weak, if they are few or many, and then return with a report.
When they returned they gave a negative report saying that Jewish People were unable to go up and conquer the land because their opponents were stronger. This caused the people to cry and become hysterical. Instead of immediately entering the land the result was 39 more years of wandering the desert. The entire generation eventually died without reaching Eretz Yisroel and the ten spies were immediately punished and died from a plague.
In a Sicha the Rebbe asked what the actual sin of the spies was. They seemingly fulfilled the job for which they were sent. Moshe Rabbenu told them to look into the details and they did just that. By saying that the people that dwell in the land were strong, and that the cities were fortified, and that they were very great, they were giving nothing more than their honest assessment. So where did they go wrong?
Their mistake was not in the reports but in the conclusions that they mistakenly made from what they thought were obvious from what they observed. The insult of their words were added to the injury of their mistaken assessment. So how could they have gotten around this problem? If they would have first consulted with Moshe Rabbenu before going public they may have avoided this great tragedy.
What might have been the kind of explanation they would have received to address their concerns? Moshe Rabbenu would have told him that although they would enter into a physical battle, Hashem would be with them throughout. Hashem would perform miracles as he did with the splitting of the Red Sea and they would overcome the obstacles of living in the land, and the promises and the blessings would be fulfilled in entirety. Moshe Rabbenu would enter the land with them and build the Beis HaMikdash and the geula would ensue.
Instead of seeking Moshe Rabbenu's advice they immediately expressed without hesitation all their fears and opinions. They overwhelmed and frightened the Jewish People who reacted in a way that eventually led to the destruction of Tisha bAv.
What practical lesson does this teach each and everyone of us in our daily lives? Parshas Shelach teaches us that while it is legitimate to be frustrated and even confused about things that go on in our lives and in our communities we need to be careful before responding reflexively. In this modern world of social media, Twitter and Facebook and the like we have become accustomed to expressing our thoughts off-the-cuff with irreversible results. What we say write and post all becomes a permanent part of the Internet for all to see. We cannot control the damage that we cause, even if it was caused by mistake and for legitimate upset. Nevertheless it is irreversible and this should give all of us some pause. Who suffers when we make an inaccurate mistake? Everyone!
In times gone by, when we lived in a world without the technological advantages of social media we were forced by default to pause, wait and think things through before sending them out. It was less common to act on the spur of the moment unless the person was in front of us.
Take for example problems in our schools. If a teacher and a parent have a disagreement patience is a necessity. If we as parents let go of inhibition and take to Twitter or social media to relieve the stress of what we consider to be unfair treatment by a teacher we can destroy the education of our children. Even the child may be able to see later on what's been written in many cases, if not immediately. Once the child listens or reads to what was said about his or her teacher, all the lectures in the world will not get them to respect their teacher. Their respect for them was destroyed by what they read or heard and now the teacher cannot teach. Who loses? The child, who didn't learn in class, they learned chutzpah instead.
The same is true for teachers. Once a teacher strikes out or vents frustrations against a child in public it is too late because the public shame caused irreversible damage to the child. Once that has occurred there's really no such thing as making it up.
The lesson we can take from the spies is to first consult with a Mashpiah before taking action or before speaking out. It's better to think it over and hesitate before reflexively using social media as an instant catharsis for our frustrations, fears, doubts and pains.
By mastering our ability to hesitate, and by mastering positive speech we will be able to reveal the hidden potential in each and every person. Since each and every person plays an essential part in bringing the geula, by participating in bringing out the hidden potential in each and every person we do our part and help complete our mission of bringing Moshiach Now!
A Good Shabbos
Reminder!!! Zipp L'Chaim!!!
Mazel Tov! to Refoel Yehoshua Nosson Zipp (Los Angeles, CA)
and Shira Leorah Paffrath (Frederick, MA).
The L'Chaim will iy"h be
Sunday, Sivan/17/June 11, 6:00 pm @ Kanner Hall.
We will be serving milchigs.
May we only share simchas. Thank you,
Barbara and Steve Zipp
Announcements - Beha’aloscha
- Click here for KYY update.
- Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- TEHILIM: Please say tehilim for Boruch Aharon ben Dina Nassy.
- SUNDAY: Mazel Tov! to Refoel Yehoshua Nosson Zipp (Los Angeles, CA) and Shira Leorah Paffrath (Frederick, MA). L'Chaim will be Sunday, June 11th, 6:00 P.M., Kanner Hall. We will be serving milchigs. May we only share simchas. Thank you, Barbara and Steve Zipp
Shabbos Schedule - Beha’aloscha
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:45 pm
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:15 am
- Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yakov Yehuda: 10:00
- Rabbi Raichik's Pirkei Avos Shiur: 6:45 pm
- Mincha: 7:45 pm Followed by Pirkei Avos - Perek 2
- Shabbos Ends: 8:48 pm
Sholom Zochor - Beha’aloscha
Heshy & Chani Mishulovin
Invite the community to a Sholom Zochor
in the shul.
Kiddush Sponsors - Beha’aloscha
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov BenZaquen for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yaakov BenZaquen’s father Reb Ezer ben Reb Shimon ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Congregation Levi Yitzchok in honor of Even Scholl’s 70th birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Congregation Levi Yitzchok in honor of Avi Weiner’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Jonathan Glabman in honor of Rabbi Jonathan Glabman’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also in honor of their daughter Shira’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Glick for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Shaindel Glick’s mother Baila Frummet bas Reb Asher Haleivi ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Mr. & Dr. Martin Leaderman for the yahrtzeit of Dr. Margalit Leaderman’s father Nissen ben Reb Lebel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Gavriel Hakohen Menin in honor of his birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Raigorodsky in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
- Rabbi Shmuli and Esther M Schlanger, Bakersfield. with profound gratitude to the Entire Yiddisher kehillah of Los Angeles for your assistance in our Shlichus in Bakersfield.
- Mr. & Mrs. Reuven Solomon in honor of Mr. Reuven Solomon’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Beha’aloscha
- Rabbi & Mrs. Noteh Berger for the Bar-Mitzvah of their son Shnuer Zalmen. May he give them much nachas and may he grow up to be a true chossid yirei shomaim and lamdan.
- Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Reichman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Atara Reichman’s mother Sara Gittel bas Reb Avrohom ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
Also in honor of Mrs. Atara Reichman’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Also in honor of their children Alexander Sender & Sara Gittel’s birthdays. May they have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. - Mr. Joshua Rosen in honor of his birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Women's Shabbos Shiur & Farbrengen - Beha’aloscha
6:30 pm at the home of Mrs. Etty Bastomski
418 N Fuller Ave.
Speaker: Mrs. Chana Rochel Schusterman
Mazal Tov To - Beha’aloscha
- Rabbi & Mrs. Noteh Berger on the bar-mitzvah of their son Shnuer Zalmen.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Braude on the birth of their Grandson.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yossel Brod on the engagement of their son Shimmy to Chassidah Woolstone.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Bukiet on the birth on bris of their grandson.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Ber Levine on the marriage of their granddaughter Dini Levine to Shmuel Lehrer.
- Mr. & Mrs. Ari Markowitz on the birth of their daughter Sima Bracha.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Heshy Mishulovin on the birth of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Mishulovin.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yerachmiel Wolowik on the engagement of their son Mendel Wolowik to Chaya Mushka Mayzlesh.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Rabbi Boruch Friedman - 16 Sivan
- Rabbi Danny Rotenberg - 16 Sivan
- Mr. Joshua Rosen - 16 Sivan
- Mr. Yosef Chazanow - 16 Sivan
- Rabbi Jonathan Glabman - 17 Sivan
- Yisroel Newman - 17 Sivan
- Alexander Sender Reichman - 18 Sivan
- Mr. Frank Revere - 18 Sivan
- Mr. Jon Hambourger - 19 Sivan
- Mr. Moshe Niasoff - 19 Sivan
- Aaron Binyomin Revere - 20 Sivan
- Yaakov Rotenberg - 21 Sivan
- Mr. Reuven Solomon - 22 Sivan
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Blauner - 17 Sivan
- Dr. & Mrs. Sholom Fine - 19 Sivan
- Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Raigorodsky - 21 Sivan
- Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Levin - 22 Sivan
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Nissen ben Reb Lebel (Dr. Margalit Leaderman’s father) - 16 Sivan
- Sara Gittel bas Reb Avrohom (Mr. Dovid Kagan’s mother) - 17 Sivan
- Baila Frummet bas Reb Asher Haleivi (Mrs. Shaindel Glick’s mother) - 21 Sivan
- Reb Ezer ben Reb Shimon (Rabbi Yaakov BenZaquen’s father) - 21 Sivan
- Tamar bas Reb Moshe (Mrs. Kelly Benarroch’s sister) - 22 Sivan
Devar Torah - Beha’aloscha
Our mandate from the Rebbe:
Illuminate the world with the light of Torah
to prepare for Moshiach!
