- Click here for KYY update.
- Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Siyum
- SAVE THE DATE: 4 Tammuz/June 17, Siyum Sefer Torah in honor of Mr. Reuven Solomon. Click here for more info.
- TEHILIM: Please say tehilim fo Mrs. Elharar - Milka Yehudis bas Simcha Chaya for a speedy recovery.
Shul Bulletin
Announcements - Behaalotecha
Shabbos Schedule - Behaalotecha
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:41 pm
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:16 am
- Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
- Rabbi Raichik's Shiur in Pirkei Avos: 6:40 pm
- Mincha: 7:40 pm - Followed by Avos - Perek 2
- Shabbos Ends: 8:44 pm
Kiddush Sponsors - Behaalotecha
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov BenZaquen for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yaakov BenZaquen’s father Reb Ezer ben Reb Shimon ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Glick for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Shaindel Glick’s mother Baila Frummet bas Reb Asher Haleivi ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- The children of Reb Reuven Solomon in honor of his 80th birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Women's Shabbos Shiur & Farbrengen - Behaalotecha
6:30 pm at the home of Mrs. Sima Zeifman
421 N Poinsettia
Speaker: Mrs. Chani Pinson
Mazal Tov To - Behaalotecha
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomo Arnold on the birth of their grandson. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchok Arnold.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Gutierrez on the birth of their daughter. Mazal tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Refael Gutierrez.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Nachmen Kreiman on the birth of their grandson.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Mr. Jon Hambourger - 19 Sivan
- Mr. Moshe Niasoff - 19 Sivan
- Aaron Binyomin Revere - 20 Sivan
- Yaakov Rotenberg - 21 Sivan
- Mr. Reuven Solomon - 22 Sivan
- Yisroel Freeman - 24 Sivan
- Rabbi Yitzchok Tennenbaum - 24 Sivan
- Mr. Chaim Spiegel - 25 Sivan
- Mr. Avi Rav-Noy - 25 Sivan
- Avinoam Rav-Noy - 25 Sivan
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Dr. & Mrs. Sholom Fine - 19 Sivan
- Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Raigorodsky - 21 Sivan
- Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Levin - 22 Sivan
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shalom Rubashkin - 25 Sivan n
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Baila Frummet bas Reb Asher Haleivi (Mrs. Shaindel Glick’s mother) - 21 Sivan
- Reb Ezer ben Reb Shimon (Rabbi Yaakov BenZaquen’s father) - 21 Sivan
- Tamar bas Reb Moshe (Mrs. Kelly Benarroch’s sister) - 22 Sivan
- Reb Moshe ben Reb Shmuel (Mr. Jon Engelson’s father) - 24 Sivann
Devar Torah - Behaalotecha
Creating a Conducive Environment in the Spiritual Desert
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
In last week’s and this week’s parsha the Torah speaks about the Bnei Levi. Bnei Levi were responsible for carrying and assembling the Mishkan. The Bnei Kehos carried the vessels; the Aron, Menorah, Mizbeach and Shulchan. The Bnei Gershon carried the curtains etc while the Bnei Merari carried the boards etc. which made up the structure of the Mishkan. The Bnei Gershon and Merari were responsible for setting up the Mishkon in advance so when the Bnei Kehos arrived with the keilim they were ready to be placed inside. What is the lesson that this teaches us today? These mitzvos were only for the Bnei Yisroel when they travelled in the midbar. What relevant lesson does this teach us today in our service of Hashem?
Just like there is a physical desert, so too there is a spiritual desert. At times a person may feel lost in a spiritual desert that seems impossible to leave. So too nowadays in America it seems at times as if we have lost our way. Standards continue to drop. We tend to demand less and less of ourselves and our children. Test scores in the schools are less demanding. Instead of creating an environment that raises the bar on what we can achieve, we see the opposite. Society is lost in the desert. Our job is to find a way out of the desert. So what can we do? Each one of us needs to build a Mishkan for Hashem in our personal lives.
From among the children of Levi, Gershon was the bechor. Kehos was the next oldest followed by Merari. We see in the Torah however that Kehos was counted first, because he was the most holy. If Kehos was the most holy then why didn’t Hashem also make him the bechor? The Rebbe brings in Likutei Sichos (v. 13) an explanation of the Alter Rebbe in Likutei Torah that building of the Mishkan in the service of Hashem is similar to remodeling. First, you must clean and paint, then you can bring in the furniture. So too spiritually, we need to be ‘sur m’ra - to go away from what is improper’, and then to be ‘asei tov – to do good’. Gershon represents the need to drive out the negative. This is the first step. In order to accomplish this we need Merari which represents ‘mar’- bitter, to make an expert and sober accounting of both our accomplishments and shortcomings and our overall condition. After taking spiritual stock we need to be irked by our present state and desire change. This is known by the term ‘mari d’chushbana- master (also ‘mar’ bitter) accountant’. By carrying the structural portion of the Mishkon, Merari represents the wall of separation that comes between the desert and all that comes with it and what is inside of the Mishkon, a discreet environment of kedusha. Once this has been accomplished, then Gershon can hoist the curtains over the walls, completing the separation of the sanctified environment. And then Kehos bring in all of the vessels, which represent’s all of the things that we need to utilize in the service of Hashem.
