Menachem Av 11, 5784
August 15, 2024
Dear Congregant,
Greetings and Blessings:
The Shul needs your help. Boruch Hashem, our shul continues to grow and to add programs and services. While Shabbos kiddush, some special programs, and charitable activities are funded by directed sponsorships and donations, the cost of operating the Shul is enormous and has grown significantly over the past few years. These operational costs include mortgage payments, security, building maintenance, utilities, insurance, KYY & other children’s programs, as well as the Rabbi’s salary. Fortunately, due to volunteer services including legal, accounting and general Shul management, operating costs are kept to a minimum. Even so the operating budget is substantial.
Funds collected for membership and Yom Tov seats provide the majority of the money required to cover shul operating costs. We are therefore asking that everyone who makes use of the shul become a paying member of the shul. Whether the shul is your Shabbos shul or your weekday minyan destination; whether you take advantage of shiurim or special programs, or value KYY and other shul kids’ programs, membership dues and Yom Tov seats are the most important contributions that you can make to keep the shul running.
The Shul needs your participation and contributions to survive and there is no special merit for waiting until Tishrei to begin. While all contributions are appreciated, our full paying membership schedule is as follows:
- Family Membership (Including Yom Tov Seats) - $1500 ($125 monthly)
- Single Membership (Including Yom Tov Seats) - $700 (approx. $60 monthly)
- Associate Membership - $600 ($50 monthly)
We encourage you to submit your payments to the shul online by credit card or e-check at To ease the payment burden, you can easily set up a recurring monthly payment. We thank the members that have committed to paying $150 per month or more. We hope more of you will consider a monthly contribution exceeding the regular membership. Of course, full membership payment in advance is also welcome. If you are paying by check, please make sure that it is clearly identified as membership. Checks can be given to Levi Raichik, Yisroel Meir Munitz, or David Kaufman. Checks can also be left in the metal pushkas just inside the shul entrances in both the main shul and the kollel.
The Volunteer Shul Operating Committee