Dear Friends:
Close your eyes for 30 seconds, if you would, and imagine the sight/plight of a young child, clinging onto Daddy, as the prison visit comes to and end.....
It's nearly impossible to describe the feelings of a young mother, whose husband and former breadwinner was suddenly taken away from her in cuffs, and who now has to deal with hysterical children, eviction notices and paralyzing shame. Contrary to the general misconception, most of these families are destitute, and in many cases, don’t even have enough money to visit Daddy.
For thousands of heart broken families, and their loved ones in prison, Aleph's reminder that you are not alone, you are not forgotten, is a priceless gift.
Aleph's military division provides spiritual support to thousands of soldiers in the US Armed forces. (a divison of Aleph) provides crucial intervention to adolescents who are in/facing prison as a result of mental illness/addiction.
Please consider partnering in Aleph's auction - which ends tomorrow (Monday) - to help ensure Aleph's team of 40 staff, can continue responding to the 1000+ cries for help, we receive on a monthly basis.
Please visit - you may just win up to $100,000!
Alternatively, please email [email protected], if you would like someone from the Aleph team to follow up with you.
Please consider encouraging family and friends to join as well.
May HASHEM bless you and your loved ones with good health, happiness, Nahas and much prosperity. May the joy you bring to others radiate back at you! With prayers that we all be reunited in Yerushalyim with the coming of Moshiach ever so soon!
On behalf of all of us at Aleph, and the thousands of lives who will be touched by your kindness: Thank you! Thank you!
Rabbi Zvi Boyarsky