In summary, Gershon and Merari made a suitable environment, the walls and the covering of the Mishkan, to provide a place for the vessels that provide the revelation of the divine presence that comes with all the warmth and the feeling together with the service inside the Mishkan.
We follow a similar order in our lives, in our service of Hashem. For example, we use tanks to go on mivtzoyim. We pull individuals inside the tanks to do a mitzvah. What do we need a tank for? We need a tank in order to take him out of the street, an environment which is hostile to kedusha. Then you can speak to him and fill him with the warmth and beauty of the mitzvah that he does. In order to do mivtza neshek, you need a candle holder and a table, a suitable environment through which the candle can transform the environment into a holy place. The shul is known as the mikdash me’at, the small mikdash, an environment to daven. It is a place intended to be closed off from the world, to be entered and filled with tefillah. As we know from Shulchan Aruch, there is supposed to be an entry way in between the door and the shul that is there to create a separation from the outside in order to have a removed and settled place to delve into prayer without disturbance. This applies to children in school as well. A teacher needs to create a warm and welcoming environment that is conducive for learning. So too our homes, we need to create an environment that makes it conducive to excel in all aspects of Yiddishkeit.
Even though the main thing is not the environment, rather how we use the environment, nevertheless, we need a fitting environment to be able to accomplish what is necessary. Therefore, Gershon and Merari had to be first, (not Kehos) even though the the main thing was Kehos’ service, which represents Torah and Avodah.
In order to drive away the evils of the world, it isn’t necessary to make speeches full of fire and brimstone or give mussar. A simple and heartfelt expression such as “ez past pisht – it’s not for you” is often more than enough to draw the correct distinction.
So practically speaking; “why do we need a mashpia? If the reason is because we need to hear a maamer, there are many options online! Do we go to a fabrengen to hear a d’var Torah? For that we can open a sefer. We go for the environment, to experience the chassidishe atmosphere. We go to the mashpia for guidance, in order to help create a chassidishe environment out of our home and our life, and how to constantly approve. We go for clear guidance, like a specific maamer to learn or a specific mitzvah to be mehader in. Guidance to see what is missing, in order to pull myself out of the desert and to build a Mishkan, a truly warm chassidishe environment.
There is a story told of Reb Chaim Brisker about once when an individual from the community asked him a shaaloh about whether you can be yotzei the four cups of the Seder on milk. Upon hearing the shaaloh he immediately sent his son with money for this man’s family for the entire Pesach. His son asked; “Tatte, he just asked a shaaloh about milk, he didn’t ask for tzedakah?” Reb Chaim understood this person’s ‘environment’. He understood that if he was asking to be yotzei the four cups on milk, then certainly there was no meat or chicken in the house. He understood the environment of the person who asked the question and therefore he knew how to address his needs properly. This is an example of a true Rav, and that you cannot find online or by making a search using Rabbi Google.
The Rebbe is the Aron with the Luchos and we need to create the environment, a Mishkan with the assistance of our mashpia.
Please come to shul tonight for maariv
The Kagan Family has Yahrtzeit tonight
there will be many chiyuvim in shul, please come help out!
Maariv will iy"h be on time - 8:30 pm
May we only share simchos
Bd"e: Reb Mordechai Segel ob"m MEIS MITZVAH HELP WITH MINYAN!!!!
With sadness we inform you of the passing of
Mr. Mordechai ben Reb Shlomo Segal ob"m
'Mordechai the warrior' - who spent so much time in our shul.
The Levaya will today -Wednesday, 3 pm
at Mt. Olive Cemetery
7231 East Slauson Ave. 90040
Please contact Levi Raichik if you can be there for the minyan
Announcements - Naso
- Click here for KYY update.
- Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Siyum
- SUNDAY: 13 Sivan/May 27, Siyum Sefer Torah in honor of Rabbi Rodal ob"m. Click here for more info.
- SUNDAY: Lechaim for Sara Raichik and Moshe Dov Hershberg. Click here for more info.
- TEHILIM: Please say tehilim fo Mrs. Elharar - Milka Yehudis bas Simcha Chaya for a speedy recovery.
Shabbos Schedule - Naso
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:36 pm
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:17 am
- Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
- Rabbi Raichik's Shiur in Pirkei Avos: 6:35 pm
- Mincha: 7:35 pm - Followed by Avos - Perek 1
- Shabbos Ends: 8:39 pm
Kiddush Sponsors - Naso
- Rabbi & Mrs. Meir Ashkenazi for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi’s father Reb Noson ben Reb Moshe ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Braude for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Boruch Braude’s mother Tova bas Reb Yerachmiel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Chaim Burston in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together. Also, in honor of Rabbi Chaim Burston’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Jonathan Glabman in honor of Rabbi Jonathan Glabman’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Dr. Martin Leaderman for the yahrtzeit of Dr. Margalit Leaderman’s father Reb Nissen ben Reb Lebel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Naso
- Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Anatian in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together.
- Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Nathanson in honor of Mr. Yossi Nathanson’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Reichman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Atara Reichman’s mother Sara Gittel bas Reb Avrohom ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya. Also, in honor of Mrs. Atara Reichman’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus. Also, in honor of their children Alexander Sender & Sara Gittel’s birthdays. May they have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Women's Shabbos Shiur & Farbrengen - Naso
6:30 pm at the home of Mrs. Sima Zeifman
421 N Poinsettia
Speaker: Rabbi Levi Kramer
Mazal Tov To - Naso
- Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Raichik on the engagement of their daughter Sara to Moshe Dov Hershberg.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Goldman on the birth of their daughter. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Goldman.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Notte Gross on the engagement of their son Mendel to Avigayil Deveroli.
- Mrs. Mushka Lightstone on the birth of her granddaughter (to Mordechai & Chana Lightstone.)
Upcoming Birthdays
- Rabbi Chaim Burston - 14 Sivan
- Mendy Mishulovin - 14 Sivan
- Levi Mishulovin - 15 Sivan
- Mendel Habibian - 15 Sivan
- Yehoshua Ovadya Engelson - 15 Sivan
- Rabbi Boruch Friedman - 16 Sivan
- Rabbi Danny Rotenberg - 16 Sivan
- Mr. Joshua Rosen - 16 Sivan
- Mr. Yosef Chazanow - 16 Sivan
- Rabbi Jonathan Glabman - 17 Sivan
- Yisroel Newman - 17 Sivan
- Alexander Sender Reichman - 18 Sivan
- Mr. Frank Revere - 18 Sivan
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Mr. & Mrs. Yitzchok Michael - 13 Sivan
- Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Wagshul - 14 Sivan
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shaya Lowenstein - 14 Sivan
- Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Goldman - 14 Sivan
- Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Anatian - 14 Sivan
- Rabbi & Mrs. Chaim Burston - 15 Sivan
- Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Blauner - 17 Sivan
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Reb Shmaryahu Fishel ben Reb Binyomin (Mrs. Susan Blauner’s father) - 12 Sivan
- Reb Yosef ben Reb Aryeh (Mr. Yisroel Koch’s father) - 12 Sivan
- Tova bas Reb Yerachmiel (Rabbi Boruch Braude’s mother) - 13 Sivan
- Reb Noson ben Reb Moshe (Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi’s father) - 15 Sivan
- Reb Nissen ben Reb Lebel (Dr. Margalit Leaderman’s father) - 16 Sivan
- Sara Gittel bas Reb Avrohom (Mr. Dovid Kagan’s mother) - 17 Sivan
Devar Torah - Naso
With the Simcha of “Nasan lanu Toras emes, v’chayei olam nata bisocheinu” we will break through the galus and greet Moshiach!
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
Shabbos this week falls out on the 12th day of Sivan which is the last of the seven days of completion, zayin yemei tashlumim for the holiday of Shavuos. It is therefore an appropriate time to reflect on what we accomplished on Shavuos and take a lesson with us into the rest of the year.
Shavuos is different that any other Yom Tov in a number of ways. Firstly of it’s the only one-day Yom Tov (Pesach and Sukkos are each 7 days). Also there is no special mitzvos on Shavuos such as Matzah on Pesach or a Sukkah and the Arba Minim on Sukkos. Shavuos has only the regular mitzvos for a Yom Tov that all Yomim Tovim share.
What makes Shavuos special is that it is the day we were chosen as Hashem’s unique nation. We were wanted and then chosen on this day not because we were smart or refined. When we were chosen we were lifted up and brought close to Hashem. This is the entire essence of the day.
As we mentioned in last week's article this our greatest simcha, the joy is being who we are, the Jewish people, the nation uplifted to and brought close by Hashem. We take joy in what can accomplish through the study if the Torah and performance of mitzvos. This has nothing to do with how learned or refined we are. What really counts is that we have the good fortune to be one with Hashem and His Torah, nothing else even compares. This is why Shavuos has no other mitzvah.
The Previous Rebbe wrote a long letter to Reb Eliyahu Tzvi Einbinder, the father of Rabbi Mordechai Einbinder (Igros Kodesh v.6 Yud Iyar 5702-1942) which includes stories that the Rebbe heard from his teacher the Rashbatz. One story takes place In the year 1857 on Shavuos. A large group of Chassidim including over a hundred and twenty rabbis some of which were the very best in Lubavitch at that time, as well as many wealthy Chassidim, Baal HaBatim and simple Chassidim came to Lubavitch to spend Shavuos with the Rebbe the Tzemach Tzedek. At that time, due to a fire the Rebbe was living in temporary housing which included a large garden area where the Chassidim would gather to review the Rebbe’s maamorim and Torah insights. The content of those maamorim were deep G-dly thoughts which only the very learned and those who understood Chassidus well were able to grasp. The simple Chassidim were not able to understand. From amongst everything that was reviewed over the entire Yom Tov there was just one maamor which began with the words “B’Sha’ Sh’hikdimu, At the moment Yisroel preceded the words ‘We will do’ before ‘We will understand’” that everyone could understand, even the most simple and unlearned.
