
Devar Torah - Noach

Thursday, 23 October, 2014 - 6:00 pm

Building and Maintaining our Teiva in 5775-2014

By Rabbi Shimon Raichik

First, I want to send our condolences to the Braun family who lost their 3-month-old baby Chaya Zissel in a terror incident in Yerushalayim. May Hashem give the family the courage to overcome this tragedy and may they only know simchas in the future.

This tragedy reminds all of us that there is an enemy out there that is determined to carry out its evil plans. We need to be strong, determined and patient, continuing with even greater strength than before in carrying out our important mission in this world that will lead to the geula shleima.

Unfortunately, all too often we see weakness coming from our side in the form of compromises and looking the other way when a strong response is necessary. True, the terrorists get their houses demolished and they sit in jail for a while. As we see however this is far too weak of a response. Soon enough they are getting international aid to rebuild and are out again on a prisoner swap and are once again murdering and maiming Jewish people.  It’s not working, we cannot look the other way and just ignore it any longer, we must speak out and take action. We need to build everywhere we can in Eretz Yisroel to show the world that we are here to stay and it belongs to us. We show this through action not just through speeches or public resolutions.

We can learn an essential lesson in forbearance and hope from Noach. We learn this week that Noach did not let his environment affect his resolve to follow Hashem’s plans. He kept strong and didn’t give up hope during the long 120 year project of building the teiva. Noach didn’t call a press conference that he’s going to build a teiva and then debate his ideas in the UN. He resolved that he just needs to act, and because of this are we here today.

Each one of us can take a vital lesson in our personal lives. With strength, hope and perseverance in all matters of Torah and mitzvos we will be successful in reaching the goal. We need to stay clear and on course, speak clearly and directly and act decisively about who we are and what we represent to our own children and to the world at large.

It’s not enough that we had fabrengens and spoke and made good resolutions over Yom Tov. We need to bring it into action and fulfill those resolutions whether in Torah, avodah or gamilus chasadim.

Through our courage and perseverance for Shleimus HaTorah, Sheilmus HaAm and Shleimus HaAretz we will be zoche to the geula ha’amiti v’haShleima, v’yakitzu v’yirananu shochnei afar.

A Good Shabbos

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