
Shul Bulletin

Announcements - Vayetzei

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!
  • Nichum Aveilim: The Feigelstock Family is sitting shiva until Wednesday on the passing of their father Harav Hershel Feigelstock ob"m. Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Sheor Avalei Tzion V'yerushalayim. Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehu besochom!

Shabbos Schedule - Vayetzei

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:26 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:09 am
  • Shacharis: 9:00 in tent, 9:30 in the Kollel, 10:00 in shul
  • KYY: NO KYY This Shabbos
  • Mincha: 4:25 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 5:25 pm


  • 8:00pm Melava Malka online with Rabbi Raichik on Zoom - Meeting ID: 435 263 4589 Password: 770. Click here to Join.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Vayetzei

4:15 at the home of Mrs. Tzirel Frankel
109 S Vista
Speaker: Mrs. Chana Rochel Schusterman

Mazal Tov To - Vayetzei

Upcoming Birthdays
  • Mendel Berger - 13 Kislev
  • Rabbi Mendel Simons - 14 Kislev
  • Menachem Mendel Fogelman - 14 Kislev
  • Rabbi Gershon Schusterman - 15 Kislev
  • Mr. Avrohom Aron Grunfeld - 16 Kislev
  • Rabbi Zalmy Fogelman - 17 Kislev
  • Mr. Joseph Michael Dunn - 17 Kislev
  • Rabbi Fischel Grossman - 18 Kislev
  • Mr. Steve Zipp - 18 Kislev
  • Schneur Zalman Labkowsky - 18 Kislev

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Solomon - 14 Kislev
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Moishe Carlebach - 14 Kislev
  • Mr. & Mrs. Avrohom Aron Grunfeld - 15 Kislev

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Shulamis bas Reb Tzvi Hirsh (Rabbi Jonathan Glabman’s mother) - 12 Kislev
  • Reb Leib ben Julius (Mrs. Vickie Elson’s father) - 13 Kislev
  • Henya Malka bas Reb Shmuel (Mrs. Yudka Etka Winograd’s mother) - 15 Kislev

Devar Torah - Vayetzei

By Being a Living Example we Bring the Geula

By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

The Rebbe spoke many times and required each one of us to get out of our galus mentality by thinking about and envisioning the geula. We see this most clearly in the Sichos of 5751 and 5752 but it is there throughout all the years and it is what we accomplish by learning Chassidus in general. The entire Toras HaChassidus is a revelation of the Moshiach. Chassidus enables us to see things beyond how they look on the surface. They lift us up beyond our common perceptions and clarify our special purpose. 

Part and parcel of a galus mentality is a preoccupation with the immediate problems we face and a sense that they will always be there. In times gone by our immediate concerns were with pleasing the poretz, paying off ransoms and high taxes and fighting off starvation.

Reb Yakov David the father of Rav Menachem and grandfather of Rav Shimon of Amshinov once said on an Erev Yom Kippur that it's time for us to stop asking for patches, that we need to ask for a new garment. What does that mean? In the galus we are asking for protection from the poretz, the government, the pogroms, from war and famine etc. Nowadays we seek the relief of a vaccine for covid-19 and that the elections should turn out well for the Jewish people, for Israel and for this country. It's all patchwork.

Certainly we should all ask for everything we need but our greater focus should transcend the immediate and be raised toward a focus on preparing for and bringing the geula. We should yearn to be lifted out of a patchwork galus mentality. We do this by learning Chassidus in general and Inyanei Geula and Moshiach in particular. This is the new garment. 

The Rebbe said many times you can daven for pearls for a necklace or for pearl barley for soup. Instead of asking for barley for soup why not ask for pearls around your neck. Seek the geula, not only momentary relief from a passing difficulty.

We see this theme throughout the Rebbe’s Sichos and Mamarim. The Rebbe’s focus was to get our mind out of the galus by focusing on the geula. We should learn these inyanim in Chassidus to the point that our entire mindset should shift from galus to the geula.

It is our first nature to feel that everything about ourselves is a primary necessity. For example cell phones that are used 24/6. We can't live without a cell phone. Many of us lived our entire lives growing up through adulthood without a cell phone and we survived. This trend has accelerated with smartphones. Why does a teenager need a smartphone? A regular cell phone will work to stay in touch or take care of essentials. Why do our children so desperately need smartphones? Is it because the neighbor has one or is it the latest thing? Is it because they need to send and read messages all day on Twitter and Facebook.? Perhaps it's so they can watch Tik-Tok or stream movies? From the perspective of educating our children, giving our children smartphones is tantamount to sending a 5 year old child to school with a knife telling him only to use it for cutting vegetables. It's not wise!