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
Among the subjects this week's parsha speaks about are the travels of Bnei Yisroel through the desert. The parsha tells us that when the ananei hakavod (clouds) signaled, the Bnei Yisroel travelled. In some places they stayed for a year, or a week, or even just a day or two. What practical knowledge do we gain by knowing the various travels and camping places of Bnei Yisroel in the desert? The answer is to teach us that the Bnei Yisroel camped and traveled according to the word of Hashem.
The Gemorah asks: How do we know that we may not carry between a private domain and a public domain on Shabbos? If we learn this halacha from the desert, we know that a desert is not considered a city, but rather a karmelis (not a public domain)? The Gemorah answers that we learn the halacha out of the fact that the Bnei Yisroel traveled and camped according to Hashem. When the Bnei Yisroel encamped, that place became a permanent establishment. Thus, the laws of a private domain and a public domain applied. This teaches us that even though the Bnei Yisroel might have only stayed briefly in a certain place, because Hashem told them to stop there, their stay, however short, was considered permanent.
The Rebbe explains that a desert has two features: no one can live there and nothing grows there. This shows a level of klipa. Nothing positive can come from klipa, and klipa wants everything for itself. When the Bnei Yisroel entered the midbar, wherever they settled converted that part of the desert into a city. There were six hundred thousand households and a population of over two million individuals, they were supplied with water from Miriam's well and they erected the Mishkan. The Midrash adds that plants even began to grow. Bnei Yisroel converted the physical desert into a physical city and a spiritual desert into a home for Hashem. This same lesson should be applied to our avodas Hashem in this time of golus. We are living in a spiritual desert without revelation of Hashem. Our job in this desert is to erect a Mishkan, a dwelling place for Hashem. In this sense, every one of us represents the shevet Levi who must establish our dwellings as a Mishkan and do the service of Hashem in our home – where each of us represents the kohanim.
Sometimes we travel away from home. Even if only for a day or so, we may feel that we are only traveling and what we do is not so important. One might say to himself, “ich bein nor interveigen - I am neither here nor there.” Why should I be mehadar in kashrus, in tznius, davening with a minyan, etc. while in transit? I am on the road, don't bother me. This week's parsha teaches us that even when the Jews only encamped for one day, the Levi’im had to erect the Mishkan, disassemble it the next day and load the wagons with much hard labor! The Levi’im did not excuse themselves saying, “we don't need to get so involved, why should we bother for only a day or two?” Instead, they knew their encampment was by the word of Hashem and it was their task to prepare the Mishkan for the Cohanim to bring korbonos. They therefore treated every temporary place as permanent, and erected the Mishkan and performed avodas Hashem in that place.
The same is true for us. When we travel, we must remember the lesson from the Baal Shem Tov that everything is by Divine Providence. As the possuk says in Tehillim 37:23, “The steps of man are directed by Hashem.” So if one ends up somewhere, even overnight, it’s because Hashem wants him to be in that specific place. Our whole life is and wherever we are must be “al pi Hashem”. One must behave as if one is at home, and make that campground, hotel, motel or airport lounge into a Mishkan for Hashem.
Likutei Sichos, Vol 13 and vol 7, p. 351; sicha said to the shluchim going to Australia, 11 Iyar 5731/1971