This maamor, “B’Sha’ Sh’hikdimu” discusses the power of self sacrifice that Jews have for G-dliness and the strong stubbornness that comes along with it that Jews have for the Torah and the mitzvos. The Rebbe included many references from Medrash and other sources that clarify and illuminate this point. The Maamor goes on to detail the tremendous pleasure, nachas ruach, which Hashem has from the most simple person which keeps the mitzvah with energy passion and vitality imbued with the fear of Heaven; nachas ruach l’fanai sh’amarti v’naaseh ratoni; it is pleasure in front of Hashem when He spoke and His will is fulfilled”.
When these great Chassidim in the garden completed their review this Maamor; “B’Sha’ Sh’hikdimu” and everyone understood, the simple Chassidim spontaneously burst out in song and dance with a familiar song with the words; “Baruch Elokeinu sh’baranu l’kvodo, v’hivdilanu min ha’toyim, v’nasan lanu Toras emes, v’chayei olam nata bisocheinu; Blessed is Hashem who created us for His honor, separated us from the mistaken and gave us the Torah of truth, and placed everlasting life in our midst”.
Throughout the day they sang this song over and over again, each time with a greater enthusiasm and vitality, with a clearer and more resounding voice, to the point that they expanded into fiery expressions with intricate and absorbing dance which soon became irresistible to even the most circumspect onlookers.
The greatest Chassidim of that time, R’ Yitzchok Issac of Vitebsk, R’ Hillel of Paritch and R’ Yitzchok Isaac of Homil, were deeply moved as they looked upon these simple poor folks who often didn't have enough food for themselves and their families and how they put aside all of their mundane concerns and how they threw themselves with such vitality and became so engrossed loosing themselves in the joy and firery dance, inspired by the Rebbe’s maamor.
The Previous Rebbe went on to say that His teacher the Rashbatz would tell a Chassidishe story with all its details exactly like the reading of the megillah. He would tell this story in particular with unique joy. Because of his tremendous ahavas Yisroel, He had a unique insight to be able to see the inner core of Judaism as well as the purity and simplicity of a simple Jew. For that reason this story was uniquely beloved to him.
The Rashbatz continued the story. R’ Yitzchok Issac of Vitebsk upon seeing this outpouring of these simple Chassidim turned to R’ Hillel of Paritch and said; What do you say about the “v’nasan lanu Toras emes” of Nachum the wagon driver? My uncle, the Gaon R’ Zalmena Stutzker (a great non Chassidic Torah scholor) never said “v’nasan lanu Toras emes” with such a joy as the wagon driver Nachum does!
R’ Hillel replied; the exalted happiness with which Shmelke the cleaner and Shalom the tailor say “chayei olam nata bisocheinu” is beyond compare greater than the greatest happiness achieved by wealthy lifestyle of the richest Rothchild! R’ Yitzchok Isaac of Homil chimed in that this dancing of the simple Chassidim with “nasan lanu Toras emes, v’chayei olam nata bisocheinu” will be the first dance that Moshe Rebbenu will have, ahead of all the greatest in every generation at techiyas hameisim!
It is this kind of simcha that we take with us from Shavuos into the entire year. It all begins by learning and being inspired by Chassidus.
A Good Shabbos
Mikvah Dinner
LA Mikvah-Mikvat Esther is having its first fundraiser in 10 years!!
Join us for an evening of food, spirit, and fun. For men and women.
Announcements - Bamidbar
- Click here for KYY update.
- Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Siyum
- SAVE THE DATE: LA Mikvah-Mikvat Esther is having its first fundraiser in 10 years!! Join us for an evening of food, spirit, and fun. Thursday 10 Sivan/May 24. For men and women. IsupportLAmikvah.com.
- SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, 13 Sivan/May 27, Siyum Sefer Torah in honor of Rabbi Rodal ob"m. Click here for more info.
- TEHILIM: Please say tehilim fo Mrs. Elharar - Milka Yehudis bas Simcha Chaya for a speedy recovery.