Some say that they don't like it but they put on filters. That's only a patch. Why do our institutions give them back to the children at lunch time? What's the message we're sending our children?

In this week's parsha Yaakov Avinu left Eretz Yisroel to go to Charan. He was the only Jew there. He got married to the daughters of the biggest politician, liar and cheat of his time. It was in this situation that he created and raised an amazing Jewish family, perhaps the greatest Jewish family of all time. Certainly his children may have come home asking to do whatever they saw the neighbors doing. How did Yaakov Avinu exist and thrive in this corrupt environment and educate his children in a sea of bad influence not just outside but within his extended family? His children’s grandfather and uncles were all corrupt. How did his children turn out to be so good?

The Rebbe explains a Medrash that says that Yaakov Avinu would recite the 15 Shir HaMaalos on an ongoing basis while in Charan. The Rebbe explained that these 15 Shir HaMaalos correspond to the 15 years that Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov we're all together in this world. Avraham represents chesed-kindness, Yitzchok represents yirah- fear and awe and Yaakov represents rachamim-compassion. By reciting the 15 Shir HaMaalos, Yaakov Avinu aroused all of these three attributes and through his connection to his parents and grandparents was protected against Lavan and the ill effects of Charan. This is also the way that he educated his children. He imbued them with a sense of identity of where they came from. Yaakov Avinu educated his children and taught them about the Torah and who their grandparents and their great-grandparents were. He taught them and showed them by example that they were special people with a special purpose and taught them to be proud. He gave them a sense that their life in Charan was only temporary and that they would eventually return to Eretz Yisroel saying “Vshavti bShalom el Beis Avi, that I (we) will return in peace to the house of my (our) father”. Their life was filled with an awareness that they would get out of the Charan and return to Eretz Yisroel. 

It is for this reason he didn't  need filters. In the house of Yaakov Avinu they didn’t live with patches, they lived with a fresh garment. He inspired his children to be strong in their own rite to live their purpose with pride and strength.

The lesson to us today as parents and educators is to uplift our children and connect them to the golden chain. We don't look around at others and act accordingly. We have something special as Jews, Chassidim and especially as Chabad Chassidim.

Just like Yaakov Avinu couldn't rely on his past 14 years of study in the Yeshiva of Shem and Eiver, so too we cannot rely on our past education alone. We can only have a positive influence when we are living by example what we seek to see in our children. We lead by example by sitting down and clearing the schedule to learn Torah in our home. It’s great to go outside the home to learn Torah but we have to also be at home with a sefer. There have to be times when the cell phone is off and the focus is solely on the Torah.

When we take our Friday night and spend time with our children learning our children feel the message and it changes their life and their focus for the good. By making time to learn and be with each of our children with no distractions we are saying strongly to our children how important they are, how great their purpose is and how much they mean to us. We do this when we close our devices and where nothing else is going on and we connect with complete focus and dedication. This is the way of our forefathers, this  leaves an everlasting impression. They won't need a patch because they have a new garment to wear. 

The same applies for their life in the yeshiva. By our educators living by example what they teach they uplift and make our children feel special. The main focus in a yeshiva today is to instill an awareness in the students that wherever they will be they will not falter. This is accomplished by instilling yiras Shomayim, that even when he or she is alone and no one knows what they are doing, they are not alone, “Shevisi Hashem l'negdi, that Hashem is always present”. Their education affects them for life whenever a question arises about what to do, not just in the kitchen etc., that every aspect should be consistent with their identity and purpose as a Jew and Chabad Chosid. 

By living with and yearning for the geula may we merit Moshiach now.

A Good Shabbos 

Sanowicz Shiva

Rabbi Chaim Yitzchok Sanowicz
is sitting shiva in NY until shabbos
on the passing of his father 
Reb Sholom Dov Ber ben Reb Chaim Yitzchok ob"m

The Levaya is today in NY

Phone: 323-428-9963

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Sheor Avalei Tzion V'yerushalayim. 
Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehu besochom!

Thaler Shiva

Mrs. Ruchama Thaler
is sitting shiva until shabbos
on the passing of her brother ob"m

The Levaya is today in Florida 

Phone: 323-646-7337
Note - She is on the east coast

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Sheor Avalei Tzion V'yerushalayim. 
Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur vehu besochom!

