
Purim Schedule

Thursday, 13 March, 2014 - 11:45 am

Purim Night - Motzei Shabbos

  • 1st Minyan (In KYY): Ma'ariv: 7:55, Megillah: 8:05
  • 2nd Minyan (In Kolel): Ma’ariv: 8:05, Megillah: 8:20 (Enter through the La Brea entrance).
  • Main Minyan (In Shul): Ma’ariv: 8:15, Megillah: 8:30 

Important Message from Rabbi Duchman!!! 
The Grand Purim Extravaganza will begin IMMEDIATELY after the Main Shul Megillah Reading. 

Purim Day - Sunday

  • Sunrise: 7:02 am
  • 1st Minyan (in Shul): Shacharis 7:00, Megillah: 7:30
  • 2nd Minyan (in Kolel): Shacharis 8:00, Megillah: 8:30
  • 3rd Minyan (in Shul): Shacharis 8:30, Megillah: 9:00
  • 4th Minyan (in KYY): Shacharis 9:00, Megillah: 9:30
  • 5th Minyan (in Kolel): Shacharis 9:30, Megillah: 10:00
  • 6th Minyan (in Shul): Shacharis 10:00, Megillah: 10:30
  • Mincha: 4:00 & 5:00 pm
  • Sunset: 7:01 pm
  • Maariv: ??? :)


  • For all the laws of Purim please see the "Chabad Chodesh" by clicking here.
  • Rabbi Thaler will be doing a special Megilah reading at his home 418 N Martel Ave. Purim Night: 9:30 pm. Purim Day: 1:00 pm. 
  • Parking meters on La Brea require payment even on SUNDAY!!! Check the signs!
  • Since this year Purim is on Motzoei Shabbos, the Megillah should be brought to Shul either Friday before Shabbos, or after Shabbos - as we are not allowed to bring a Megillah to Shul even where there’s an Eiruv, because we are prohibited to prepare from Shabbos to weekday.
  • The same applies for children putting on their Purim costumes - it must be done after Shabbos. One should say after Shabbos is over “Boruch Hamavdil Bein Kodesh Lechol” before doing any work or preparation for Purim.
  • Silly string, bomb bags, and any other items that cause smoke or endanger clothes and megillas are not permitted in shul. Please insure that your children do not bring items of this type to the Megilla reading.
  • Mivtza Purim: There is so much Mivtzoim to do in our area, if you can participate please email the yeshiva Shluchim at [email protected].
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