
Shul Bulletin

Announcements - Vayeira

  • Click Here for KYY info.
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!

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Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Chayei Sarah

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with by Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Shabbos Schedule - Vayeira

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:41 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:54 am
  • Shiur Chassidus by the Rov: 9:00 am  
  • Chassidus for the early Minyan with Rabbi Greenbaum - liloy nishmas Reb Eliyahu ben Avraham Moshe Halevi: 9:30 am 
  • Shacharis: 9:45 & 10:00 am
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See Link above!
  • Rambam Shiur: 5:20 pm 
  • Mincha: 5:40 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 6:44 pm
  • Motzei Shabbos: Move clocks one hour back!! 

Kiddush Sponsors - Vayeira

  • Mr. Emanuel Craig for the yahrtzeit of his father ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hayman for the yahrtzeit of Mr. Daniel Hayman’s mother Mrs. Leah bas Reb Shraga Feivel ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Vayeira

5:15 at the home of Mrs. Tzirel Frankel
109 N Vista
Fabrengen, tehillim and seder niggunim 

Mazal Tovs - Vayeira

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Bukiet on the engagement of their granddaughter Bracha Piekarski to Yosef Leshes.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Chaim Citron on the engagement of their grandson Shragi Citron to Chana Gelman. 

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Yossi Goldman - 20 Cheshvan
  • Menachem Mendel Stark - 20 Cheshvan
  • Dr. Ira Cohen - 21 Cheshvan
  • Dovid Tsikman - 24 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Moishe Kasowitz - 26 Cheshvan

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Jonathan Glabman - 20 Cheshvan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Pinchas Hirsch - 26 Cheshvan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Mrs. Leah bas Reb Shraga Feivel (Mr. Daniel Hayman’s mother) - 22 Cheshvan 
  • Reb Zelig ben Reb Yitzchok (Mr. David Kaufman’s grandfather) - 22 Cheshvan

Car Menorahs

As in previous years, we will bez"h be selling Car Menorahs
to Shluchim and Balei Batim for Pirsumei Nissah.

Order before Chof Cheshvon: $250
Regular price: $280 
Bulk discounts available. 

Contact us @ [email protected] or 3234919085

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Melave Malka - Chof Cheshvan

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Door Greeters Wanted

As many of you probably noticed, we successfully launched our door greeter program last Shabbos.

I want to personally thank those of you that have decided to participate in what is probably the most important part of our overall security strategy.

As of now, we do not have enough volunteers for full coverage. To make this program truly successful, we need several more volunteers so we can cover the doors from at least 9.00am-1.00pm. Please reconsider and help us out. It can be a weekly post or just a once-a-month duty. 

Please reply to [email protected] or call Melech Weiss at 323.449.0449.

Announcements - Lech Lecha

  • Click Here for KYY info.
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!

Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Vayeira

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with by Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

MONDAYS @ 8:00 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler 

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Shabbos Schedule - Lech Lecha

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:48 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:51 am
  • Shiur Chassidus by the Rov: 9:00 am  
  • Chassidus for the early Minyan with Rabbi Greenbaum - liloy nishmas Reb Eliyahu ben Avraham Moshe Halevi: 9:30 am 
  • Shacharis: 9:45 & 10:00 am
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See Link above!
  • Rambam Shiur: 5:25 pm 
  • Mincha: 5:45 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 6:51 pm

Kiddush Sponsors - Lech Lecha

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shloime Arnold for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shloime Arnold’s grandmother Mrs. Alta Elka bas Reb Avrohom Bunim Hakohen ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Bastomski in honor of Rabbi Yisroel Bastomski’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Binyomin Kaplan in honor of Rabbi Binyomin Kaplan’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Mrs. Resha Solomon for the yahrtzeit of her brother Reb Doniel Refuel ben Reb Gershon ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Berl Sroka for the yahrtzeits of Mr. Berl Sroka’s grandfather Reb Aron ben Reb Moshe Dovid ob”m, Mrs. Mindy Sroka’s father Reb Yosef ben Reb Noson Halevi ob”m & Mr. Berl Sroka’s grandmother Mrs. Zlata bas Reb Yitzchok Dovid ob"m. May the neshomos have an aliya.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Lech Lecha

4:45 at the home of Mrs. Sterna Citron
723 N Orange
Speaker: Mrs. Sterna Citron

Mazal Tovs - Lech Lecha

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Amram Farkash on the engagement of their son Levi to Chana Kaplan. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Rebbitzen Schochet. 
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Nochum Pinson on the birth of their great granddaughter (to Mendel & Mimi Pinson.)