Announcements - Toldos

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!

Shabbos Schedule - Toldos

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:28 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:05 am
  • Shacharis: 9:00 in tent, 9:30 in the Kollel, 10:00 in shul
  • KYY: 10:15 am 
  • Mincha: 4:30 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 5:31 pm


  • 8:00pm Melava Malka online with Rabbi Raichik on Zoom - Meeting ID: 435 263 4589 Password: 770. Click here to Join.

Kiddush Sponsors - Toldos

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Frankel in honor of Rabbi Simcha Frankel’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Dr. & Mrs. Boruch Grossman or the yahrtzeit of Dr. Boruch Grossman’s father Reb Nota Moshe ben Reb Tzvi ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Avrohom Aron Grunfeld for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Avrohom Aron Grunfeld’s mother Sara bas Reb Avrohom Yakov ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Munitz in honor of Rabbi Yisroel Munitz’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Eli Vcherashansky in honor of the birth of their granddaughter Yehudis. May they have much nachas from her and may she grow up to Torah, to Chupa and to Maasim Tovim.

Mazal Tov To - Toldos

  • Mr. & Mrs. Yirmiyahu Andrusier on the engagement of their son Chaim to Leah Leinkram. Mazal tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Zalmen Roth.
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Kaufman on the engagement of their son Berel.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Yakov Roth on the pidyon haben of their son. Mazal tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Zalmen Roth. 

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Shneur Zalman Plotke - 5 Kislev
  • Rabbi Yerachmiel Helfant - 5 Kislev
  • Mr. Yirmiyahu Andrusier - 6 Kislev
  • Mr. Tzvika Grossman - 6 Kislev
  • Avremi Raichik - 6 Kislev
  • Tzvi Grossman - 6 Kislev
  • Mr. Noteh Berger - 7 Kislev
  • Shmuel Berger - 7 Kislev
  • Rabbi Yisroel Munitz - 8 Kislev
  • Shneur Zalman Arnold - 10 Kislev
  • Rabbi Shmuel Thaler - 10 Kislev
  • Nesanel Chananya Soussana - 10 Kislev
  • Mr. Mendel-Hilel Ganzburg - 10 Kislev
  • Rabbi Simcha Frankel - 10 Kislev
  • Rabbi Moshe Levin - 11 Kislev

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yonah Mordechai Weiss - 7 Kislev
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Mishulovin - 7 Kislev
  • Mr. & Dr. Mordechai Leaderman - 7 Kislev
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yrachmiel Wolowik - 8 Kislev
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Sruly Yusevitch - 10 Kislev
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Ari Goldman - 1 Kislev
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Dovi Goldman - 1 Kislev
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Rafael Gutierrez - 3 Kislev
  • Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Haratz - 4 Kislev

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Chaya bas Reb Sendor (Mrs. Marsha Alperin’s mother) - 6 Kislev
  • Reb Yisroel   (Rabbi Yisroel Bastomski’s grandfather) - 6 Kislev
  • Reb Levi ben Reb Zalman Yudah (Mrs. Rochel Eisenberg’s brother) - 6 Kislev
  • Reb Nota Moshe ben Reb Tzvi (Rabbi Fischel Grossman’s father) - 7 Kislev
  • Reb Ben-Zion Yisroel Meir ben Reb Menachem Monish (Mrs. Hadassah Weiss’s father) - 9 Kislev
  • Sara bas Reb Avrohom Yakov (Mr. Avrohom Aron Grunfeld’s mother) - 9 Kislev 
  • Roza bas Reb Chaim (Mrs. Chana Ganzburg’s mother) - 9 Kislev
  • Reb Menachem Mendel ben Reb Nochum Labkowsky - 10 Kislev

Devar Torah - Toldos

The 2020 Elections in the Service of Hashem:
With Every Vote we tip the Scales to Geula
By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

The Baal Shem Tov teaches that everything a Jew sees and hears is a lesson in avodas Hashem. What happened over the last few weeks during this election cycle clarifies a Sicha from the Rebbe (Kedoshim Likutei Sichos v. 27).

One of the big issues in this year’s election was about validating legitimate votes. There are allegations of suspicious behavior behind irregularities in the way the machines count votes, stuffing ballot boxes, mail-in voter fraud and changing votes.  Where do we find a similar idea in the Torah and what is the lesson for us in our service of Hashem?