Friday, Sivan 4/May 18
Erev Shabbos
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:31 pm
Shabbos, Sivan 5/May 19
Shabbos Bamidbor
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:19 am
- Chassidus for Early Minyan: 9:00 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 8:45 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
- Mesibos Shabbos for Girls: 4:30 pm in Shul
- Rabbi Raichik's Shiur in Pirkei Avos: 6:30 pm
- Mincha: 7:30 pm - Followed by Avos - Perek 6
- Light Yom Tov Candles from a pre-existing flame after: 8:34 pm
- (Shel Yom Tov and Shehechiyanu)
Sunday, Sivan 6/May 27
First Day Shavuos
- Alos HaShachar: 4:21 am
- Last Time to Read Shema: 9:18 am
- Early Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Main Shacharis: 10:15 am
- Aseres Hadibros: 11:45 pm
- After Davening:
Adults: Grand Milchig Kiddush
Sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Benjaminson in honor of the birth of their daughter Miriam Zelata, and by THE SHUL in honor of Levi Benjaminson for his dedication to the shul. - Mincha: 7:30 pm
- Light Candles from a pre-existing flame after: 8:34 pm
- (Shel Yom Tov and Shehechiyanu)
Monday, Sivan 7/May 28
Second Day Shavuos
- Early Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Main Shacharis: 10:15 am
- Yizkor: 12:00 pm
- Mincha /Farbrengen: 7:00 pm
- Yom Tov Ends: 8:35 pm
For all the laws and customs regarding Shavuos,
and for the laws of cooking on Yom Tov
please see the Chabad Chodesh
Kiddush Sponsors - Bamidbar
- Mr. & Mrs. Zalman Roth for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Zalman Roth’s father Reb Yaakov ben Reb Zalmen Leib ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Shagalov for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Rae Shagalov’s
father Reb Dovid Asniel ben Reb Eliyhu ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya. - Rabbi & Mrs. Eli Vcherashansky in honor of Rabbi Eli Vcherashansky’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Mr. & Mrs. Meilech Weiss for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Chana Weiss’s brother Lee ben Reb Yacov ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Bamidbar
- Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Goldman in honor of their anniversary. May they have many more happy years together. Also, in honor of Mrs. Rayzi Goldman’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Levenberg in honor of Rabbi Simcha Levenberg’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Mazal Tov To - Bamidbar
- Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Duchman on the bar-mitzvah of their TWO grandsons.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Mishulovin on the bar-mitzvah of their grandson.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Rabbi Eli Vcherashansky - 5 Sivan
- Nosson Pesach Sroka - 6 Sivan
- Mr. Milton Goodman - 6 Sivan
- Mr. Gary Apfel - 9 Sivan
- Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik - 9 Sivan
- Rabbi Simcha Levenberg - 9 Sivan
- Shmuel Leaderman - 10 Sivan
- Yoisef Yitzchok Halevi Ginsburg - 11 Sivan
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Rabbi & Mrs. Sholem Perl - 9 Sivan
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov BenZaquen - 9 Sivan
- Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel Eiferman - 9 Sivan
- Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Goldman - 11 Sivan
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yakov Greenbaum - 11 Sivan
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Reb Dovid Asniel ben Reb Eliyhu (Mrs. Rae Shagalov’s father) - 5 Sivan
- Reb Yehoshua ben Reb Moshe Yaakov (Rabbi Shaya Berkowitz’s brother) - 6 Sivan
- Lee ben Reb Yacov (Mrs. Chana Weiss’s brother) - 7 Sivan
- Reb Mich'l ben Reb Shlaima (Mrs. Esther Ginsburg’s father) - 9 Sivan
- Reb Yaakov ben Reb Zalmen Leib (Mr. Zalman Roth’s father) - 10 Sivan
Devar Torah - Bamidbar
The Joy of our Youth is the Foundation of our Nation
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
Before Hashem gave the Torah on Har Sinai, Hashem asked the Jewish people who they would provide for guarantors for his gift of the Torah. The first answer was that the parents of the Jewish people, Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov would be the guarantors. This answer was not accepted. The Jewish people then offered the prophets and leaders of the Jewish people and again their answer was not accepted. Finally the Jewish people offered their children as guarantors in order to receive the Torah. Hashem accepted their offer of their children as the guarantors of the Jewish people. Therefore it is only because of our children that we were able to receive the Torah on Shavuos.
Having our children as guarantors means that we have committed ourselves to raise our children in the ways of the Torah and mitzvos. Just as we were the guarantors or our parents, our children are ours and our grandchildren are the guarantors of our children and so on. Therefore in preparation for Shavuos we will reflect and learn lessons on how to improve our connection with Hashem and our children and thereby merit to receive the Torah anew on Shavuos.
In this time of unprecedented challenges in raising children with proper Jewish values, how do we best go about our calling of providing guarantors by giving our children the life, education and perspective they richly deserve to reach their greatest potential, to have a life of Torah and mitzvos? How will we provide for them, the youth of today who are tomorrow's nation, to go on and provide their own guarantors?
The Previous Rebbe (and the Rebbe) would customarily wish everyone a “Kabbbolas HaTorah b’Simcha u’v’Penimius, that they should receive the Torah with inner joy” before Shavuos. Why was the Rebbe always careful to include the words b’simcha u’v’penimius, with inner joy, not something said before other occasions such as Pesach etc.?
Matan Torah was the moment that the Jewish People underwent conversion. It was the time when we were chosen amongst the nations and a time when Hashem gave us His Torah. The first of the Ten Commandments begins with the word Anochi. Anochi is is also an acronym which means I have written myself into the Torah. When Hashem gave us His Torah he also gave us Himself. Hashem put Himself within his Torah so that when we learn the Torah we become united with Hashem’s essence and thereby have all the necessary powers to fulfill our purpose which is the mission of transforming the physical world into a dwelling place for Hashem’s presence.
Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berdichev was once seen dancing for joy after reciting the morning blessings. Someone asked him about the cause of his tremendous joy. He replied that when he read the blessing ‘I have not been made a heathen’, he was overcome with joy because he realized as a Jew he had an essential connection to Hashem. Therefore he could no longer contain his joy and began dancing.
As chassidim we also have an opportunity to be overjoyed by learning Chassidus and reflecting on the essential connection to Hashem we have and the opportunity to learn His Torah and to do mitzvos we have been provided. We reflect on how by choosing us Hashem made our bodies holy and has given us the opportunity to connect to his essence and fulfill the purpose of creation. To reach a state of joy about this requires us to take the time to think it over and to realize what this really means. When we take the time to think it over we internalize the reality of what this means and it brings us to simcha u’penimius, true and profound joy. All of this is clearly included and expressed in the 12th of the 12 pesukim of “Yismach”.
By feeling the specialness of being Jewish and being b’simcha as in the example of Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berdichev and living this way in our homes we inspire our children and give them the opportunity and power overcome their environments and have the chassidishe joy that the life of a Chosid of the Rebbe has, which they so richly deserve. From this Shavuos may we have the greatest joy of all, the marriage of Klal Yisroel and Hashem with the revelation of Moshiach Now!
A Good Yom Tov, Kabbolas HaTorah b’Simcha u’v’Penimius
Grand Milchig Kiddush
The entire shul is invited to our grand Milchig Kiddush
Upstairs in Moshe Ganz Hall
1st day of Shavuos - after davening
Sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Benjaminson
in honor of the birth of their daughter Miriam Zelata.
May they have much nachas from her and may she grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.
Also sponsored by THE SHUL
in honor of Levi Benjaminson for his dedication to the shul.
May he have much chassidishe nachas from his family metoch harchovo begashmiyus uberuchniyus.
Anatian Shiva
Mr. Moshe Anatian is sitting shiva until Thursday
on the passing of his mother Esther bas Rachamim ob"m
507 N Highland Ave.
Shiva times
Shachris 9:00 am
Mincha Maariv 7:30 pm
No visitors 12-2:30, 6-7 & after 9:30 pm
Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Sheor Avalei Tzion V'yerushalayim. Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehe besochom!
Chabad Chodesh - Sivan
The new issue of the "Chabad Chodesh"
is now available online by clicking here
It contains special article on the laws of Yom tov
Reminder: Masbia Program
Dear shul member
We'd like to remind everyone that this Sunday is the Masbia Program.
The shul kitchen will be open from 7am till 12pm.
All foods are fine, including Milchig, Fleishig, Pareve, fruits, vegetables, frozen, canned and packed foods. All except foods cooked at home.
Please note: If you can send proteins such as- chicken, meat, fish, and cheeses, it would be tremendously beneficial to these families.
For your convenience, if you prefer having the food picked up from your front porch, please text 323-710-9954. Pick up time will be between 10am and 11:30am.
Announcements - Behar-Bechukotai
- Click here for KYY update.
- Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- Siyum
- SAVE THE DATE: LA Mikvah-Mikvat Esther is having its first fundraiser in 10 years!! Join us for an evening of food, spirit, and fun. Thursday 10 Sivan/May 24. For men and women. Rsvp by Sunday, 28 Iyar/May 13. IsupportLAmikvah.com.
- SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, 13 Sivan/May 27, Siyum Sefer Torah in honor of Rabbi Rodal ob"m. Click here for more info.
- SUNDAY: Masbia Program. The shul kitchen will be open from 7am till 12pm. All foods are fine, including Milchig, Fleishig, Pareve, fruits, vegetables, frozen, canned and packed foods. All except foods cooked at home. Please note: If you can send proteins such as- chicken, meat, fish, and cheeses, it would be tremendously beneficial to these families. For your convenience, if you prefer having the food picked up from your front porch, please text 323-710-9954. Pick up time will be between 10am and 11:30am.
Shabbos Schedule - Behar-Bechukotai
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:26 pm
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:21 am
- Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim: 8:15 am
- Followed by a Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik
- Thillim Club: 9:00 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Shacharis: 10:15 am
- Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
- Rabbi Raichik's Shiur in Pirkei Avos: 6:25 pm
- Mincha: 7:25 pm - Followed by Avos - Perek 5
- Shabbos Ends: 8:29 pm
- Molad Chodesh Sivan: Tuesday, Sivan 1/May 15, 5:21 am and 6 Chalakim.
- Rosh Chodesh Sivan: Tuesday, May 15.
Kiddush Sponsors - Behar-Bechukotai
- The Gaboim of the Shul in honor of Shabbos Chazak. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shalom Elharrar for a Refua Sheleima Ukrova for Mrs. Milka Yehudit bas Simcha Chaya.
- Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Feiner in honor of Mr. Yisroel Feiner’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Nathanson for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Chana Leiba Nathanson’s father Reb Mordechai ben Reb Shlomo ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- The Weiss Family for the yahrtzeit of their father Reb Yissochor Dov ben Reb Yona ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
Early Minyan Kiddush Sponsors - Behar-Bechukotai
- The Gaboim of the Shul in honor of Shabbos Chazak. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Fogelman in honor of Rabbi Shmuel Fogelman’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Dovi Gorelik in honor of Rabbi Dovi Gorelik’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Ami Meyers in honor of Rabbi Ami Meyers’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Women's Shabbos Shiur & Farbrengen - Behar-Bechukotai
6:30 pm at the home of Mrs. Varda Rav-Noy
428 N Martel
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht
Mazal Tov To - Behar-Bechukotai
- Rabbi & Mrs. Fischel Grossman on the birth of their grandson.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzi Hurwitz on the engagement of their daughter Fruma to Levi Karp. Lechaim: Sunday, 3-7 pm at 821 N Formosa #202.
- Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Raigorodsky on the birth of their grandson.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Hertzie Richler on the engagement of their daughter Dassie to Chagai Meffi.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Noson Kesselman - 29 Iyar
- Mr. Moshe Susman - 1 Sivan
- Mr. Yankel Ginsburg - 1 Sivan
- Michel Revere - 1 Sivan
- Mr. Yisroel Feiner - 1 Sivan
- Mr. Yisroel Koch - 2 Sivan
- Moshe Yitzchok Yusevitch - 2 Sivan
- Rabbi Shmuel Fogelman - 3 Sivan
- Rabbi Ami Meyers - 3 Sivan
Upcoming Anniversaries
- Mr. & Mrs. Meilach Weiss - 28 Iyar
- Rabbi & Mrs. Nachman Kreiman - 3 Sivan
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Reb Yissochor Dov ben Reb Yona (Rabbi Yonah Mordechai Weiss’s father) - 27 Iyar
- Reb Mordechai ben Reb Shlomo (Mrs. Chana Leiba Nathanson’s father) - 4 Sivan
Devar Torah - Behar-Bechukotai
Hashem has granted each one of us the greatness of the Holy of Holies to fulfill our Shlichus
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik
In Pirkei Avos Chapter 4 Mishna 3 it states:
הוּא הָיָה אוֹמֵר, אַל תְּהִי בָז לְכָל אָדָם, וְאַל תְּהִי מַפְלִיג לְכָל דָּבָר, שֶׁאֵין לְךָ אָדָם שֶׁאֵין לוֹ שָׁעָה וְאֵין לְךָ דָבָר שֶׁאֵין לוֹ מָקוֹם
He would say: Do not disparage anyone, and do not shun any thing. For you have no man who does not have his hour, and you have no thing that does not have its place.
The Previous Rebbe asks why the Mishnah brings the statement that there is no man that does not have his hour together with the statement that there is no thing that has that does not have its place. What relationship do these two statements have one to the other? (See Igros Kodesh v.5 page 108).
The Rebbe explains that the physical world and everything within it has six extremities (up down, right left, front back). This is hinted to in the fact that the world was created in 6 days which refer to the six sefiros, the six Divine emanations from which creation originates. When any thing in the physical world is elevated by clarifying its sparks, it goes up and becomes included the sefiros which is it’s true place and origin. Everything that was created in this world was for the purpose that man should clarify and purify its physicality through learning the Torah and doing mitzvos which elevates it to its place.
This is the purpose of very soul that comes down into this world and enclothes itself within the body. Hashem wants to increase the merit and the reward for the soul for all the goodness and kindness it performs while in this world. This is why Hashem has granted man freedom of choice and is what the Mishna means when it says that there is no man, meaning the soul that has no hour, ‘sha’a’. The word hour ‘sha’a’ also means ‘to turn’ which has a double meaning. It means to turn away from that which is not good, and it also means to turn towards the good. We all have this freedom to turn away from what is not good and to focus solely on the good.
One very good way to turn away from what is not good and to focus on that which is good is to attend a Fabrengen. In the letter mentioned above the Rebbe goes on to tell a story about an individual that came before Pesach to visit with the Rebbe. He was an elderly retired lawyer after 40 years in practice. He was originally from Poland but now he was a secular intellectual both in his outlook and his lifestyle. He spoke with the Rebbe about his friends from his 20s and how they lived independent lives of indiscretion oblivious if not cynical of Judaism. It's not that they were intentionally going against G-d rather they were rebellious youth with no regard Judaism. He also mentioned in passing about his early childhood in Poland.
The Rebbe recounts asking him: Do you remember your early youth, when you were 8 or 10 years old back in Poland? Do you remember your Zeide and Bubby, their house, and the times you went with them to visit with the Rabbeim (The two Rabbeim that the family was connected)?. Do you remember the Seuda Shlishis’ and the Melava Malkas in the Shteibel?. Do you remember Erev Yom Kippur and the way your Zeide would say ‘Al Cheit’ after the hot mikveh? Do you remember the burning passion of Simchas Torah with all the dancing?