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Rabbi Yisroel Bastomski - 13 Cheshvan
  • Menachem Mendel Gansburg - 14 Cheshvan
  • Shlomo Yaakov Stark - 14 Cheshvan
  • Dr. Binyomin Kaplan - 15 Cheshvan
  • Menachem Mendel Eliyahu Goldman - 16 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Chaim Meyer Pell - 16 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Daniel Dorn - 17 Cheshvan
  • Binyamin Lumer - 17 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Levi Nagel - 19 Cheshvan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Yosef ben Reb Noson Halevi (Mrs. Mindy Sroka’s father) - 13 Cheshvan
  • Mrs. Zlata bas Reb Yitzchok Dovid (Mr. Berl Sroka’s grandmother) - 13 Cheshvan
  • Mrs. Tzerel bas Reb Ben Tzion (Mrs. Linda Yachzel’s mother-in-law) - 14 Cheshvan
  • Mrs. Alta Elka bas Reb Avrohom Bunim Hakohen (Rabbi Shloime Arnold’s grandmother) - 16 Cheshvan
  • Reb Dovid ben Reb Moshe Yehushua (Mrs. Sarah Morris’s father) - 16 Cheshvan
  • Mrs. Malkah bas Reb Nosson (Mrs. Marci Kaufman’s grandmother) - 16 Cheshvan
  • Reb Doniel Refuel ben Reb Gershon (Mrs. Roberta Solomon’s brother) - 17 Cheshvan
  • Mrs. Keira bas Reb Yosef (Mrs. Elka Soussana’s mother) - 19 Cheshvan

Announcements - Noach

  • Click Here for KYY info.
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!

Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Lech Lecha

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with by Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

MONDAYS @ 8:00 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler 

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Shabbos Schedule - Noach

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 5:55 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:48 am
  • Chassidus for the early Minyan with Rabbi Greenbaum - liloy nishmas Reb Eliyahu ben Avraham Moshe Halevi: 9:30 am 
  • Shacharis: 9:45 & 10:00 am
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See Link above!
  • Mincha: 5:55 pm
  • Shabbos Ends: 6:58 pm

Kiddush Sponsors - Noach

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shloime Arnold in honor of Rabbi Shloime Arnold’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Naftoli Estulin for the yahrtzeit of Mrs. Fayge Estulin’s mother Mrs. Chana Rivkah bas Reb Aron ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Meir Finck in honor of Rabbi Meir Finck’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Schneerson in honor of Rabbi Shmuel Schneerson’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Noach

5:00 at the home of Mrs. Bluma Sandberg
543 N Martel
Speaker: Mrs. Fradel Bukiet

Mazal Tovs - Noach

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Ber Levine on the engagement of their grandson Meir Levine to Chaya Paltiel.

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Zev Aharon Allison - 6 Cheshvan
  • Avrohom Yechezkel Wiener - 6 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Shloime Arnold - 7 Cheshvan
  • Shmuel Elimelech Cohen - 10 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Aharon Shapiro - 10 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Meir Finck - 11 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Shmuel Sufrin - 11 Cheshvan
  • Mr. David Kaufman - 12 Cheshvan
  • Ephraim Lerner - 12 Cheshvan
  • Menachem Mendel Munitz - 12 Cheshvan

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kramish - 6 Cheshvan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Mark - 9 Cheshvan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Frank Revere - 11 Cheshvan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Koch - 12 Cheshvan
  • Mr. & Mrs. Berl Sroka - 12 Cheshvan

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Moshe ben Reb Chayim Zev (Mr. Harvey Benton’s father) - 7 Cheshvan 
  • Mrs. Chana Rivkah bas Reb Aron (Mrs. Fayge Estulin’s mother) - 11 Cheshvan 
  • Mrs. Shaina Baila bas Reb Moshe (Mr. Mottel Polityko’s grandmother) - 11 Cheshvan 
  • Reb Aron ben Reb Moshe Dovid (Mr. Berl Sroka’s grandfather) - 11 Cheshvan 
  • Mr. Yerachmiel Mencahem ben Reb Yakov Yisroel (Mr. Nota Berger’s grandfather) - 12 Cheshvan

Volunteer Greeters Needed for Shabbos Security

In our constant efforts to increase shul safety and security, we have observed other shuls successfully using a greeter system to compliment the armed security guards. 