The Torah commands  us to use honest weights and measures.  Not only are we forbidden to falsely  or inaccurately measure something for personal profit, but even to possess a false or inaccurate measuring device is forbidden. The Rambam writes that someone who denies the mitzvah of using exact weights and measures denies the exodus from Egypt.

The point is that whenever someone steals or cheats he's denying the existence of Hashem and that Hashem is watching over every action. Therefore why is the only denial that the Rambam mentions about false weights and measures and not every form of stealing or deceit? Why isn't every form of stealing and deceit tantamount to denying the exodus from Egypt?

The halacha that we are not allowed to possess a false measuring device is actually considered worse than stealing. The reason is because stealing is specific to one particular act. It’s worse when a person  uses a false device to present themselves as honest and simultaneously use it to facilitate a theft. Having this kind of an intention to mislead and steal is far worse than just a particular random act of theft. It shows evil intent to deceive. Therefore Hashem does not just punish the person for the act of stealing but also the evil intent. This is the meaning of the Rambam. Just like Hashem punished Egyptians for their intentions as well as their actions so too renouncing the mitzvah of using accurate weights and measures is tantamount to denying the exodus from Egypt.


One of the great foundational principles in Judaism is the concept of free choice as is explained in the Rambam in the laws of  Teshuva. This is the element of democracy found within Judaism. Every single person regardless of their station in life is important and has great impact when they utilize their freedom of choice properly. This is the concept of voting in the Torah. Everyone has free choice how to vote. Chassidus explains that we have two Souls, a good and a bad inclination all within our one body. Both inclinations are vying for the winning vote which is to control the body. It's a two party system.

The difference in avodas Hashem is that it's not just a campaign that occurs every 4 years rather we vote in each moment. Every thought speech or action equals one vote. The question is do we vote for Hashem or the opposite.

When are the votes tallied? At night as we recite the Shema.  Krias Shema before we go to sleep is a time for  a legitimate tally of what we accomplished throughout the day both positive and negative. We cannot just focus on the positive or the negative, stuffing the ballot box is forbidden! When we know the true tally we know our situation the way it really is and we can go forward  with our lives either increasing evermore in good or correcting what is wrong.

The only issue is that we are biased. Therefore we need objective ‘poll observers’ to help us oversee our service of Hashem to make sure it is fair and unbiased. This is the role of the mashpia.  The Rebbe demanded that each one of us appoint a mashpia and created  the campaign of ‘Aseh lecha Rav’.  

The true challenge of having a mashpia is that we tend to keep them at a distance. We don't reveal to them all the votes. We skew the results. We count in private where they cannot observe the actual tally. When the votes don't go the way we want we change the algorithm in the voting machine or we stuff the ballot box  in the middle of the night.

In addition we fool ourselves saying that our vote doesn't really matter anyway. The Rambam says that with one act, word or thought we can tip the entire scale of the world to bring the geula. The Rebbe would quote this Rambam often. Unfortunately we do not value our own vote. Instead we convince ourselves that our vote doesn't really matter. We see this in the world today with how false poll numbers are portrayed in the media. They create a false impression that the result is forgone so why bother voting. The reality is that the results in many states showed that the races were very close and that indeed every vote was consequential.

The Alter Rebbe explains in the 25th chapter of the Tanya the bond of a Jew with Hashem when he does a mitzvah. This union of the soul and Hashem is eternal. It transcends time. Hashem has eternal pleasure from even one mitzvah. The Alter Rebbe writes in chapter 27 that when a person refrains from doing an aveira or even a bad thought he subdues the sitra achra. When the sitra achra is subdued here below, then the glory of the Hashem, rises above all, more than by any praise, and this ascent is greater than all else. 

This is the power of each vote by everyone from the most simple to the most lofty.

By  realizing the power of our vote, and exercising our vote in each moment by both pushing away the negative causing pleasure on high and the eternal connection with Hashem through the positive, we have the power of our vote to bring Moshiach!

