

Wednesday, 19 October, 2011 - 12:18 am

  • Those who pledged to bring items for Simchas Torah please remember to bring them to Shul ASAP.
  • On Simchas Torah night (Thursday night) there will be a 'Family Hakafos' geared for our many shul families with small children. Maariv will be davened bizman, and after a short kiddush for the children, Hakafos will start right away. The Family Hakafos will conclude before the main Hakafos begin after Tahalucha. 
  • Click here for the updated CRC Kosher liquor list. If using an smartphone click here
  • There will be special parking rules for Tishrei, Please see this link
  • Please say Tehillim for Rochel Bas Simcha Chaya, Dovid ben Elenore, Devorah Miriam bas Sarah and for Rachamim Oscar ben Rochel.
  • The Hoch Bris will iy"h be Monday, Tishrei 26/October 24, 5:00 pm, at Moshe Gantz Hall.
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