The job of the greeter is to stand at the entrance to ensure that anyone seeking to enter the shul should be appropriately admitted.  Adding this program is strongly recommended by our security consultants and will increase the effectiveness of our armed guards and overall security.

We are trying to find enough volunteers to divide into 30 minute shifts from 930am-1pm every Shabbos for the month of Cheshvan (i.e., the next four Shabbosim).   If you are interested in helping, please reply to [email protected] to let us know that you can join the program.

Thank you from the Shul Security Team

Mivtzoim Opportunity

Men and boys please come and bring your Tefilin. 
Ladies and girls, pls join mivtza Neshek - Neshek will be available at 418 N. Fuller

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Announcements - Parshas Bereishis

  • Click Here for KYY info.
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!

Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Parshas Noach

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with by Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

SUNDAYS @ 9:10 am: Chassidus
with Rabbi Moshe Kesselman

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

Shabbos Schedule - Parshas Bereishis

  • Shabbos Candle Lighting: 6:04 pm
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:46 am
  • Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim: 8:15 am
  • TEHILLIM CLUB: 9:00 until 10 o’clock for girls and boys in the kollel. Children who are not able to attend but send in a note or text message that they said TEHILLIM for 30 minutes are eligible for pizza coupons and a treat. 
  • Chassidus: 9:45
  • Shacharis: 10 & 10:15
  • Kol Yakov Yehuda: See Link above!
  • Rambam Shiur: 5:30 pm
  • Mincha: 6:00 pm.
  • Shabbos Ends: 7:07 pm
  • Moled for Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan: Shabbos, Tishrei 29/October 14, 6:33pm and 1 chelek.
  • Rosh Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan: Sunday & Monday, October 15 & 16. 

Kiddush Sponsors - Parshas Bereishis

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  • Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Anatian in honor of Mr. Moshe Anatian’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Braude in honor of Rabbi Boruch Braude’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.
  • Mrs. Miriam Fishman for the yahrtzeit of her father Reb Tuvya Velvel ben Reb Meir ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Frankel for the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Simcha Frankel’s father Reb Yitzchok Aryeh ben Reb Manis Halevi ob"m. May the neshomo have an aliya.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Vcherashansky in honor of Mr. Yossi Vcherashansky’s birthday. May he have a shnas hatzlocho begashmiyus ubruchniyus.

Women's Shabbos Shiur - Parshas Bereishis

5:00 at the home of Mrs. Yehudit Schneerson
364 N Fuller
Speaker: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht

Mazal Tovs - Parshas Bereishis

  • Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Feiner on the birth of their grandson to (to Yossi & Brocho Feiner.)

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Levi Yitzchak Allison - 29 Tishrei
  • Rabbi Boruch Braude - 1 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Yossi Vcherashansky - 1 Cheshvan
  • Mr. Moshe Anatian - 2 Cheshvan
  • Moishele Rubinstein - 2 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Dovid Blasberg - 3 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Shmuel Schneerson - 4 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi Elozor Fisch - 5 Cheshvan

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Goldman - 29 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Zali Munitz - 29 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Rubinstein - 30 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Katz - 1 Cheshvan
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Pinson - 2 Cheshvan

Security Reminder

Given the current situation and in an ongoing effort to keep the Shul as safe as possible, please remember that we all need to be vigilant in our collective security efforts.  This includes:

  • Make sure doors are not propped open.
  • Children should not play in the alley or on La Brea Ave unsupervised.
  • Do not chitchat with the security guards so that they can do their job without interruption.
  • Most importantly, if you see something, say something immediately to someone on the security committee (Melech Weiss, Izzy Munitz, Yossi Eilfort, Leib Lerner) or one of the security guards.

Announcements - 2nd Days of Sukkos

  • Click Here for KYY info.
  • Click Here for all your favorite Torah publications in one convenient place.
  • Click here to pay up all your building fund, kibud or yiskor pledges and outstanding membership. Thank you to all of our supporters!