A Good Shabbos

Chabad Chodesh - Kislev

The new issue of the "Chabad Chodesh"
is now available online by clicking here

Announcements - Chayei Sarah

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!
  • TZEISCHEM LESHALOM to the Polityko Family. May it be meshane makom meshane mazal letova ulivracha. 
  • TEHILLIM CLUB: Boruch Hashem we are Excited to announce  the SECOND Tehillim Club at CLY in person for this year for Boys and Girls grades 2- 6. We plan to have the boys in the Kollel and girls in KYY, and will start at 9 o’clock sharp. Children  need be accompanied by their fathers and expected to stay next to their fathers or in KYY for davening  Children need to come with a mask please. Girls and boys that are different age and said Tehillim for 30 minutes can still earn pizza coupons and a treat by sending a text to 323-678-6115.
  • SUNDAY:  Masbia Program. The shul kitchen will be open from 7am till 12pm. All foods are fine, including Milchig, Fleishig, Pareve, fruits, vegetables, frozen, canned and packed foods. All except foods cooked at home. Please note: If you can send proteins such as- chicken, meat, fish, and cheeses, it would be tremendously beneficial to these families. 
  • MONDAY: Farbrengen for men in shul at 8 pm in honor of Rosh Chodesh Kislev. 

Shabbos Schedule - Chayei Sarah

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:32 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:01 am
  • Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim: 8:15 am
  • Shacharis: 10 am (tent, main shul and Kollel) 
  • Mincha: 4:30 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 5:35 pm
  • Molad Chodesh Kislev: Sunday, Mar-Cheshvan 28/Nov 15, 4:07 PM and 1 chelek.
  • Rosh Chodesh Kislev: Tuesday November 17.


  • 7:00pm Melava Malka online with Rabbi Raichik on Zoom - Meeting ID: 435 263 4589 Password: 770. Click here to Join.  

Kiddush Sponsors - Chayei Sarah

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Avtzon in honor of Rabbi Yosef Avtzon’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Eli Baitelman for all the miracles and kindness Hashem has shown their son Avi. May Hashem continue to shower them and the entire community with kol tuv sela.
  • The Raichik & Klyne Families for the yahrtzeit of their grandmother Sima bas Reb Avrohom Abela Hakohen ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
    Also, for the yahrtzeit of their uncle Reb Yehuda Arye ben reb Shimon Halevi hy”d. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Schneerson for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Yehudit Schneerson’s father Reb Shmuel Gronim ben Reb Yitzchok Meir ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Berl Sroka for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Berl Sroka’s mother Miriam bas Reb Pesach Halevi ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Chayei Sarah

4:15 at the home of Mrs. Chana Weiss
411 N Martel
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht

Mazal Tov To - Chayei Sarah

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mottel Polityko on the marriage of their son Berel to Chani Hami.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Eli Kagan - 27 Cheshvan
  • Hershel Tsikman - 27 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Simcha Kagan - 27 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Sholom Ber Kesselman - 28 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Yerachmiel Kuzecki - 29 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Tzvi Ferszt - 1 Kislev
  • Rabbi Munish Weiss - 1 Kislev
  • Rabbi Eli Feiner - 3 Kislev
  • Yecheskel Pinson - 3 Kislev
  • Menachem Mendel Levenberg - 4 Kislev

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Ari Goldman - 1 Kislev
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Dovi Goldman - 1 Kislev
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Rafael Gutierrez - 3 Kislev
  • Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Haratz - 4 Kislev

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Yosef ben yblchto”a Reb Nachman Ber (Rabbi Nachman Kreiman’s son) - 28 Cheshvan
  • Reb Shmuel Gronim ben Reb Yitzchok Meir (Mrs. Yehudit Schneerson’s father) - 1 Kislev
  • Miriam bas Reb Pesach Halevi (Mr. Berl Sroka’s mother) - 3 Kislev
  • Beila Guta bas Reb Yechiel (Mrs. Leah Hoffman’s mother) - 4 Kislev

Devar Torah - Chayei Sarah

Using Our Days to the Fullest to Bring Moshiach

By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

The elections in the United States have been the world’s preoccupation over the last two weeks. People are spending their time, focus and imagination on what the outcome might be. Will any of this focus and time spent help improve the outcome? Definitely not! As tempting as it might be to  spend our time surfing through all the information and conjecture, it  has no lasting value.

The Rebbe has reminded us in many ways  and on many occasions to focus on what we can  get done in the present. We have only today in front of us;  we haven’t yet reached tomorrow and yesterday is gone.

Reb Mendel Futerfas once quoted the Rebbe Rashab’s words to the Previous Rebbe. The Rebbe said this Wednesday (the day they were speaking) was never here before and will never be here again. Our focus is on today and the purpose for what we are here for.

This week we read the parsha of Chayei Sarah. Rashi quotes the words from the first pasuk; “The years of the life of Sarah” and comments that all of them were equally good. In other words our matriarch Sarah lived a complete and full life.

