
Announcements - Shemini

Friday, 21 March, 2014 - 9:24 am

  • Click here for KYY update.
  • Click here for this week’s JEM “Here’s My Story”.
  • Chassidus, Cheese danishes, Starbucks and babysitting: Shabbos morning, 8:45-9:45 at 118 S. Orange Dr. 
  • Sunday: Achdus Gathering for Neshei Chabad, 8 pm at Moshe Ganz Hall. Speakers: Mrs. Esther Rochel Moscowitz (live from Chicago), Rabbi Reuven Wolf and Mrs. Shula Bryski. 
  • Monday: The Gorelik Bris will iy"h take place Monday, 22 Adar-II/March 24, 6 pm at the Feiner's 305 S McCadden Pl. Mazal Tov and may we share only good news. 
  • Matzo: If you plan on ordering matzos through Rabbi Raichik, please do so by this Tuesday, Adar-II 23/March 25. 
  • SAVE THE DATE: Special Shiur for men & women with Rabbis Nathanson & Raichik about products permissible on pesach. Sunday, Adar-II 28/March 30, 10 am in the Kolel. 
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