Always wanted to have the Zchus of buying Maftir Yona???
Well the *Rebbe's Diamond Daveners of Los Angeles* can make that wish come true.........Here's your chance.........
As Yom Kippur nears, The Rebbes's Diamond Daveners of Los Angeles- announces their nationwide “Maftir Yonah community partnership @ The KidsShul*”. fundraising campaign.On Yom Kippur we are going to have a Minyan for the layning of MaftirYonah, in Zchus of all those who participate with their contribution .
We will also compile all names of the “Maftir Yona partnership” in a special
PAN that will be i”yh brought the the OHEL.
How many times you have wanted to buy Maftir Yonah, but it was beyond your means? Now is your chance in a cooperative method. What better way than doing it at a kids minyan where the kids have “the direct line” to Hashem, besides for the powerful achdus that this project displays.
Please give any amount . . . please give generously (economic times are tough – larger sponsors have dissipated).
Just *click here* to make your donation today.
On behalf of all the Mispallelim of KYY – The Rebbe’s Diamond Daveners, we thank you and we wish you a year of abundance in everything you need and
want, B’Ruchnious and B’Gashmius.
Mashi and Yaakov Benzaquen wrote...