Later in the parsha Abraham Avinu wanted to send his servant Eliezer to make a marriage proposal for his son Yitzchok. Right before that section begins there is a verse that says; 

“And Abraham was old, advanced in days, and Hashem had blessed Abraham with everything.” 

In Torah Ohr the Alter Rebbe asks what the words ‘advanced in days’ means. The Alter Rebbe brings the answer from the Zohar that says that these refer to Yomim Elayim, Exalted Days. What are exalted days? These refer to the garments of the Torah and the mitzvahs through which a neshama has pleasure absorbing the glory of the Shechina in the World to Come. (This is by way of example similar to  a person who cannot stare directly in the sun without wearing special glasses)

What is the lesson of these pesukim for us in our service of Hashem? These pesukim teach us to strive that everyday should be complete, meaning full of the Torah and mitzvos. The Baal Shem Tov says not to leave one day without doing a mitzvah.

We are speaking here about mitzvos that are not bound by time and that can be done at any time. This does not apply to mitzvos such as the mitzvah of Tefillin or the reciting of the Shema. These are time-bound mitzvos and must be done within their specific time frame. One cannot say if I didn't have a chance to put on tefillin today I can do it twice tomorrow. Once today is lost it cannot be made up. Here we are speaking about non time-based mitzvos that are able to be done later. 

The lesson here of living a complete and full life and being advanced in days means  that although I am allowed to set aside for tomorrow something that could be done today, none-the-less  it's best to instead take full advantage of today  and live life to its utmost with as much Torah and mitzvos as possible.

We are also speaking about an individual who's pressed for time. He could squeeze in more learning but he has stress. When he comes to tell himself that it's okay and he could push it off for tomorrow he reminds himself to be advanced in days and to make an effort today.

But why is the time frame so important? Why can't we take it a little bit easy and chill out? After all, there's plenty of time. On Shabbos we can make up for all those things that we don't get done during the week. We can do half now and half later. 

Each one of us has our daily minimum that we try to accomplish. Whether it's the basics of one chapter in the morning and one chapter in the evening, giving a little tzedakah or helping out our neighbor. For others it's about going far beyond what's required and delving into our learning on a higher level. These become our minimums. It's easy to draw a line and say that the main thing is that the basic time restricted mitzvos get accomplished because the mitzvos are the garments of the soul and our job is to make sure that the soul shouldn't be missing. Isn't it sufficient to do the non time restricted mitzvos what we can and make up  whatever is missing later? 

The Rebbe answers this question explaining that our purpose in coming into this world is to elevate ourselves and our surroundings and create a home for Hashem in this world. To elevate our bodies the vessel of our soul is by using our mouths for the words of the Torah and our minds to think the Torah and our body to do the mitzvahs. This doesn't just apply to ourselves but also to utilize the things in the world around us so that everything we do should be for the sake of Heaven.

When we speak of the world we're not just speaking about the physical world but also time. The soul can come down into this world to elevate it and make it into a home for Hashem not just in the physical sense but also that time itself needs to be connected and become a home for Hashem 

By transforming regular time into holy time by using our time to its utmost everyday we fulfill the purpose for which we came in this world.  This is the meaning of; “And Abraham was old, advanced in days, and Hashem had blessed Abraham with everything.” This is also the meaning of what the Baal Shem Tov said not to leave one day missing without doing a mitzvah.

The question still remains, how is it possible to be so focused? We live in a world of distractions. In Igeres HaKodesh 21 the Alter Rebbe says that the greatness of the Akeida was not just that Avraham Avinu did the act but how he did it with great zeal. Avraham Avinu got up right away with a feeling of great joy having been given an opportunity to do something for Hashem. He did the mitzvah with great zeal and great joy even though it went completely against his nature. This is the merit of the Akeida which is with us until this very day.

In the 26th chapter of the Tanya the Alter Rebbe discusses being victorious over our yetzer hara in our service of Hashem. The Alter Rebbe says that the principle of success that must be known is analogous to a wrestling match. In a wrestling match one cannot be victorious over one’s opponent with laziness. So too in our service of Hashem in order to be victorious over the yetzer hara one needs to get out of any laziness, sluggishness or sadness to serve with the zeal which comes from the joy of being able to serve Hashem.

May we all merit to use all our days to their fullest and serve Hashem with great zeal and joy to bring Moshiach today.

