Rabbi Yossi Schneerson
will iy"h be selling esrogim in shul
Motzei Shabbos: 9pm-12am
Sunday: 4-11pm
Monday: 7-11pm
Rabbi Yossi Schneerson
will iy"h be selling esrogim in shul
Motzei Shabbos: 9pm-12am
Sunday: 4-11pm
Monday: 7-11pm
Tuesday - Erev Yom Kippur
Wednesday - Yom Kippur
Upcoming Birthdays
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
Address: 121 North Virgil Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90004.
Monday-8 Tishrei, 6:30-8:30pm.
Tuesday-9 Tishrei, 6-8am.
For more info and pricing: chabadlc.org/chicken
Thank you to all who made generous Tzedakah pledges over the Yom Tov!!
It is because of your generosity that we continue to grow and build our community!! May Hashem repay you (at least) thousand fold!!
Please pay your pledges here or send in a check as soon as possible.
With warm wishes for a Gmar Chasima Tova!
Monday, First Day Rosh Hashanah
Tuesday, Second Day Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, Tzom Gedaliah
As stated in shulchan aruch, there is a minhag to go to the beis hachaim
on erev rosh hashana after shachris.
There is a group of community members meeting tomorrow, 11:15 am,
at Mount Olive - 7231 E. Slauson Ave.
They will start by Rabbi Raichik ob"m and from there go other kevorim.
May we all be gebenched with a shana tova umesuka
Sunday, Erev Rosh Hashanah
Monday, First Day Rosh Hashanah
Tuesday, Second Day Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, Tzom Gedaliah
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
The new issue of the "Chabad Chodesh"
is now available online by clicking here
There are only a few days left until Rosh Hashana.
Seats are $300/members and $500/non-members for each family.
Family Membership is $1200, Single Membership $600
Annual fee for lockers is $180
If you haven’t done so, please go to www.chabadofla.com/donate to pay for your membership/seats amd or lockers.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds!
This year we will doing two minynim for men & women (upstairs & in the main shul) and the program for kids in the kollel room.
If you have any questions, please contact the gabboim.
All those who pledged money to help families in need for tishrei. Please pay up the pledge asap online by clicking here or by bringing a check to shul.
Thank you!
As was Rabbi Raichik’s yearly custom to bring the Panim of the Los Angeles community to the Rebbe, Rabbi Avrohom Abba Raichik will be leaving to the Ohel this Wednesday evening (25 Elul/Sep 21), bringing along the Panim of our community.
If you would like to send a pan with him, please give it to him in shul or put it in Rabbi Raichik mailbox (6724 Beverly) by Wednesday evening 8pm. He will not be reading your panim, rather will bl"n try to tear each one as the custom is.
Wishing you and your family a good and healthy year!
SUNDAYS @ 9 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman
MONDAYS - after Maariv: Smichas Chaver Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler
TUESDAYS - after Maariv: Moshiach Shiur
with Rabbi Reuven Wolf
WEDNESDAYS - after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Getzy Rosenfeld
5:30 at the home of Mrs. Sterna Citron
723 N Orange
Speaker: Rabbi Chaim Citron
Upcoming Birthdays
Upcoming Anniversaries
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
SUNDAYS @ 9 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman
MONDAYS - after Maariv: Smichas Chaver Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler
WEDNESDAYS - after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Getzy Rosenfeld
Levi & Mushka Polichenco
invite the commuinty to a sholom zochor
442 N Gardner #102
Natan Ferszt
invites the commuinty to a sholom zochor
at 118 S Orange
Upcoming Birthdays
Upcoming Anniversaries
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
SUNDAYS @ 9 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman
MONDAYS - after Maariv: Smichas Chaver Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler
TUESDAYS - after Maariv: Moshiach Shiur
with Rabbi Reuven Wolf
WEDNESDAYS - after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Getzy Rosenfeld
Upcoming Anniversaries
Upcoming Yahrtzeits
Elul 6, 5782
September 2, 2022
Dear Shul Member
Greetings and Blessings:
Tishrei is nearly here, and the Shul needs your help. Boruch Hashem, our shul continues to grow in membership and services to the community. The cost of running the Shul is enormous and has grown exponentially over the past few years. Funds collected for membership and Yom Tov seats provide the majority of the money required to operate the shul. Shul Membership dues and Yom Tov seats are therefore the most important contributions that you can make to keep the shul running.
Our shul has four minyonim on Shabbos, including Kol Yaakov Yehuda during the school year. We have a full range of Shabbos programs for the kids. We also have five official weekday shacharis minyonim with more in the later morning. Hundreds of men use our shul on a daily basis for mincha and maariv. Men and women from throughout Southern California participate in our shul sponsored shiurim and farbrengens. Congregation Levi Yitzchok is a destination shul for out of towners visiting the area and for anyone that wants to experience our special environment.
Keeping the mortgage current, utilities paid and managing the other expenses that go into operating our shul is critical. Our expenses for security guards and other security related items have leaped over the past year as well. The Shul needs your participation and contributions to survive.
We encourage you to submit your payments to the shul online by credit card or e-check at www.chabadofla.com/donate. When paying online, you can easily set up a recurring monthly payment. We thank the many members that have committed to paying $125 per month or more, and hope that you consider a monthly contribution that exceeds the minimum membership. Of course, full membership payment in advance is also welcome. If you are paying by check, please make sure that it is clearly identified as membership. Checks can be given to Levi Raichik, Leib Lerner, or David Kaufman. Checks can also be left in the metal pushkas just inside the shul entrances in both the main shul and the kolel.
We are asking that you take care of this by no later than 20 Elul/September 16.
A limited number of lockers are available to members. The annual fee for lockers is $180 and lockers that are not paid for will be released to members that have signed up on the waiting list on a first-come/first-served basis.
Wishing you a kesiva v’chasima tovah,
Members of the Volunteer Shul Operating Committee