The Rebbe then said: With every question and with every word I could see that I was peeling off another layer fat which had coagulated over his heart. I was getting closer and closer to revealing the point that was hidden deep within his soul covered by the dirty waters of the culture and his lifestyle until I finally saw that I had lit a candle, an awakening of his soul from a deep slumber. I said:
It is within the very nature of every person to believe. Even someone who doesn't have any belief in the G-d of Israel (Elokei Yisroel) believes in G-d and in G-dliness, he just refers to it by a different name. Every single person by the fact that they are a person needs their own Mikdash, their own holy inner sanctuary. In this holy inner sanctum there is a an altar and a holy of holies. The altar represents one's meditation upon what one has devoted their life. The holy of holies is the most sanctified place of a person. If one is happy with life then it is from here that he thanks the source of that good. If he's not happy with his life, from this place he does teshuva and becomes the way he should.
The Rebbe continues in the letter that in the middle of the month of Sivan that year this man returned for another visit. He said that this past Pesach was the first Pesach in almost 50 years since he left his parents home that was ‘kulo matzah’ (meaning kosher l'pesach). He said: I put on tefillin, I daven three times a day, I eat kosher food and I keep the Shabbos. My children (he was at the time a widow living in a hotel) are very surprised at my life change and my new manner of living. They have no idea why I have become this way. I have come to find the best way to describe to them what is doing with me.
We can all take a profound lesson from this letter of the Previous Rebbe. Every one of us has a purpose and every one of us has a specific shlichus in this world. Our challenge is to remind ourselves everyday of our life of that purpose and of our shlichus. Perhaps we need to take the time to peel back the layers of fat, the fat of worldly perspectives and perceptions which create distance estrangement and indifference from G-dliness which covers over our souls. Once we have done so and we once again feel our connection, we are then able to share this with our children our families and the world at large, and thereby prepare the world for the revelation of Moshiach.
A Good Shabbos, A Good Chodesh
Announcements - Emor
- Click here for KYY update.
- Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
- Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
- Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim.
- Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!!
- The Gurary bris will iy"H take place Sunday, 21 Iyar, 9:45am in shul.
- SAVE THE DATE: LA Mikvah - Mikvat Esther’s first fundraiser in 10 years!! Join us for an evening of food, spirit, and fun. Thursday, 10 Sivan/May 24. For men and women. IsupportLAmikvah.com.
Shabbos Schedule - Emor
- Shabbos Candle Lighting: 7:21 pm
- Last Time To Read Shema: 9:24 am
- Chassidus for Early Minyan: 8:45 am
- Shiur Chassidus by Rabbi Raichik: 9:00 am
- Early Minyan Shacharis: 9:30 am
- Shacharis: 10:00 am
- Kol Yaakov Yehuda: 10:00 am
- Rabbi Raichik's Shiur in Pirkei Avos: 6:20 pm
- Mincha: 7:20 pm - Followed by Avos - Perek 4
- Shabbos Ends: 8:24 pm
Sholom Zochor - Emor
Shmuly & Shterny Gurary
Invite the community to a Sholom Zochor
at 821 N Formosa Ave. # 302
Kiddush Sponsors - Emor
- Dr. & Mrs. Ze'ev Rav-Noy for all the miracles and kindness Hashem has shown their family. May Hashem continue to shower them and the entire community with kol tuv sela.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Fischel Grossman for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Neshe Grossman’s mother Chana bas Reb Avrohom ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Raichik in honor of Rabbi Levi Raichik’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Nathanson for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Reuven Nathanson’s father Reb Yitzchok ben Reb Yaakov Shmuel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Schneerson in honor of Mrs. Yehudit Schneerson’s birthday. May she have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
Women's Shabbos Shiur & Farbrengen - Emor
6:30 pm at the home of Mrs. Chana Rochel Schusterman
126 N Fuller
Speaker: Mrs. Chana Rochel Schusterman
Mazal Tov To - Emor
- Double Mazal tov to Rabbi & Rebbitzen Shimon Raichik on the birth of their grandson (to Shmuly & Shterny Gurary) and on the engagement of their son Abbale to Rivkie Itkin.
- Rabbi & Mrs. Shaya Eichenblatt on the birth of their granddaughter (to Yisroel & Shayna Eichenblatt.)
- Rabbi & Mrs. Leib Lerner on the marriage of their son Mendel to Miriam Ives. Mazal tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Lerner.
Upcoming Birthdays
- Menachem Moshe Cherman - 20 Iyar
- Elimelech Moshe Allison - 21 Iyar
- Zusha Lerman - 22 Iyar
- Schneur Zalmen Berger - 22 Iyar
- Rabbi Yoel Edelson - 22 Iyar
- Rabbi Levi Raichik - 25 Iyar
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
- Reb Mordechai ben Reb Eliyahu (Rabbi Gershon Schusterman’s father) - 22 Iyar
- Reb Yitzchok ben Reb Yaakov Shmuel (Rabbi Reuven Nathanson’s father) - 22 Iyar
- Chana bas Reb Avrohom (Mrs. Neshe Grossman’s mother) - 25 Iyar