 A Good Shabbos 

(Adapted from the Rebbe’s Sichos and Mamarim)

Announcements - Vayeira

  • Click here for this week's KYY newsletter. 
  • Click here for this week's Lmaan Yishmeu publication.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM "Here’s My Story". 
  • Click here for a list of our ongoing shiurim. 
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!!


Shabbos Schedule - Vayeira

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 4:37 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 8:57 am
  • Shacharis: 9:00 in tent, 9:30 in the Kollel, 10:00 in shul
  • KYY: 10:15 am 
  • Mincha: 4:35 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 5:40 pm


  • 8:00pm Melava Malka online with Rabbi Raichik on Zoom - Meeting ID: 435 263 4589 Password: 770. Click here to Join.

Kiddush Sponsors - Vayeira

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Elharar in honor of Chof Cheshvon. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hayman for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Daniel Hayman’s mother Leah bas Reb Shraga Feivel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Ari Kaufman in honor of Chof Cheshvon. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela.
  • Rabbi & Mrs Reuven Nathanson in honor of Chof Cheshvon. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela.
  • Dr. & Mrs. Saul Newman in honor of Chof Cheshvon. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela. 
  • Dr. & Mrs. Zeev Rav-Noy in honor of Chof Cheshvon. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Abraham Rosenfeld in honor of Chof Cheshvon. May they and the entire community be blessed with kol tuv se’ela.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Eli Rubin for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Chaya Rubin’s mother Fradel bas Reb Gavriel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Reuven Solomon for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Resha Solomon’s brother Reb Doniel Refoel ben Reb Gershon ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Al Stark in honor of their son Mendel’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Wolowik for the Bas-Mitzvah of their daughter Shterni. May she give them much nachas and may she grow to be worthy of the name a daughter of Chabad as was the will of our rabeiim.

Mazal Tov To - Vayeira

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mendel Stark - 20 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Shmuel Eiferman - 22 Cheshvan
  • Dovid Tsikman - 24 Cheshvan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Zelig ben Reb Yitzchok (Mr. David Kaufman’s grandfather) - 22 Cheshvan
  • Leah bas Reb Shraga Feivel (Mr. Daniel Hayman’s mother) - 24 Cheshvan

Devar Torah - Vayeira

Vayeira: Awaiting the Final Appearance of Hashem with the Coming of Moshiach Today

By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

In a Sicha for this week’s parsha of Vayeira the Rebbe explains the Hayom Yom for the 9th of Cheshvan which states: 

“When my father (the Rebbe Rashab) was four or five years old he went to his grandfather, the Tzemach Tzedek, on Shabbos Vayeira, and began to cry as he asked, "Why did Hashem show Himself to our father Avraham - but He does not show Himself to us?" The Tzemach Tzedek answered him: "When a tzadik decides at the age of ninety-nine years that he should be circumcised, he deserves that Hashem appear to him." 

Whenever the Rebbeim shared stories about their parents and grandparents, the previous Rebbeim, it was not to point out their greatness rather to teach a lesson for each of us in our daily lives. The story mentioned above is no exception. What is the lesson for each and every one of us today?

In this week's parsha Hashem came to visit Avraham Avinu because he was feeling sick from the Bris Milah. Avraham Avinu was a chariot, meaning his entire life and being was dedicated to the service of Hashem. The Alter Rebbe explains that the true life of a Tzadik is not physical.  The true life of a Tzadik is defined by his emunah, his love and his fear of Hashem.

Avraham Avinu merited the physical mitzvah of Bris Milah which   made him complete. One could only imagine the great simcha that Avraham Avinu felt to have achieved this mitzvah. Nevertheless the Torah does not tell us of his joy rather of his sickness. 

There is a known story recounted by the Rebbe about the Modzitzer Rebbe. The Modzitzer Rebbe is renowned for many niggunim which he composed before World War II. On one occasion the  Modzitzer Rebbe needed surgery and there was a shortage of anesthesia. He directed the surgeon to begin the operation once he was in the depth of one of his niggunim. With the great attachment he reached in the midst of his niggun he became oblivious to the pain of the surgery. If this is true for the Modzitzer Rebbe all the more for Avraham Avinu. Why didn't Avraham Avinu’s tremendous joy of his first physical Mitzvah of Bris Milah override his pain?