Kollel Levi Yitzchok: Week of Bereishis

DAILY between Mincha & Maariv: Rambam Shiur
with by Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

TUESDAYS after Maariv: Sicha Shiur
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik

WEDNESDAY @ 8:00 pm: Smichas Chaver-Chabad
with Rabbi Dovid Schmukler 

THURSDAYS after Maariv: Leil Shishi Chassidus
with Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik 

Schedule - 2nd Days of Sukkos

The shul will iy"H be providing all Seudos of Yom Tov!!!
besides Shmini Atzeres Day (Shabbos day)

Friday Night/Shabbos - Shmini Atzeres

  • Light Yom Tov Candles: 6:13 pm
    Lehadlik ner shel shabbos vshehl yom tov & Shehecheyano
  • Kabolas Shabbos: 6:50 pm
  • Followed by Kiddush/Seuda for WOMEN in KOLLEL
  • Atta Horeisa & Hakofos for the whole shul: 7:30 pm
  • 9:00 pm: Seudas Yom Tov for MEN in the SUKKAH & Farbrengen with Harav Yosef Yitzchok Kesselman together with his son Harav Moshe Kesselman.
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:44 am
  • Shacharis: 10:15 & 11 am
  • Yiskor: around 11:45 am
  • During Mussaf we start saying Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem
  • Mincha: 6:15 pm

Motzei Shabbos/Sunday- Simchas Torah

  • Light Yom Tov candles from a pre-existing flame after 7:15 pm
    lehadlik ner shel yom tov & shehecheyano
  • Maariv: 7:15 pm
  • Followed by children's seudas yom tov and then Hakofos.
  • Kiddush & Farbrengen: for MEN in the SUKKAH, for WOMEN in the KOLLEL starting at 8:30 pm
  • Atta Horeisa & Hakofos: 9:30 pm.
  • After Hakofos - Seudas Yom Tov for MEN in the SUKKAH & Farbrengen with Harav Yosef Yitzchok Kesselman together with his son Harav Moshe Kesselman. 
  • Early Shacharis: 9:00 am 
  • Last Time To Read Shema: 9:45 am 
  • Main Shacharis: 10:15 am
  • Followed by Kiddush & Farbrengen: for MEN in the tent, for WOMEN in KOLLEL
  • GRAND KYY HAKAFOS lead by Rabbi Mendel Duchman: 12:00 pm.
  • Atta Horeisa & Hakofos: 1:15 pm
  • Followed by Sedas Yom tov
  • 5:20 pm Mincha/Farbrengen with Harav Yisroel Noach Raichik, & Rabbi Efraim Pekarski. Upon the Rebbe's instructions, we invite ALL MEN to please join us as we conclude this yom tov with a special Farbrengen including the Nigunim of all the Rabbeim.
  • Yom Tov Ends: 7:14 pm

For all the laws and customs please see the Chabad Chodesh

Mazal Tovs - 2nd Days of Sukkos

  • Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Mishulovin on the birth of their grandson to (to Zvi & Chava Issacovich.)

Upcoming Birthdays

  • Mr. Yakov Jacobson - 22 Tishrei
  • Zali Raichik - 22 Tishrei
  • Mr. Yanky Munitz - 23 Tishrei
  • Chaim Plotkin - 23 Tishrei
  • Mr. Yoni Pelman - 24 Tishrei
  • Shua Pinson - 24 Tishrei
  • Yossi Weiss - 24 Tishrei
  • Sruly Glabman - 26 Tishrei
  • Mr. Yehosuah Goldman - 27 Tishrei
  • Mr. Asher Katz - 28 Tishrei
  • Sholom Dovber Thaler - 28 Tishrei

Upcoming Anniversaries

  • Mr. & Mrs. Yerachmiel Altman - 21 Tishrei
  • Mr. & Mrs. Jon Engelson - 24 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Pinson - 25 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Laizer Labkowsky - 26 Tishrei
  • Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Niasoff - 26 Tishrei
  • Rabbi & Mrs. Dovi Gorelik - 28 Tishrei

Upcoming Yahrtzeits

  • Reb Eliyahu Arye Leib ben Reb Yosef (Rabbi Nootie Gross’s father) - 22 Tishrei 
  • Reb Tuvya Velvel ben Reb Meir (Mrs. Miriam Fishman’s father) - 27 Tishrei 
  • Mrs. Yocheved bas Reb Yaakov (Mrs. Leah Weintraub’s mother) - 27 Tishrei 
  • Mrs. Miriam Hinda bas Reb Hershel (Mr. Richard Rosenbloom’s mother) - 28 Tishrei

Reminder! Tonight Simchas Beis Hashoeiva!!

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