The Rebbe brings from the Tzemach Tzedek who explains that there is a spiritual sickness that correlates to and is similar to physical sickness. In Shir HaShirim the term for spiritual sickness in the higher realms  is “Cholas Ahava”. This type of love is similar to the love someone has for another that is so powerful and overwhelming that it's constant and makes one feel sick. How can love make someone feel sick? The reason is because the love is so great that it constantly causes one to thirst for one-hundred-percent  unification with his or her beloved. Therefore the distance that remains causes a longing and a sickness for that complete unity.  This is the spiritual sickness that the neshama feels when it wants complete unity with Hashem and has not yet reached it in its entirety.

This is why Avraham Avinu was sick. There are 50 Gates of Understanding. 49 of them can be reached by a neshama on it’s own but the 50th Gate belongs to Hashem. The word ‘choleh’ in Hebrew numerically  equals 49. When Avraham Avinu had the Bris he became complete and he reached the high level of the 49th Gate,  yet lacked the 50th. Therefore  he became sick spiritually from longing for the 50th to the extent that he became physically sick as well. 

When Hashem appeared to Avraham Avinu in the beginning of this week's parsha he was healed by the revelation of the Shechina (according to the commentary of the Ramban). The Rebbe added to this that the words “to him” in the pasuk of “Hashem revealed himself to him” means that the revelation of the Shechina was internalized into his being, the 50th Gate permeated his entire being.

This same point of spiritual sickness applies to the story of the Rebbe Rashab. The Rebbe Rashab already yearned for the revelation of Hashem from a very young and tender age.  This type of yearning exemplified the entire life of the Rebbe Rashab and is seen in all of the accomplishments throughout the Rebbe’s life.

We see it in the Chassidus that the Rebbe Rashab revealed. Also the Rebbe Rashab was an innovator and a revolutionary in the field of education. By founding the Yeshiva of Tomchei Temimim the Rebbe brought the study of Chassidus to an entirely new level. The focus of study of the concepts of Chassidus became similar to the involvement required in learning an in-depth sugya in the Gemara. This revolution in education did not begin at the founding of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim rather much earlier, in this story from the Rebbe’s youth. The Rebbe named the Temimim of Tomchei Temimim “Chayolei Beis David”. He entrusted them and he deployed them to reveal Hashem's presence and to fight the darkness of the galus with the light of Chassidus to bring Moshiach.

As much as we have accomplished until now to bring Moshiach throughout the generations we have not reached its completion yet and therefore we are spiritually sick. The desire to complete the mission is our inspiration to break out of our own limits until we achieve the complete unity with the coming of Moshiach.

Why was this story revealed in our times to us and not in previous generations when they were on a higher level? It was revealed now because the Rebbeim have given us the power over  the distractions that are caused by the increased darkness of our times. We have the ability to tap into this power  to find within our study of the Torah and performance of mitzvahs the desire to always go higher and to connect Hashem even more, each one according to our level. We tap into the ability to do mitzvos more beautifully for ourselves and for others with ahavas Yisroel and achdus Yisroel. With this desire we guide our children towards a higher goal of an even greater and more explicit focus  on learning for its own sake, to experience closeness with Hashem, and to feel Hashem’s direct involvement in our lives. It is known that the darkest point of the night is immediately before the dawn. Therefore stronger inspiration is required and this is what the  Rebbeim and the study of Chassidus accomplishes. 

Nevertheless someone might ask how it is possible to achieve the desire. The Rebbe Rashab once said to someone “Come into my wagon and you will be elevated.” The person asked how to get into the wagon. The Rebbe answered that there are a few steps. The first step is to think about the purpose of every physical thing he needs and to utilize it for its purpose (in the service of Hashem). The second step is to think over a concept in Chassidus for 15 minutes a day (to learn Chassidus). 

When we learn from the example of Avraham Avinu and  the Rebbe Rashab; when follow the guidance of the Rebbeim, learn Chassidus and educate our children in this spirit we have the necessary inspiration and strength to buck the trend of galus together with all its darkness and distractions. We have the power to reveal G-dliness in the world to complete the clean out of the final vestiges of the swamp of galus and greet Moshiach today.

A Good Shabbos

(Adapted from the Sicha for the parsha of Vayeira 5750) 

Pan Kloli

In light of the situation of possible unrest we are sending a Pan to the Rebbe on behalf of Anash of LA that everyone should be safe.

The Pan also is for a bracha for people who need to recover from the pandemic physically and monetarily and for anyone else who needs a refuah. 

Anyone who would like to join this Pidyon Klali should sign it ASAP for themselves and their families.

We would like to send this to the ohel in the morning 

To sign the Pan - Click Below

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